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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Crowbar, I want to make sure you know. We all very much appreciate the time and effort you devoted to our community. You were put in a hard place pretty much from the beginning, but you stuck with it and provided a welcoming place for us to hang out and have fun. Thank you very much for your service to our community. You're welcome to drop by any time you like and/or can.
  2. haha. That was classic what you put in. Actually, I received permission to re-brand it as the Official OCR MineCraft Server once more. Also, IRC is now back to #ocrminecraft...
  3. New server up and running. Here's the IP: It will be jointly run by AngryItch (Phill) and I. Please bear with us as we get all the kinks out. Let us know if you can't access the server, etc. Thanks.
  4. Five minutes til... check to make sure you voted on both.
  5. So, wait... I thought it was post in on the Facebook group?
  6. True. BUT it would be closer because even though it would be broken by one vote, you'd have to actually go get the tiebreaker to do it, making the round closer.
  7. Um... where'd the super secret project forum get moved to?
  8. Hey. I sent Meteo the final WAV a few days ago. I wants my blue.
  9. Oh, hey! Look at this fancy change of subject here? Don't you think it's a lovely change of subject? I think it's a lovely change of subject... Perverts...
  10. Nah, that's no good, Brandon. Just make a decision. They're both fantastic pieces. They deserve to be looked at thoroughly. Not just voted on because it's going one way or the other. That's not cool.
  11. Wow. Moving to the quarter-finals literally without a challenge...
  12. So, I learned a valuable lesson last night. It's a bad idea to have a tnt party when there's no one around who can reset the server... Luckily, I was able to get ahold of Crowbar, but it was bad for a bit.
  13. Um... THIS IS IN AN ANIME STYLE... sorry.
  14. Something's bothering me about it. It's definitely nice work, but the shoulders and the shape of the face/hair are making it look like a guy with tits. Is it just me who's seeing that?
  15. Might need to be more specific...
  16. If you need any help finding unclaimed territory to set up shop, let me know.
  17. What? You guys are jerks... Besides, I was thinking a wall of portals...
  18. No. Subbing to OCR is fine as long as you make sure that it says in your submission e-mail that this is for the SD3 project. They'll hold the mix until the release of the project.
  19. Well... um... I was speaking more generally... Not that I would mind... I feel a little inadequate for the job, though...
  20. If one of us were to take what you've already done and finish it, would you be opposed? (Obviously, you'd retain credit for what you've already done.)
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