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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Fair enough. In that case we should stick it under spawn.
  2. There's plenty of far away land. I suggest building it in a deep cavern and see if it'll blow its way to the surface... If it doesn't, then we'll have a nice underground hall...
  3. Oh... that's a lot easier than I thought it would be. I thought it was in some far corner of the map or something...
  4. Wait. I haven't seen a crop the entire time I've played. Where would those be found?
  5. I made a highway extension to it and a stairwell to the entrance. I also placed some torches and a workbench above it, as a marker.
  6. Wait, did you take over the cave system?
  7. Is there a way to save servers in Minecraft? I keep having to copy/paste it...
  8. Wow. Who built the great wall to the south? Speaking of south, could we get a highway to the south island? Who's in charge of highways? Is it just anybody?
  9. Well... I still can't smelt anything. Anyone know a work around for this? Or, I would be willing to trade smelted iron/gold for unsmelted...
  10. It's a shame there's no way to fly around... on purpose, I mean.
  11. Careful, Capa. He may interpret that as a rough sexual advance...
  12. Geeze. You can't even see my stuff in there. I located where it should be, but I can't see anything there.
  13. Uh... so is my client outdated? Or is the server's? {edit} - Read back a few pages, so disregard my question at this time. Also, all this drama from asking a question about block colors? Remind me to murder my curiosity next time I see it.
  14. Holy crap that's a big world. Props to whoever made the giant Airman (no pun intended). I'm kind of curious how they got those colors...
  15. Welp. I've staked my claim somewhat to the south (o'er the sea.) The big damn "A" and the cliffside fortification should be enough of a marker. Oh, and Gollgagh, could you add me to the OP? Thanks.
  16. Well... there's no real set time on how long it is between rounds. This time around, I just got a bit busy and haven't put it up yet.
  17. So... how do I get to the server you guys are on?
  18. So... um, is there any particular reason I can't access Minecraft right now? (Oh, and I'm registered on Minecraft now.)
  19. Ah! So, you're the reason the white rhinos are being poached to exstinction!
  20. Brush's next purchase will be a steel, spiked codpiece...
  21. Why would there be any rules against it? It's not the 24th yet...
  22. Fair enough. Here's my list, anyway. I assemble it every year anyway, as a tool for gift seekers. Might as well use it here too: http://abadoss.livejournal.com/248457.html
  23. So, Baha. Are you going to link on the OP to whatever post contains our wishlist?
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