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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Speaking of your castle, do you want the highway to connect with your bridge?
  2. You're welcome! I'm glad my super secret sleuthing worked out.
  3. YAY!!! Thanks Crowbar! phill, is there a way to put markers on the map for what all belongs to whom?
  4. Nice idea, except that they'd never be able to prove themselves, since they'd not be able to do anything. We just have to take the chance that we're going to get a forest fire or two until people figure out that fire can spread. At least it's not TNT. We all saw what happened to poor Hylian_Lemon... the crater's still there. Also, using Google maps for the server map is genius!
  5. Is that the hill behind my place? O_O
  6. What happened to your old claim? By the way, whose broken castle is west by southwest of spawn. It's got a lot of mossy cobblestone that I'd like if it's unclaimed...
  7. Okay. I busted my butt to get a line of the highway out to the Southern States. I would appreciate it if everyone would take some time out to fill in the rest of the highway. Thanks...
  8. No worries. I'm just checking around. I can understand not wanting to part with it.

  9. I think it's cute that 2-tan's jammies are Pac-Man eating eigth notes. Also, a deck of OCR cards would be awesome... What else...? Oh, yeah! A newspaper with Rama's death on the front cover!
  10. How much are you willing to sell Twilight Princess for?

  11. Sent mine off. It will also probably arrive around Decemeber 7-ish...
  12. I suppose it would be kind of hard to get that without a Wii... I actually already have a Wii, but I was wondering if you were selling any of the periphrials or games...

  13. I don't think I get the reference...
  14. You still selling Wii stuff at all?

  15. Minecraft seems to be overloading my router much more frequently tonight. Any clue what's going on?
  16. There's actually quite a few lakes... which one did you mean?
  17. What about sticking a sign or two up near spawn? (By the way, how long will it take for the server to reset?)
  18. Um... I wouldn't mind the extra blocks... just sayin'... Warp points are an awesome idea. As are colorful names... like "Flaxabillion"... *shot* x_X
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