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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. In TP, Ganon never reached the Sacred Realm to touch the Triforce, that's true. However, it says in the sage's story about the execution, that the Triforce of Power chose him irregardless, in some sort of ironic twist of fate. If one piece goes to Ganon without him touching it, then it's conceivable that the other two pieces went to Link and Zelda (or their descendants, genetically, spiritually, or otherwise) as well. As far as the seventh sage, there's still an explanation. Remember that, in the future, Adult Link has to awaken the six sages because the world, or at least Hyrule, has been ruled by Ganon for seven years and he made sure that the six temples were corrupted, thus blocking the awakening of the sages as they were. Link's friends step into those roles because they are best suited for them, but I don't think they are the original sages that came before. This same idea happens in WW, when Ruto and Mido (although, I'm not sure why he's taken over for Saria except perhaps she didn't fair so well during Ganon's return from being sealed away) transfer their powers as sages to Medli and Makar, respectively. Without Ganon having the necessary power to block the sages from awakening, there's no need for Link's friends to ascend or be reincarnated as the sages. They would retain their original forms, the forms shown in TP and depicted in the beginning of LttP. The seventh sage, would also retain his/her form. Zelda also "awoke" as a sage, although with certainly less fuss than the others. She filled that role which had become vacant in Adult Link's time. It seems that only Rauru had remained a sage, probably because there's never mentioned a Temple of Light in OoT. Although, the Temple of Time remains fairly uncorrupted, with the exception of Ganon's barging into the Sacred Realm. Probably made it easier for Zelda to awaken. Who knows?
  2. Perhaps the Link in the Oracle games is the same as in the LoZ and following. That could still put LA after the Oracle games. Ganon dies quite a bit in the series, so he's officially dead at the start of many of them, including TP (although, it's implied he'll be coming back). That's the whole cycle. As far as why Ganon is in both timelines, think of it this way. Ganon was sealed away at the end of OoT in Adult Link's world. He escapes and wreaks havoc in WW's world. In Child Link's world, Ganon hasn't been sealed away yet. All that happens is that Link and Zelda rat him out and he gets sentenced to execution. The job is botched and the events of TP occur. He exists in both times, the future sealed away by the sages that Link awoke in the adult world and the past with a botched executed with the sages that were already there. That's why he's in both.
  3. Uh... why am I all of a sudden a draw to a project? That kind of worries me a little... Certainly, I'm flattered, but I wasn't aware I had that status quite just yet.
  4. Well... the thread is about the Zelda timeline... I didn't know much about FSA and FA because I couldn't play them. However, FS should be after MC, regardless of where FSA ends up. That much I do know. After all, FSA is not a remake of FS, from what I know. LttP was actually made as a prequel to the original LoZ, thus I place it where I have. I'd like to hear your reasoning for why LA goes after LttP and not the Oracle games. As for TP messing things up, Ganon's like that in every game, pretty much. You stab Ganon in the forehead in OoT and, in TP itself, his first execution was botched when he got skewered and didn't die. The guy can take a lot of fatal wounds, it seems.
  5. Okay. Took a while, but I've put in the ten I promised...
  6. All the entries are in! It's time to vote! Also, Dj Mokram was kind enough to create this Vote Banner that can be used in your sig, should you want to help out and spread the word:
  7. Personally, I prefer the idea that the Zelda games exist in a timeline because it adds a certain level of context of universe to the otherwise capsulated games. That said, I'm also in favor of the split timeline because, from a creative standpoint, it offers more universe to explore. It also offers the possibility that it could happen again, which intregues me. I've been playing as many of the games as I can. So far, I've played through (recently): -Ocarina of Time -Majora's Mask -A Link to the Past -Twilight Princess -Wind Waker -Minish Cap -Phantom Hourglass -Oracles of Ages/Seasons I've not yet been able to play through Four Swords or Four Swords Adventures, I've not yet had the patience to go through the first two NES games, and I'm not sure what to think of Link's Awakening yet. However, the split theory best explains what I've personally noticed in the games I have played. As far as I can tell, this is how I would place the games: The main troubles I'm having are these: Link's Awakening is most likely after the Oracle games, due mostly to the fact that Link begins the game sailing away from somewhere. It could potentially exist in the WW timeline, if we consider that Link spends a lot of time on boats during WW and PH. However, the events could not happen in between the two games, otherwise Tetra would be involved in the action, and I'm not quite done with PH, but I imagine that he continues on with her and whatever they end up doing in Spirit Tracks. The Oracle games are kind of floating around as far as when they can be placed. I don't think they exist in the WW timeline because Hyrule is a definite place, as opposed a sunken kingdom with only a collection of islands that are inhabitable. I think the Oracle games are later in the timeline for the simple reason that it seems, by this point, that the Kingdom of Hyrule has made contact with other kingdoms and has potential allies besides the usual Zora and Goron kingdoms. Also, Ganon is dead by this point and is about to be resurrected (again) and, at the beginning of the games, the Triforce, as a whole (or, at least, all three parts), appears to be in the possession of Hyrule or, at least, Link. Oracle of Ages' past Holodrum could potentially be anytime somewhere in between OoT/MM and TP or it could be well after any of the events in the preceeding timeline. Since the game takes place outside of Hyrule, there's really no way to tell. It can't be before OoT because it would conflict with TP, which takes place one hundred years after OoT. Four Swords and Four Swords Adventure, I haven't played because they require multiplayer. My friends are probably not the type to play through a game like that with me and wouldn't have the time anyway. However, having played Minish Cap and understanding the fusion of the four essences with the Picori sword, it becomes no stretch to see how they link up (no pun intended). All of these games preceed OoT, due to the elements that are missing from the incarnation and the elements that are set up (in at least Minish Cap). That said, I still don't know enough about FS and FSA to make comment on them, so placing them becomes an act of faith rather than anything solid. Other than those three things, I'm pretty sure of the timeline. Of small note, I think it interesting that the WW timeline is the only one that seems to escape the Triforce/Ganon cycle. Sure, there's tons of problems that Link has to go correct, but it's not the continual resurrection of Ganon, struggle for the Triforce mess, that constantly happens in the TP timeline. I also think that one of the main reasons that they keep revisiting the WW timeline in newer titles is because they artistically wore out the other timeline. If you look, the TP timeline is pretty heavily loaded compared to the WW timeline. I actaully hope they return to the TP timeline someday, but I understand why they may not for a while. I wonder if they will ever have any plans to reconsile the two timelines somehow. That would be a really cool game. There's also the matter of the history preceeding Minish Cap. There's a legend in that game about a warrior, clad in green, who wielded the Picori blade and sealed the great evil away in the chest that Vaati unleashes. The depiction of the warrior doesn't show a green cap, so we can assume that is established in Minish Cap for the rest of the games, which is why it's first on the timeline. However, this begs the question: Is there a game that preceeds MC? I don't think one has been made yet, but it would be interesting to see if they decide to make one. Granted, until we see a copy of the document Miyamoto has on his computer, there's no way we'll really ever know for sure. Just my thoughts, then.
  8. Could you remove the following from my list: WANT :::n64::: Banjo-Kazooie [abadoss] :::nes::: Mega Man 1/2/3/5/6 [abadoss] (Keep Mega Man 4 on the list, though...) :::pc::: Secret of Monkey Island (CD) [abadoss] Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (CD if it exists, must include Wheel of Mojo) [abadoss] Curse of Monkey Island [abadoss] Loom (CD) [abadoss] (I found out I can run all of these off of ScummVM...) :::music compact discs::: Sting - Sacred Love [abadoss]
  9. Wow. I've been on the SD3 project that long?...
  10. This is the last week to turn in your pieces. I hope to see many more entries in the next few days...
  11. Wow. Somehow I actually don't remember this. Although, I certainly remember the circumstances behind my mention. :/
  12. Did you ever see the opening chase sequence in Casino Royale? That's kind of like freerunning. It's basically continuous motion regardless of obstacles, climate, or things blowing up or moving in to kill you... roughly...
  13. I think we may be close to needing a setup like an OCR version of Craigslist... except it would OCRslist or something...
  14. Here's a link to a thread in the Assassin's Creed forum that has three of the symbols needed for the teaser... http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/5251069024/m/5551025747/p/1
  15. http://assassinscreed.us.ubi.com/assassins-creed-2/teaser/ Well, Assassin's Creed 2 is on its way and it's already looking intreguing. I'm kind of bummed that only one of the five images is available to unlock. Also, what's the deal with the "Game Informer 4/16/09"? I wonder if they plan on releasing something at this site or in its newsletter next week. Any thoughts?
  16. Uh, shouldn't it say something on it, though? As to why we're giving people seizures?
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