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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. *cough cough* LeChuck's theme *cough cough*
  2. Considering how you can steal your enemies weapons and there's like thirty different types, I'd say that's a lot more probable this time around...
  3. I was talking about the first game... I haven't seen enough of the new one to be able to tell if there need to be more actors or not...
  4. It was definitely good, for the most part, but there were so few voice actors. I wish they had had more than four actors for each nationality. I'm talking about within the crowd, not the actual characters...
  5. I'm pretty stoked about the gameplay trailer they put out. It's looking pretty sweet. Voice acting still needs a bit of help, probably, but I'm liking a lot of the features they've put in...
  6. Very nice. I'm digging the almost Sims-like accompaniment.
  7. I regret to inform everyone that the results are going to be a little late this time around. I picked up some food poison and haven't been particularly well enough to do much. I will get them out as soon as I can. My apologies.
  8. Yeah, I wonder if historic landmarks (the kind that end up in every other movie) count in this game...
  9. My brother and I were extras for Music Within with Ron Livingston. Bandits was shot mostly here in Portland, from what I remember, as was the Hunted with Benicio Del Toro. Oh, and Mr. Holland's Opus was filmed here, too.
  10. Well, consider when I say that they go by too fast, I read Count of Monte Cristo (unabridged) in roughly a week and little bit over... at work... that's well over a thousand very thick pages... I read (currently) all thirty-six Discworld novels in a period of a year, only stopping because I was borrowing books or hadn't bought the rest yet. All this to say that I read fast in general and a fast read just means it's an enjoyable book that I don't have to torture myself to finish, like certain parts of Don Quixote (the book was marvelous, but there were parts where it became difficult to plod on)...
  11. I've been using borrowed books to get through the series. I just finished the Great Hunt. I'm still not entirely certain what to think of them, but they are enjoyable reads. They go too fast, actually...
  12. Please remove the following from my list: WANT :::nes::: Mega Man 4 [abadoss] Please add the following to my list: WANT :::books::: The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan Thanks.
  13. Oh, right. Well, the thought of jacking off in some public office is not particularly appealing to me...
  14. You mean the "why"? They won't take my blood because I lived more than six months in a particular set of countries prior to a certain date which was ten years or so after a particular accident involving a nuclear facility in Russia and it's subsequent meltdown... That's why...
  15. I have sent in my challenge. I think someone will have a lot of fun on it. ;D
  16. Fixed your link and sent an PM to Oliver. Hopefully, he'll back to me in time...
  17. Who do we call for pure funk (not of the smell variety)?
  18. I'll sign up. I enjoyed it last time, so I see no reason not to this time...
  19. I was wanting to do something from Loom. It was going to be Bobbin Threadbare looking all menacing, pointing his distaff at the viewer, with the caption, "I'm Bobbin Threadbare. You are NOT my mother." Congrats Rama!
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