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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. Yup. About twenty-four hours. Where's a countdown clock when you need one?
  2. I have a hard time imagining him ever being on vacation. The poor man works too hard.
  3. For a brawl? Or a makeout session? You should be a little more specific when you say things like that...
  4. Isn't that a lot of pressure, cooking Swedish meatballs for a Swede? After all, he's probably well aware of what they taste like...
  5. Grr... Why do you guys all have to live on the east coast?
  6. I'm excited for the release. Although, I'm a little worried that my pieces won't be judged in time...
  7. The moment I read that, the Hot Pocket theme came into my head. Hillarious...
  8. Tell you what... pay for my plane ticket, registration, and a room and then I will (reluctantly, but still by my choice) spoon.
  9. Just break it down to it's syllables and it gets easier: E-OB-LOR
  10. Ah, the joys of being a workaholic... as soon as I become one, I'll let you know...
  11. Did you fly last year?
  12. That's what the file folder holding all the WIPs on my computer is named... minus the colon.
  13. I'd really like to go, but I have a feeling that I'm going to run into the same problems I had last year...
  14. After all this joking, I'm having a hard time telling if you're serious...
  15. Is anyone else disturbed by where this conversation is going?
  16. Trillian handles IRC fairly well. Also, free. Can't mod it as heavily as mIRC, though.
  17. Yeah, I'm having trouble with the logic on that one too...
  18. Probably because it was early on in PS1's development. Much like how they didn't start using mp3s on N64 until shortly before it faded out.
  19. I have to agree that Mega Man has great replay value. So do the first three Monkey Island games. Personally, I actually enjoy replaying Super Mario World. Granted, I space out my playings. As for those that don't: Mortal Kombat (any of them, really {edit} Crap, ninja posted...); Tomb Raider (again, any); 1080; etc.
  20. Uh... July 18 is the deadline for voting on CMC 29... (?)
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