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Everything posted by Abadoss

  1. I think I've got an idea of something I could do. We'll see how well I'm able to pull it off, though. Big fan of those old games...
  2. Blizzard is a little more supportive of modders than SquareEnix...
  3. To be honest, I'm not sure why I didn't expect to see a StarCraft campaign leak over to OCR. I used to be a part of the SC modding community several years back, roughly about the same time Auspex Studios and Camelot Systems was still around. I had attempted a campaign much like this, called Tempest of Fire, but it didn't go very far after two years. I'm glad you've managed to get this far and have every intent on finishing it. I also endorse the recommendation of Sam and Long for the soundtrack. I'm not sure you could find better people. I also noticed that you were looking for voice actors. What precisely does that entail?
  4. Why, thank you. :)

  5. Hmm... I could've sworn you had an actual role in the game, not just one of the crowd at the end (which I was part of). It's been too long since I've played it to remember, though...
  6. Whoa! The new setup for the forums really disoriented me. It's not bad, just unexpected. I don't see any problem with it so far, but I think I would have liked some advanced notice that the boards were going to be moved around like that. Oh, well. Anyway, I'll let you know if I see anything awry.
  7. 3-Tan's looking pretty sunburnt...
  8. I'm still toting around the Team Aquarius sign...
  9. True. If any of us find out that another one of us leaked tracks before the release, we will stealthly sneak into your home, rape your babies, and then set you on fire... well, maybe not the raping, but the fire will definitely happen... pretty fire...
  10. There's apparently two different endings: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men_Origins:_Wolverine#Post_credits_scenes
  11. The results are in! Stay tuned for the next round...
  12. He's a little busy, I'd imagine. He'll get back into it when he has time.
  13. Uh, you need a web host. Currently, you're trying to show a picture that's on your harddrive. You'll be able to see it, but none of us will.
  14. Two come to mind: Astor Piazzolla - "Adios Noninos" Iona - "Heaven's Bright Sun" (You might need to not look at the video, cause there's some trippy seizure moments in it...)
  15. Imagebucket tends to be rather popular. I'm not sure how much bandwidth they allow, but it should be enough, I would think. As for just getting the image, right-click, 'save as'... if you have a PC. I'm not sure what the Mac equivalent is...
  16. Assuming it's not an ATM card and has a Mastercard, VISA, or (maybe) American Express symbol on it, it should work...
  17. I miss how no matter what time of day it was, I could usually find a new post in at least one of the threads I read every hour or half-hour. Someone was always posting something at any given time. Quality not factored... It's made me impatient with other forums, though, where I'm annoyed if there's no new posts for a day.
  18. Okay, that works. I must have missed that. In which case, temple not corrupted, sage remains active. Thanks.
  19. I'm liking the new posted ReMixes format on the front page, it's very clean in comparison. Nice job. That said, I wonder if there's another location for the advertisement, as it breaks up things a little too much being right in between the lastest ReMixes and all the forum information. I say this mostly because of the "Previously on OverClocked ReMix" section. It seems out of place, but I'm sure it should be there.
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