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Everything posted by AJ-enova

  1. I have a swollen eye I'm blaming it on stress due to waiting XD
  2. Has anyone else played the PSN Zombie game 'Dead Nation' Really Fun and Intense, just ploughed through it with a friend lol I've to say the music (by Ari Pulkkinen) was awesome! I hope they have it available soon!
  3. In the words of Bolo Santosi from Just Cause 2: 'My Body is Quivering with Anticipation!' XD
  4. Exactly! Just have to wait and check now!
  5. Awww these are exactly what I'm needing Thanks guys!
  6. Seriously one of the best Remixes on here! Totally Awesome! I think the Chorus really captures the feeling of Community somehow, making it an extra suitable song for the sight! Should make on some 'OCR Community Music Video' using this Brilliant Work! I Salute You!!
  7. Just got it lol Tried the Singleplayer (Brilliant Intro lol) and the Undead Overrun online mode - Insane! Anyone else played it yet?
  8. The whole Podcast is 15 mins but I don't expect to get a track that long, hopefully using a few including what I've got. Preferably SNES but anything would be fine
  9. Woaho! Loving it! I'm not too sure about the start/build up. Sounding good may need a bit of work but once it reaches the melody it sounds fuckin awesome!
  10. Awww thanks everyone You've really helper me out! @Duesenburg: Thats really Cool! I can defo use that for an awesome intro! Thank you! @Mordi: Awww that is very happy XD but I can I'm pretty sure I'll be able to use it @Speeeven: Old retro style (NES/COM64 is probs the best cause it's the most stereotypical if you get me) Well the whole podcast has to 15 minutes but I dont expect anyone to have a track that long lol I'll just have series of them Thanks everyone! Are you sure it's ok I use these? I'll defo credit you all if I can
  11. Hmmm I'll see what my Lecturer says about it lol I must say your own tracks are very good I'm guessing the ones with original sounding titles are your own
  12. I'm doing an audio podcast about Video Games for part of my University course and I need music in the background but I can't use any copyrighted tracks Does anyone have any original pieces (that sound like video game music) that I could use? You will be credited if I'm allowed to do a credits bit. Although chances are the only person who listens to it is my lecturer... Can anyone help?
  13. I'm doing an audio podcast about Video Games for part of my University course and I need music in the background but I can't use any copyrighted tracks Does anyone have any original pieces (that sound like video game music) that I could use? You will be credited if I'm allowed to do a credits bit. Although chances are the only person who listens to it is my lecturer... Can anyone help?
  14. Woohoo! Any idea when it'll be 'out'? Next few days? or weeks?
  15. Hey I jsut thought I'd let you know that someone uploaded your ReMix 'Turnabout Trance' onto Newgrounds http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/260772 The uploader's ID is Nemesis Theory. If thats you then cool, jsut letting you know in case it was someone stealing your work... Take Care

  16. And We've got Several Albums on the Way!
  17. This track was always a favourite! Really liking this remix
  18. omg omg omg cant take much more XD
  19. What is your opinion on PSN Trophies and XBox Achievements? Do you think they're having a bad influence on some gamers or enhancing the experience? I for one am unhappy with those who obsess over them, I've even gone as far as giving 'Speechs' on PSHome against them!
  20. Oooooooh Naaaaaasty! XD Agreed CANT WAIT!
  21. Any updates? Whats the Current Status? lol
  22. Awww well not too long away though right? I've been looknig forward to this album since the year started!
  23. Sounds like it could be out any day now! fingers crossed!!
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