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Everything posted by AJ-enova

  1. Awww awesome, cause I really want to hear all this
  2. I tried it again about a dozen times yesterday, now it isnt even taking me to the download page...
  3. OMFG! You need to re-upload it cause that link is fucked. Just keeps refreshing whenever I click to download and if i right click it downloads a useless 119kb file that is nothing!
  4. Holy Shit! Cant wait now! (Want an update of every step closer XD)
  5. This is such an awesome and badass sounding tune it needs to be remixed!
  6. Really looking forward to it guys! Keep up the good work, I'm sure it'll be AWESOME!
  7. A few friends and I have been making a Machinima over the last few weeks about a Dalek invasion of New York Any Machinima or Doctor Who fans please check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGk4emxfszI There are some familiar tunes in there
  8. Wow! A request I made ages ago has been noticed XD I like the pacing of but the layers seem to blur together. You should try making each part sound more distinct. Like the bass beat could sound a bit softer, and the main melody a bit more noticable, things like that. But overall very good Thanks for this lol you've given me a good start to a day
  9. True, I just thought people on the forums here would be a bit more considerate, but guess not...

  10. Woah really liking it I love how the it changes well from style to style. Only bit I'm not sure about is the brass near the end. Something a bit more subtle sounding would go better in my opinion...
  11. Hmmm I think I'm done with the off topic forums lol people have no manners so...

  12. XD LAWL! The testoterone in the Arny and Stallone scene was too much! And Terry Crews rapid firing shotgun was fucking loud!
  13. Awwww klkl lol did you see me in a thread or?

  14. New Chicane Album - Giants
  15. I think checkpoints are necessary because in games like the older Final Fantasy and other games like Red Faction, you had to decide when to save. There were no levels where it would remind you like 'Do you want to save your game?' And if you died you could potentially get sent so far back you wouldn't want to play the game again. Like in Granmd Theft Auto IV if there was a 'Drive across the city followed by shootout' mission and you died in the shootout you'd have to drive ALL the way across the city again!
  16. Hmmm according to Wikipedia: Kurt Russell turned it down cause he 'wasn't interested in being in any ensemble films' JCVD turned it down because he didnt like his character Seagal turned it down cause he didnt get on with one of the producers or summit I'm kinda glad they left Chuck Norris out, he gets enough praise XD
  17. I think It's a shame that Kurt Russell, Jean Claude Van Damme and even fucking steven seagal turned down roles for it - would've made it complete! I shrunk my signature happy?
  18. Who else thinks its gonna be the most awesome film of the year!? lol
  19. It's not the first PS3 Remix 'The Pirates of Oblivion'! Oblivion is PS3 too!
  20. Picked up my old file of 'Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion' while occasionally going through 'Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots' with a friend and filming a Machinima in 'Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony' with some other friends XD
  21. Ohoh really liking it Only thing I think you need to do is make the melody (sound of it) sound less like the background Bass, if that makes sense? Make it a tiny bit 'brighter' or something. Very good work though
  22. FFXIII REmixes!! Oh would be so good! Will to Fight is my fav!
  23. Nearly - End of 'Metal Gear Solid 4' :')
  24. Nah! Will be getting the soundtrack of course but doubt I'll make an attempt to get into an MMORPG...
  25. The link still doesnt work...
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