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Everything posted by AJ-enova

  1. Can't Wait!
  2. Woah! That is strangely effective! lol Hearing this piece done with guitars is awesome as fuck! The start of it reminds me of something from Silent Hill. Love it when the Heavy Guitar kicks in to accompany the 1st melody. Only advise I can give is try and make sure it doesnt end up soudning like the guitar parts of 'Fading Entity' by bLiNd and Leifo. Good Stuff!!!
  3. Awwww man I'm really liking how this is sounding Keep it up! Can't wait to hear more!
  4. Doesn't Really look worth it. If you wanted the old SEGA games you could always jsut Emulate them. Even if you weren't keen on that, why not just get the Sega Mega Collection for PS3 or whatever?
  5. Awww man! That is truely awesome. Talk about a Remix that ups the Nostalgia The transitions from Track to Track is very smooth too! Beginning and Ending with the Prelude was very cool Only suggestion i can make is too try and make it sound a bit less the same throughout - i dunno lol
  6. Yeah, Most RPG's seem to be a bit challenging on the 1st time through. I guess on replays you know what to expect and what to use...
  7. OCR is going some strange/good places lol Awesome work to both of ya
  8. And Each of them has their own Eidilon (Summon) Fang for Bahamut!!
  9. I often try to establish a connection. Example: I hear a track from a Game > I listen to more to see if the OST is good overall > I get game and OST.
  10. If your in Europe. or at least the UK, thats near impossible. Only the 60GB model (which I'm lucky enough to have) has backwards compatibility. The only way you'd get one is through amazong and the price would be ridiculous!
  11. Your right man! Both games will rock! Some people say 'Oh it should be true FF' and some say 'Try something different' XIII is nodding towards classic FF gameplay with the turn based system, and Versus is trying a newish formulae - an update (kinda) of the Kingdom Hearts gameplay. Only problem is - Versus wont be out for fucking ages So there's not really any point in comparing them...yet!
  12. Are the PS3 load times bad enough to make you not wanna play? Or does it just have a long installation like DMC4?
  13. Bring it on!!!
  14. I know theres a remix, but this is a classic track and deserves more!
  15. Spoony doesn't like it - so neither do I
  16. I'd suggest PS3 Most games are on both PS3 has more classic exclusives, like Metal Gear solid 4 Also you have all of the PS3's media features like Blu-Ray, Web Browser and even Vidzone...
  17. Sometimes yeah Though its mostly when I get the soundtrack to a game I plan on purchasing soon, or if I hear a good remix of a track then go check out the source tune...
  18. When I said there was a drop after X: X-2 was shite - Zip of a Story, Pretty poor Soundtrack. XI - Online (which means zip of a story lol). XII - new gameplay system failed and the story didnt focus on the playable characters enough. I think the PS3 version is likely to be superior (if either is). It has more gaming power overall and FFXIII was being developed for it long before it was announced they were gonna port it to the 360... P.S. Thanks Gollgagh for the Versus info hadn't found any images like that before!
  19. Anyone else got fairly good hopes about Final Fantasy XIII? I think this will Redeem the series, theres been a considerable drop in the main games after X. Story and Gameplay look promising... Anyone else listened to the Soundtrack samples on the official website? - so far so good, considereing Uematsu is having no hand... (BTW can anyone confirm if the 'Prelude theme' or 'FF Main Theme' will be in XIII - Link?)
  20. Can't Wait!!!! Remix of the Year!!! How crazy would it be if it appeared on the Home Page a year to the day after you first posted it in the Forums
  21. Seriously Man! - The Last WIP was pure gold! There is no chance it would get rejected by the Judges panel And If you want to work on it to simply add more (Theres no room for improvement lol everything is sound!) then I say stop, because it may end up too cluttered if you get me. I say put it forward...
  22. Whats the Snow like there? We've been 'Buried in Snow' (He He) for weeks!!!

  23. Well the Initial download is really small but then you have to download some sort of Update which takes hours Get the file, but dont go into it until your ready to lock your PS3 for while, but the game is worth trying!
  24. Been nearly a year! Any update of progress?
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