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Everything posted by AJ-enova

  1. Yes! It was in Season 4 in the episode with the Shape Shifter. They were looking for him in a club
  2. You've actually inspired me to try and do a Space Invaders ReMix now XD
  3. Hey, you get the new Art pics I sent?

  4. I know this is a generic thing to say but you always add a hint of dubstep (wahwahwah) if you get me. Might make it even more interesting. Overall though - very good
  5. BTW What Font and such do you want me to use for the Title? Should I just have it the same as the your link below?
  6. Oh right cool, if someones Cover design is better you're welcome to use my work in any other way (I'm doing individual character images just now). I'd love to do the trailer too, if you want?
  7. Just letting you's know I've started doing some Artwork for this
  8. Or if the Album still needs a trailer type thing I'd lve to help with that
  9. Well has the Art been done yet? Cause if not I'm willing to help out (I do Digital Media at University)
  10. But all the tracks are finished. No reason why it shouldnt be out soon...
  11. If you have LittleBigPlanet 2 can you please play my levels. I need the trophy for getting 50 plays. PSN: AJenova Levels: Alien Abduction, Escape for the Cheese Factory
  12. REALLY liking this Only bit of advice I can think of is too EVER SO SLIGHTLY bring the pad up, to make it sound a bit more harmonised. Loving it though
  13. Euch, I tried battlefield play4free and thought little of it. Dodgy mechanics and cant get on any maps with vehicles...
  14. I know it's been out for years but I'm really tempted to buy Battlefield 2 just to tide me over for a bit, but I'd like to know how many people are still playing it these days? Can anyone give me a rough number? :/
  15. Uh How do you get this? Cant find a download link anywhere?
  16. Do you really expect us to buy this?
  17. OHHHHH Minecraft is so awesome, totally obsessed, rabidly addicted!
  18. Well most of the earlier tracks ARE from games I haven't played, doesnt mean I've heard everything. Most of them are tracks I heard remixes of and then tracked down. I didnt look at other 'Top 10' lists and average it out. These are 'My Top Video Game Tunes' not 'Best Video Game Tunes'
  19. Yeah I guess there are alot of games that arent on it, but there are only so many games I've actually played :/ Could only go with what I've experienced really
  20. Why thank you Took a long time to find them all XD
  21. Over the latter half of 2010 I put together a BIG playlist of my Top 10 Video Game Tunes for each Year going from the 1980's up until 2010. Check it out and keep an ear out for your favourites
  22. Best Film In Fucking AGES!
  23. This ReMix really reminds me of something from the Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack, which is a very good thing Excellent Work!
  24. I've got a feeling this Album is gonna end up as a Christmas present XD
  25. Yeah no Voice Chat is rather irritating but hopefully they'll fix it The soundtrack is Immense, it reminds me alot of the Resident Evil: Afterlife (If you've heard it)
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