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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. My bad. I forgot about that one. But that was a thread about FL Studio... (I can't not post in there...) Besides, I said I never posted because I went to the Reason subforum and there were no threads other than "Welcome to Reason Forum" and "Free ReFill Listing". Is my browser dumb.? Anyways, I agree with Rozovian. Plenty of the well known remixers use DAW's other than FL or Reason (like Cubase/Pro Tools/Ableton) so they should get a help forum too. They probably never asked these questions because there was no subforum to post them in.
  2. I haven't even posted in the Reason forum. Besides, I've never attacked another DAW in favor of FL Studio, I've only defended FL Studio itself because of misconceptions that I can't tolerate.
  3. You pretty much just answered your own question. It's kinda popular here, I think it's because the people who've been on this site longer like DarkeSword have been using it.
  4. I've wondered about this too, why aren't there any subforums for other DAW's? There are plenty of people who use Cubase, Ableton, Sonar, REAPER, Pro Tools, etc.
  5. This thread has been officially derailed to be an extension of Ghetto Lee Lewis's "I hate guitarists" thread. The point is, don't listen to Ghetto Lee 100%, because he is a very picky pianist. Sequencing piano isn't as hard for pleasing people as he makes it out to be. Just have fun with your arrangement and be LIBERAL and DYNAMIC.
  6. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people who are angry because they "changed the green lantern to be white" and didn't know he was a different guy. They also MESSED UP THE LANTERNS, RINGS, AND COSTUMES
  7. Forgive me that I'm not a mod, but I'm gonna comment anyway. There is a ridiculous amount of sub bass in this mix. Try lowering all the stuff that's below 40 Hz (at a steep curve, so as you approach 20 Hz, decrease more and more, but make sure you don't completely cut things out). There's also a lack in the low/midrange of frequencies, maybe add some elements to the song that cover the 400 Hz - 2 KHz range, because when I look at my spectrum analyzer (I also hear it), there's just a big half pipe between the bass and mid high frequencies. Your synths need more interesting filter cutoff automation/LFO and maybe vibrato, because right now they're really simple sounds. They work, don't get me wrong, but they could be way more interesting. Arrangement's fine; the interpretation is obvious and entertaining.
  8. I just bonk something out on my old non MIDI 20 year old keyboard, and then I put that in FL Studio and start from there. So really, it's usually the riffs/chords that I start with. Never a bassline, and also a lot of times with melodies (but I don't write music very often). Sometimes I get inspiration for an orchestral piece in my head and I actually come up with all the parts at the same time (vertically, meaning I think of strings and brass and percussion, but no real arrangement. I'm just given a section of the piece by god, the rest is up to me to write down), so I just transfer (or attempt) it to my computer using my lovely Kontakt samples. :3
  9. When I read Green Lantern, I see spandex and earth looking lanterns. It looks cool in the movie, but I like the comic book lanterns and costumes better.
  10. Down with alien looking lanterns and organic looking costumes. Am I the only one that doesn't like them?
  11. It's private, no one's really supposed to know other than the OCR staff and maybe directors.
  12. I don't follow, maybe if you said more than just "it's bad, it's awful, it's bad, it's wrong, it hurts my ears, it's wrong." I'll understand the problems you have with it, because to me it sounds fine. His piano is compressed, which is probably what you're actually talking about.
  13. I've heard Tonehammer's piano is pretty good, and Native Instruments has their 3 concert grand sample libraries and their Alicia's Keys library that are all really good and versatile. Emunator likes emotional piano music, so he went with Tonehammer's piano because he concluded that he'd get a better tone with it.
  14. Zircon uses Kontakt 4 to make his sample libraries.

  15. You've got it WAY backwards. Guitar isn't just tempo and velocities like piano is. If you don't understand that, well, there's no point in trying to explain. Guitar is not "easy" to fake. It's the HARDEST instrument to fake (and has been forever until something like Electri6ity came out). Humanizing piano is probably the easiest thing to do, it's only the actual coming up with the improv that's hard. Getting it to sound realistic is nothing but understanding how to adjust velocities (and edit tempo, but that's more from your head and less a realism thing). My example is Willrock's remix. There is a small synthetic quality to it, but it's more than enough to fool the common man (and will get past the judges, if the OP tries to sub). And yes, guitars play one note at a time for leads... and 3 for powerchords, actually. But as for piano, there are zero legato sounds required. It's just pressing different keys. Guitars need to include fretboard slides and legato picking like hammer ons and pull offs, and switching strings (accounting for muting the strings properly or being able to know what's still ringing when you shift to a different string) It's ridiculously complicated to sequence a guitar able to fool someone other than the common man. It's even harder on a piano roll because you don't even know what string you're on, you only know what note you're playing. And guitars are the most dynamic through an amp. Vibrato-type subtleties are things you can actually pick up through an amp, and stuff you do on an amped electric that you can't hear on a regular acoustic. Without a well scripted and expensive sample library, humanizing expressive guitar playing is IMPOSSIBLE. And I'm talking about lead playing, not rhythm guitar playing. But I'm derailing this thread. The point is, to the OP, that humanizing piano isn't hard. The hard part is coming up with expressive improv. It's hard to do from your head to your speakers, because a lot of it is impulse.
  16. Two problems: 1. It's not that hard to sequence good piano. Willrock pulled it off, and it's not like he's some 50 year old god sequencer either. 2. Piano is WAY easier to humanize than guitar. Shreddage is a rhythm guitar library, so your example doesn't apply. Why? Because lead guitar playing has three times the number of subtleties that rhythm guitar playing has. The piano instrument doesn't have any subtleties that you can't capture in a good sample library (no scripting needed, it's all just note intensity, unlike guitar) and there are dozens of well sampled pianos on the internet.
  17. Am I the only one that doesn't notice a change in water? I can still ascend through it...
  18. For piano? Just keep in mind not to have things as repetitive, and put some variation in it. (not just melodic variation, but tempo and intensity too)
  19. bLiNd made electronic music in Cubase, dumbass. FL Studio is not only for electronic music. Your narrow minded view of music production is exactly why you have no credibility on this topic and insist on showing you're better than me rather than contributing anything worthwhile to the discussion (which, by the way, has NOTHING TO DO with me).
  20. I AM NOT NETBLIX! (nor am I netflix.) I'm going today (Friday, April 1st) and no, I don't have VIP Pass.
  21. In order: 1. Yes 2. A sound card is not DAW specific 3. Yes. It's not MIDI, MIDI data is transferred via either USB or MIDI cables. 1/8" or 1/4" jacks are analog signals only. (just the sound of your piano) Also, recording in mono probably makes a zero difference when it's just a regular piano sound. You could also apply stereo separation if you REALLY wanted a stereo piano sound. Also, do not plug your piano into your laptop if you have the M-Audio Fast Track just record to there.
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