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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Uuuhh... we have a problem here. In Microsoft word, my story is registered at 2500 complete words. When I put on fiction press, it's 2618 words. T.T
  2. I hope I'm not breaking the rules :/ I started writing as soon as you said the September 2009 Short Story contest started.
  3. Not gonna say much on the second one, it seems a lot of notes go against the harmony. But I like the first one. It sounds like a POkemon battle theme. xDDD
  4. LESSE WHATCHA GOT, N00B!!! Haha just kidding, if anyone's a n00b it's me. xDDDD Something's wrong with that flute, EQ-wise. It's ringing in my ears. It's a little too loud, as well. The change at 1:40 is good, but you didn't really do much but change some background. The little bell thing was great, awesome change, good variety. However that's probably the only variety, and the rest of it basically the same thing over and over again, a little more evolved each time.
  5. It's great, but that reverse cymbal ending is just too amateur-ish. Judging by the rest of the track. You are NO amateur. So I'm just gonna assume you haven't written an ending. Great job, nostalgic.
  6. What's the average word count for short story submissions? I'll just get as close to 2500 as possible. I've 1800 words already, but I have to detail a whole fight scene. T.T
  7. Hehe Willrock it'll take ages to get to the panel. If you can use the same link and change the file, they will get the newer version.
  8. Well, I was hoping the tomato faces would weaken the harsh connotation a bit. :<
  9. The only reason Meteo's overwhelmed is because we're (as in those that are not judges) all being morons. :tomatoface: He should just take the judges suggestions and resubmit, I certainly don't think he wants our suggestions anymore, and I can't really blame him. Meteo you should just take what judges have to say in mind and block us out. Like Shariq always tells me, "Sometimes you just need to work on something on your own." Well he only told me that once, but it's still good advice nonetheless.
  10. hehe, sorry the clap recording was my idea. xD And I have that same choir soundfont, it's actually the one I was gonna offer him. xDDD
  11. Ya know you're sounding a little like James The Composer. What we told him is that there are free samples out there. I have a good choir soundfont... If you want it. I didn't say the lead was too loud, I said to tone down the higher freq. People have their own opinions and if they're all critting it once it's gonna sound conflicting, just do what you think's best. You said in the beginning that this was rejected and you wanna try and make it OCR material, so people are gonna subconsciously blurt out all of their ideas. You can't avoid that. Critting a rejection's a lot different from critting a WIP.
  12. Okay thanks anyway. Well that worked... a little. I'll ask someone else I don't have an image line account.
  13. That thing always glitches out on me. Lucky you can use it right.
  14. Stop beating yourself up about it. You think people would really wanna listen to a track called "Epic Fail" ?
  15. I back this crit. You should find a better drumset. Sounds a little low quality. Also, the sine wave (lead) should be EQ'd down a little on the high Freq. it is piercing. As for your clap dilemma, just record yourself clapping and add a chorus filter. Instant high quality clap. I believe someone said somethin about Chozo Ruins in the end, I agree. While it was intended to be a surprise, like you said, it does sound more like it should be in the song. Try slowing or pulling out the percussion, to give it a more dramatic effect, kinda like the ending for Yellow Valkyrie, where the low piano and choir were alone without percussion.
  16. I believe (heard in a thread) judges like to go by 50/50 original/source. That counts as any part of the source, so maybe you were just focusing on the wrong parts of the mix.
  17. Speaking of which, that pitch bending technique of yours was really shining, in both this tune's bass and your Pokemon Mix!
  18. I didn't listen yet, but I can automatically tell your biggest mistake is the reverb. Never reverb master track. xD Listening to it: It actually doesn't seem much of a problem, but I'd still pull out the reverb on master. I'd recommend using a Upright Bass, you're bass is WAY too low, even for bass. Go easy on the harmony, buddy. And I really recommend introducing a full drum kit earlier on, it's hard to carry a song on cruise control bongos. Your drums weren't a problem before, I recommend you keep the ones you had before. If you download KORE PLAYER, it's got a good upright bass. KORE PLAYER is a free sampler. If you give me an mp3 version with no bass, I could give you an example of what you could make it sound like based on my suggestions. With reverb, it sounds much better. But the reverb's are conflictin, your electric guitar's up nice and close but your horn sounds like it sounds like it's across a stadium.
  19. I as well look forward to next round. I just hope it's not poetry, I'd love to share a story I've been formulating in my head.
  20. Works for me. Do you want me to send you the song?
  21. Hey guys, FL is acting up on me. The CPU keeps overloading for no reason. I started a new project and inserted a channel for Kore Player, but when I tried to write something, the CPU meter gradually went up to 99 and now it just "safely overloads" doesn't crash but it doesn't play anything. What the heck? I'm using ASIO4ALL I disabled Multithreaded Generator Processing I tried disabling and reenabling ASIO driver I tried playing with the buffer whatevers but it still doesn't help. I haven't had this problem before and now it's such a nuisance I don't think I'll be able to remix with this current state.
  22. I know you expected that. That's specifically why I said it. xDDDD
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