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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Finale probably has presets that automatically replace the channels. I'll keep the intro for now when you have the final arrangement done I'll redo the intro to match it.
  2. No, it shouldn't be different in Finale. It's different for your computer. Every computer interprets MIDI's there own way, which is why when I play the MIDI in Quicktime it plays your computer's version. However, when I play it with my own MIDI player, it plays it MY computer's way, therefore it sounds different. If you imported a MIDI to Finale, it would not play unless you put your own instruments. Alright. So I'll scrap mine, when you give me a final version that's complete and you have no intention of adding to it contact Jabond and Epitaph, I'll do the final stuff.
  3. MIDI's are instructions for a computer, therefore MIDI's don't "sound" like anything. I can't import your MIDI to FL and give you one file, because there are dozens of instruments I could subsitute. When I import the MIDI, I have the notes, but they don't sound until I use a MIDI out (like from a sampler like Sytrus or Fl Slayer) As for your MIDI export, do you want me to just put some random instrument choices? EDIT: On second thought, this is becoming too much of a hassle with two different WIP's from two different programs. Just go on and make your WIP, and when you have the final version all done and completed, send it to Jabond and Epitaph. When they play the electric guitar send me the tracks of their recordings and send me a MIDI of your arrangement. I'll do the final instrumentation and mastering (in addition to adding a synth solo.
  4. Yup, I finally did a trance song. xD http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=370 It's called Gadget World, still working on it. Supposed to be happy and dance-y. Any signs of generic/cliche was intentional.
  5. Okay, updated roles: Scott- Arrangement Jabond- Main guitar Epitaph- Soloist and Rhythm guitar Neblix- "The Sound Guy" (and writes synth solo following Epitaph's guitar solo) UPDATE: I hope that's the gist of what you wanted, Scott. I know it's rough and messy, I just wanted to know if I was on the right track. Scott, it's actually better if you just keeping working on your file instead of taking MIDI's of mine, so keep at it and I'll work on making it sound like yours. Note to Epitaph: When you do the solo, I'll send you the rhythm guitar track that Jabond is going to play alongside with. You should probably practice a few days afterwards before you send me your final solo because it needs to fit with the rhythm guitar. Last note: Make sure you're writing in 5/4, Scott. Some of the timing was messed up when I imported to FL.
  6. Well most of it is due to playing with FL Slayer... and some serious flangus. The sound I was going for is the sound from Metamorphic Rock or One Winged Angel (Advent Children) YEEEEES!!!! ... I mean, okay.
  7. We have a new thread, go there. About the AIM thing, no one showed up (not even me xD)
  8. We're working on a trance rock version of ridley's theme check it out on the WIP board.
  9. 1. I think he meant your pad sounded a little lo fi. If that's not what I meant, that's what I meant. 2. That's more of a subjective thing, I don't really find a problem with it. 3. I think he means the snare that's hit real hard...
  10. Well like I said before don't stray too far from my WIP otherwise it's gonna be a pain to adapt into mine. And solos are usually made up on the spot... if neither Jabond nor Epitaph can do solos, we'll just write one for them (or just use the one you have) You'll have to give me a few days to copy what you have, so give me some time and you won't be disappointed. And I'm not composing anymore, I'll just follow your MIDI's to adapt into better sounds. Keep at it. I'll do a synth solo after the solo so I'm not completely left out of the arrangement.
  11. Your track... pretty much, well, it feels like it's meandering. You have a melody a different melody then bongos by themselves then a weak trumpet by itself then another part of the melody then bongos by themselves... There's really no climax or any hint of rising or decaying and it sounds like it's not going in any direction. It's like writing a story about a boy who needs to save the world but you end up writing a chapter about him fishing, another one about him climbing a tree another one about him reading a book. There's nothing to capture the interest.
  12. I will, promise. I just have to work some stuff out with Scott because when Scott started doing another version it completely threw me off. In addition to making mine sound like his, I have to rearrange my patterns to capture all of the elements he created in his version.
  13. I don't see how you need experience for that, I just said to replace the soundfont/sample while sounding like an idiot. I suppose sounding like an idiot confused. xDDD
  14. Well you see the thing is... None of us were there. I highly found rereading one of my books from New Adventures of Dragonlance series a lot more interesting than the chat... Or maybe I just forgot to go to the chat because of Summer reading. xD Anyways, I'm waiting on Scott for some new parts to add. Here are some things I will also fix when Scott get backs to me: The organ (It's a church organ not a rock organ) Velocities on that damn Slayer.
  15. Hello. This thread is only for the following forum members to discuss the WIP: 1. Epitaph (Will play electric guitar when arrangement is completed) 2. Jabond (Will play electric guitar when arrangement is completed) 3. DudemanScott (Composer) 4. Neblix ("The other" composer) You can critique if you want but only if it's something urgent and objective. (Not something that you want to see or something that is a matter of opinion) This is, well, because we really just want to discuss what we're gonna do with it, it's not really up for people to crit because a lot of behind the scenes stuff is just going to go on in this thread and stuff you guys says is probably stuff we're going to fix anyway. However you may post comments if you want. Current version of WIP: Scott's current... erm, version: http://scotthacks.webs.com/Song2.mid I'm going to weave Scott's version into mine; I've already taken the organ part and put it in mine. This is because we accidentally did two different versions and neither of us want to scrap our versions. The electric guitar WILL be replaced by live recording! I just had some fun with FL Slayer as a placeholder.
  16. That's because you have it as a MIDI make it an mp3 dude use your own instruments. By the way the end sounds like a James Bond kinda thing the problem with that is Ridley's theme (main part) has no chord progression so you can't keep that when his theme starts again.
  17. I do like yours; I'm going to weave yours into mine, so that I can keep the dark trance idea while adding more rock elements into it. By the way, you can write some real good rock stuff. We should do collabs in a year, I'm learning how to play the guitar in high school.
  18. THAT SOUNDS MUCH BETTER! But that instrument that plays the lead melody in the very beginning is kinda weak. Try replacing with a nice GRAND PIANO FORTISSIMO (that's Grand Piano)
  19. But Dudemanscott you ignored my WIP.... I already started AND posted it up! Did you completely miss that? That's kinda rude to just ignore my WIP and start your own.
  20. Hold up there Dude! Or Hold up there Man! or Hold up there Scott! I have to send you the MIDI of my file! And by the way, I made an AIM chatroom called "Electrik Productions" the alias is Collab Guys. we'll meet up there tomorrow.
  21. Scott, Gario's not part of the collab, Epitaph is. We don't really have any positions open for Gario. xDDD And... don't get FL from PirateBay. You and I are both too young to be involved in such illegal practices. You've got a whole life ahead of you, don't put it risk just yet. Just give me MIDI versions of your Finale files. It's a newbie megacollab (or so Epitaph) so OF COURSE it'll be fun!!!
  22. Nope, it's the same old 5/4 Bum Bum BumBum Simple source. Making it rock will open up lots of doors. (Solos, adding rhythm guitar, techno/rock drums) When we're done, we'll submit as a Metroid Prime Remix if that's okay (cuz Shariq's up there hoggin all the glory of being the only one to remix Metroid Prime Music. xDDDDDDDDD Of course I mean that as no offense) On second thought: I'll handle the audio stuff, Dudemanscott should be the lead composer... mostly because I honestly don't know where to take this song. xD I do have a WIP up right now, I'll send the file over to Dumasc (Dudemanscott) along with the soundfonts I used. We're calling it "CHARGIN MAH LAZER!" inspired by the fact that both Samus and Ridley shoot rays of fire and charges them beforehand. I put FL Slayer just so you can get an idea of where I want the electric guitar stuff. I guess I'm the... composer's advisor. With which comes the following information for Dumasc (Dudemanscott): Song is in D-key Not entirely rock, more like a blend of dark trance and metal.
  23. Oh I assure you... I never just wing it. Hehehe... *evil cackle* :tomatoface: Wait... WAIT... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT IT I GOT IT!!!! Instead of Boss B star fox theme LET'S DO RIDLEY'S THEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. You wanna know how boss theme + 5/4 always = Epic? Look at Ridley's theme. xD FL lets me customize the time signature and it automatically changes the guiding grid lines, based on what I set in. (So I can technically write something in 54/61 and FL will let me do that xD) So I've got nothing to worry about, I'm pretty good with keeping a steady rhythm and the magic of grid lines in FL WILL MOST DEFINITELY keep it steady. xD Thanks for the tip though, I'll keep that in mind if I end up using sheet music for some odd reason (like we're all thrust back in time because of some generic time paradox logic found in almost every dimensional universe rift story.)
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