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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I get it now, I guess. Thanks for the explanation... I guess I'll just do it the way you did it. If i can figure out how. This is the plug in I use http://flstudio.image-line.com/help/html/img_plug/plugin_fx_FruityParametricEQ2.jpg I don't how to change the Q value like you said. And I know what frequency is. xD
  2. Flexstyle check version 2.6 I think I fixed the reverb issue problem thing.
  3. OCR's not about repetition. xD It's more about arrangement. It's nice. That guitar by itself with drums in background is fine, not repetitive at all. Course I'm bad with production, so good job. "it may not make the cut at OCR" Why not? It is a tad repetitive but there's a lot of variation. He put a lot of effort and it does certainly sound like something on the front page. Actually, It wouldn't even get past initial review with that insane file size. (16.6 MB Seriously? Shorten it up it's really long. max file size is 6 MB, you got a lot of cutting to do.)
  4. HoboKa stop acting like a judge. xD It's not like he doesn't have other problems to fix too. I stand by my statement: Everything up to 1:04 sounds like something in every electronica song... that might be fine, I'm just not a fan of trance remixes (the ones that are on the site are good, but the genre itself is a bit overdone). First appearance of the theme is too fast, otherwise if you like it no problems. 2:30 & beyond: golden until 3:55, the rhythm is a bit messy but you already said you were workin with that. And I agree with HoboKa and Skyway on that bass chorus thing.
  5. Rendering problem. xD Yeah my FL Studio program has been acting very weird... I might just send the final version to Shariq and let him render it for me. Turned down high parameters on reverb.
  6. HAVEN'T WE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SONG? *listens to remix* ... no we haven't. Nice, I like how your lead synth imitates an electric guitar. Great energy. Nice drums. xD Excellent work.
  7. I got rid of the compressor... like, an hour before you posted this. xD 1. Percussion 2. Reverb Got it. Update: Added some bongos for after the solos. It's not much, I've got the rhythm, but I need to make them sound better. Uploading in a bit: See if the reverb problem was fixed, I turned the high dampening thing down... or was I supposed to turn it up?
  8. Much better. But still: Change your cymbal and gong! I think a slow gong hit would do better in replacing that last cymbal hit as an ending.
  9. Well I don't think kick and snare are usually found in latin music, but I can add some bongos or something if you want. EDIT: I stand corrected. And I don't believe in mutual critting... I critted your song, I'm not gonna do it again unless you have a new version up.
  10. But I have to say thank you anyways. :/ I was explaining why I didn't want to reflect on your feedback otherwise you would feel like I ignored you. :/ It's not like I didn't like your feedback, I just didn't feel like I needed to address the reverb problem right away. How do I make the compressor... erh, NOT compress the reverb? It's on the master track. Oh by the way, I left a few seconds to decay, like you said. UPDATE... AGAIN: Version 2.3 has some minor fixes to the main melody. Got rid of the multiband compressor. Thanks to DrumUltimA for pointing out my reverb problem. I'm also using a new version naming system so keeping track of my progress isn't a bigger deal than it should be... However I deleted my previous versions because I didn't want to take up space on a temporary server that's not mine.
  11. Hehe, congrats Rozo! This is the kind of electronica remix I like it; Not so much with cool effects and repetitive drum loops, there's an actual SONG you can listen to. Thumbs up, my man, thumbs up.
  12. I actually really don't mind reverb. The bouncing is probably due to the multiband compressor. Thanks, but I don't really see a problem with it. And unless something else comes up I don't plan to write any more to this arrangement. I've stretched my ideas enough. xD BTW, DrumUltimA Your lonely petals arrangement half inspired this. This was supposed to a be an entire piano piece with no other instruments... but then I added a flute. Then I came up with a rhythm and then I wrote percussion... I listened to like 5 seconds of latin music and boom I completely revamped my rhythm with added upright bass. Edit: I suppose the multiband compressor really killed off the light reverb and replaced with heavy. I'll see what I can do.
  13. Thanks... it took me... 1... 2... 3.. 3.1...3.2... 4 Days to make this. And gario... there's no flute at 2:19. That was kind of intentional to leave it with just the celesta and drum... It's not drowned out, it's removed. XD UPDATE: Gave it a nice multiband compressor on the master track. Also, I changed the melody so that it would fit the tumbao rhythm but not stray too far from the source.
  14. That's much better. So, problems: 1. Stagnant percussion Hehe. See HoboKa? That wasn't so hard. It wouldn't be so difficult to understand you if you'd just stop complaining that people don't like you.
  15. lol Okay thanks! I was thinkin a little conga drums wouldn't hurt... I think my song has gotten so spicy that it melted over with flavor. (referring to my signature) A lot of spice, but not enough to overdo it, ya know? 'Course in the case of genre change and rhythm change you can never over do it. I had another mini lesson from Shariq saying that my percussion implied a latin feel and that my old 4/4 bassline was not latin enough. So i listened to like 5 seconds of tumbao latin music and understood what he meant. I changed everything, my melody, chords, and percussion to fit a tumbao rhythm.
  16. Hold up, cowboy! You need to listen to V8! Totally different rhythm, upright bass, everything changed to latin tumbao jazz rhythm. As for your throw in bassline and beat on my remix... honestly I didn't like it. xD Too pumping, too dark, too electronic. I suppose I could shorten it... I've run out of ideas for changes, the only thing I can remove is the fluff, which is not much. However I know it's too long, just looking at the filesize and bitrate tells you that: I normally do a 192 bitrate but that brought it away from OCR acceptable standards at a 6.34 MB filesize. So I changed to 160. I'll see what fluff I can remove, see if that helps. Instruments used: Grand Piano Upright Bass Celesta Flute String Ensemble Latin Drum Kit Moral of the story: Latin jazz is my thing.
  17. Giving your opinion and talking about the resemblance between me and my brother are two different things: I never intended for you to sound like a jerk when I replied to your opinion. I appreciate your opinion and I reflected on it; I did more original stuff. When was I not listening to you? I felt a little philosophical there, so my word choice was not intended to make you sound like getting on my nerves. When I replied to you saying I'm in Shariq's "comfort" bubble, then I got mad. It's a little uncalled for. And annoying. If you want me to stop getting a little ticked off just don't talk about Shariq in your critiques. What do you want me to say? Sorry? I didn't do anything. I asked for your opinion. I appreciated your opinion. What I don't appreciate is your little slip in comments about Shariq. I am me and Shariq is Shariq. Shariq did not participate in the making of my remix. So don't talk about him on my WIP threads. Please. You would be doing yourself a favor (and doing me a favor... I don't want him stirring up the moderating stuff on my thread. Because 1. No moderating is needed here and 2. It would make his opinion of you even lower) Bottom Line is: I appreciate your critiques, they are very helpful. But don't include the useless "I'm not in DS's good books/ since neither you nor DS" comments. You're a nice guy. I like you. If Shariq doesn't like you, that's not my problem. I'm not a moderator, but I'm smart enough to know that personal remarks where they aren't needed are completely... I don't even wanna say it. I've had enough of this depressing topic.. If you're willing to accept the fact that I don't care if Shariq likes you or not, I WANT YOUR OPINION WITHOUT ANY SLIP IN COMMENTS on this next version. I can almost guarantee without those slip in comments that I won't be mad at you. I gave it a tumbao rhythm to sound more latin jazzy.
  18. It's not an easy fix for me. "I boosted your 500Hz buy about 3.5dB on a wide Q (0.18 )" Can you tell me what that means?
  19. It still doesn't help the fact that it sounds like the same exact thing as the source in those parts I mentioned. Sounds to me like you actually "remixed" it; used the source and built around it. Also, I don't really like the appearance of the theme because it's sped up insanely. If you like it, keep it, but my suggestion is that you keep it at the regular speed of the source. 2:30 and beyond is golden. Everything before1:04: ... Not very good, sounds generic/cliche. (Like something you'd find in every electronica intro) 3:55: Here is the part where you would use a different drumbeat. Something that fits the odd rhythm of your sped up theme... try removing the bass synths and place a slower drumbeat, but keep the arpeggiated background synths.
  20. You have to use the Regkey again I think.
  21. Important News Bulletin: We interrupt this thread discussion to bring you this important news bulletin: As of the time when V4 is released, this remix will be renamed "Maple Trees Under the Stars" Thank you for reading this message. You may now return to your discussion. UPDATE: Added a celesta and original part. I got it over two minutes... now to break out the solos, which will easily fill up to the 3:30. Added solos and slight variations of previous stuff. Some of its fluff, I'll work it out when I get some more ideas.
  22. Tarnish that's good but I've noticed you give up too easily. As soon as someone gives ya a negative crit you blame yourself and call it a lost cause to do anything more... Keep going with this song, if someone says there's a way to make it better, make it better with that way. Anyways, onto the critique: The intro bass synth is a little too loud just turn the volume down a bit. ALSO turn down the lead synth! I'm wearing headphones and it was blastin my ears! Arrangement's pretty good. Lots of surprises and a nice groove. Main problem: lead is too loud. Things crackle a bit.
  23. People said I had to fix the snare. I did that. I gave the remix to Shariq he hasn't said anything yet. EDIT: I just talked to Shariq he's gonna give a listen later. Anyways enough about that this thread is for the galaxy man remix... Which I conveniently have right here, the same as V2 but some latin percussion later parts. Recreating wasn't much of a hassle.
  24. ... Bad news guys. I loaded my FL file... guess what I found? Nothing. Zip Zilch Nada. Looks like I have to start over. It's a good thing I wasn't too far into the track or I'd have a hell of a lot of music to remake.
  25. ??? What the hell are you talking about? My music doesn't sound like his at all. I write stuff entirely by my own. I learned everything from him; it's only natural we use similar techniques. However, like I said; I do it entirely on my own. He tells me when something is wrong, but he doesn't contribute or tell me how to do things. Nor do I copy from his music. Hence, this comfort bubble you claim exists does not exist at all. And I see what you're saying, it follows the source melody. Nothing's wrong with being able to predict what happens next in a song since you've already heard the original source material. But as you can... erm, "hear" I gave it a real sad mood, slowed it down. I don't really care so much "what" happens as to "how" it happens. How it happens, I think, shows more effort into arrangement than "what" happens. For instance, it's the same song, yet totally different feel. More specifically, the last thirty seconds it was sad and relaxing, yet the source material was pumping and happy. I suppose so... I'm not comfortable with showing my past mistakes, but if that's how you can truly see the progression of the song, I could do it. EDIT: I'm an idiot I just realized that you're Fireslash. xD
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