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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Well yeah I heard some bongos I wasn't sure but don't be afraid for a drumkit.
  2. What does he think of what OCR does/ what is his standing on the concept of "remixing" video game music like we do?
  3. I call it fate. But what is fate? Is fate real? What controls fate? Does something control fate? If so where does that something come from? :/ Sorry I had humanities class and I've got some philosophy sickness. Anyways, I heard (read) you the first time, I'm just saying when you introduced the theme as soon as it was over the parts had less energy into the ending. I was assuming that you were just gonna put the theme once, than some low original part. What I mean is play the actual theme twice in one sitting. Or maybe the parts were just low energy because it lacked ending. I dunno. And don't be afraid to give percussion some shine too... it seems a little drowned out/weak mostly because (I assume) it's just a big drum with rim shots.
  4. It's solo piano. My only suggestion: let it swim in reverb. There's no other instruments taking the space.
  5. Dude you got DJP and BGC on this thread giving you advice. This is DEFINITELY not gonna go back to the drawing board. :/ When you go into Corneria main melody, you should use a flute or something. That violin doesn't seem to fit in lead position there. Add some reverb and delay if you want to keep it. :/ And it's just shown once. Give it some dominance! Repeat it at least once. T_T
  6. I like this way better than the one that's already up it stays closer to the source in a rock feel while the other one just shreds the guitar. :/
  7. Music's like a story. You say what you need to say, then stop. Don't make it too long. :/
  8. There's not really much of anything that happens... It feels like it's just a regular every day thing.
  9. Fantastic synth and sounds. Very pulsing and never gets boring!
  10. Eat over 9000 cupcakes! EDIT: It is declared right now at 5:46 that my suggestion to eat cupcakes had PWNed OA's and even more bLiND"s suggestions to eat cupcakes. Boo yah.
  11. I can tell you the only reason it sucks is because it's too short. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGER. But it pretty much sounds like the Sonic Unleashed level music... you should mix in the Ice Cap (Sonic 3 genesis version) level style just to remind people it's not the same thing as the game version with a different melody and chords. I can only say great job on intro. But it sounds a little close to be an original, and a little distant to be a remix... I'd say this is just something you did for fun.
  12. Why is that part at 2:09 so familiar?! Also, acoustic instruments need some reverb. They're dry. Like the flute, sounds like every note is the same velocity, no release, etc.
  13. First one is good, or I'm not: MR. L, THE GREEN THUNDER
  14. It took me... 1... 2... 12 months. xDDDDD Jabond if you wanna know how to use FL just PM me 'bout something specific and I'll help ya out.
  15. I believe I said this before, if not here then on another thread: Don't compare OCR standards to mainstream/ or what's already out there. EDIT: I did say that here and you completely ignored it. Just because the over world theme uses repetitive drums, doesn't mean it's OCR material, does it? And people that tell you they love it aren't caring to critique it because they just wanna listen to it. It takes a lot of reasoning and experience to critique the way a judge does. I'm not gonna call you a whiner... but... You know that's exactly what you're doing though. You're whining about how your song got all of this glory and you think it's stupid how it doesn't meet standards. Maybe you should just take judge's advice. You know, that might make it better? Just cuz it's good doesn't mean it can't be better.
  16. Don't bother cuz I'll win. Haha just joking you should try to write something. It's fun!
  17. I would've brainwashed you to read it anyways. Oh, and call me Nabeel. or Neblix.
  18. My writing is streaky and sporadic, but also in very frequent spurts... excpet that I usually lazy so I never write often anyway. But I can tell you I could write more and more 24/7, if not for needing sleep, video games, music, school, and food. And of course, getting bored. I never got around to writing the next chapter to my Sonic fanfic. BTW, if you guys wanna read that just PM me.
  19. OBJECTION!! OCRemix has songs, not trance loops. You shouldn't really compare OCR standards to what's in mainstream. XDDDD
  20. WORD! MAH NAME IS RDIZZLEFOSHIZZLEMAHNIZZLEOFDAHIZZLE... DRIZZLE. :tomatoface: Back on topic, if Meteo wants to get his track on OCR soon as possible, this thread shouldn't be here. He should just do what judges asked for him to do (which ain't much) and they'll YES it next time. I see no reason why they reject something they ask for.
  21. Claps aren't insignificant. That's like calling a snare insignificant, or a kick or a hi hat or a lead or a bass or a string or a brass insignificant. Every instrument in music is significant, and if Larry's biggest criticism is the clap, that means this mix isn't too far off from acceptable.
  22. You know this is actually starting to sound like Ragnarok (The MMO) style music.
  23. Sweendrix, just because your drumbeat is a good musical idea doesn't mean you can just copy and paste it. It's not that simple. You need to create a performance, and a guy doing the exact same thing on drums is no performance. 1. You're exaggerating. QUITE A BIT. Too much to ignore. If no original work is applied, I'm pretty sure it gets rejected. So I don't think there are any works with no original content anywhere on this site.So, as Rozo said, example please? "Then I get drilled for having a drumbeat that I personally created...along with completely original guitar parts (not sampled)..." I read the board, and that is not what they told you. Larry said not to have the drums on cruise control for the whole song. That means not the exact same drumbeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and so on. Keep variety in the way the drummer does things. Make him interact with the song. And as for your "along with completely original guitar parts" comment that's also something that you misunderstood. Larry said you shouldn't just make a bunch of ideas and stretch it out for seven whole minutes. He didn't say you didn't have any original arrangement. You should make the arrangement as one whole idea made of ideas. "I'm just saying that rejecting a mix because it repeats a musical idea is stupid" There comes a time when it's repeated too often and we have a word for that: "Repetitive." You seem to feel pretty strong about your opinion that OCR's standards are loose enough to slip by with no effort. Care to share why? Sharing is caring.
  24. Thanks for organizing the Writing Competition. :D

  25. I'm pretty sure there's no problem with writing that so fast, I think he meant you can't submit something that you were already writing before he said contest started. http://www.fictionpress.com/s/2716509/1/Aura_Weapon
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