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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Yeh I know but I can't find the thread for it. Cryin shame I really wanted to comment about how awesome his Lava Reef Zone remix is.
  2. I always thought of Blake as this giant... metaphor! But if I must. *puts on a nerd outfit with open mouth smile and sloooooowly lowers pen to paper*
  3. Wha? Lemme see that? *Death Note zips out of your hand* Thanks, Sonic! Now... Proto... Dome... Is that one word or two?
  4. ... I'ma send you guys to Arkham Asylum, CRAZIES! *loads shotgun*
  5. No dude I just said that about Lava Reef Remix. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD If you're gonna make me a bad guy at least read waht I said beforehand. :tomatoface:
  6. I concur with your statement about the below (or above) stated statement about Sonic's appearance being stated as "fishy'.
  7. I really wish they'd tone down on the story and voice acting. Methinks that would help Sonic series improve. And Sonic has done stuff mario hasn't... and that was pretty much what led to its defeat. Swords, werewolves, etc. It should just be Sonic. In every Mario game, Mario is just MARIO. He's not some werewolf that Peach doesn't recognize and he's not some knight. He's still the same midget plumber jumpman we all know and love. Sonic is the exact opposite. They put a sword in his hand, make some crappy story (I say for the sake of saying I don't even know the story) and turn all the characters Medieval. I mean like WTH?
  8. Well what you might wanna do is switch to ASIO4ALL sound driver if you have it. (Options> Audio Options> Dropdown list at top) and then see if turning velocities down would help also.

  9. But it's still a great game. You've no reason to like Mario and call Sonic bad (you said it never lived I think that's the equivalent of calling it bad) because it's "repetitive". :tomatoface:
  10. What I meant was not entirely eastern. Throw some electronica elements into it.
  11. WHAT? Das like calling Mario repetitive!!!
  12. Well I wouldn't say several but the arrangement sounds like it uses "Snowboardin' Sonic" as an arrangement template. 2:20- Goes flowing back into source after solo? Sounds exactly like in Ice Cap Remix.
  13. No I mean SEVERAL arrangement ideas seem exactly the same as in Ice Cap Mix
  14. LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEADS of fury. Technically, he made sense. (I Think) I likey Lava reef Zone. This is exactly what an artist with both Lava Reef Zone and Ice Cap Zone remix should have. An Ice Cap Remix, and then the lava reef zone has fiery qualities, a lot of similarities but cool in the exact same way as the ice cap remix. But it seems to borrow heavily from the Ice Cap mix as far as arrangement goes. Is this not one of the remixes soon to be subbed?
  15. Maybe you should just give in. I think Windows 7 is trying to tell you something. It loves you and it doesn't want you to use Windows XP.
  16. I'd rather not. The sound effects are annoying and the whole timetravelling thing bugs meh.
  17. I no like Sonic CD. Besides, they say not a remake but a new game. A new game is a new beginning. You might argue that Sega continually makes crappy ideas for Sonic Games... well that's just a lot of bad beginnings. xD Who knows? This might be 777! They should follow Mario's example. They keep the original feel (well the n64 3D version of the original feel) with Super Mario Galaxy but they're not exaggerating what most little kids would consider "cool" (swords/werewolves/etc.) for an "all ages" fanbase. If anything, Sonic was never not for all ages, I don't even see a reason why they need to kiddify it with stuff like swords/werewolves/etc.
  18. But i still played THEM! Besides. I never said I lived during Genesis days. I am simply referring to the time period. SO TOMATO YOURSELF, BRO. :tomatoface:
  19. Aside from the "Epic movie" sounding BGM, this actually looks promising. The daytime stages of Unleashed were a step in the right direction, but if Sega can pull this off like they did in Genesis days... that'll be... like... a giant LEAP in the right direction.
  20. Good luck. Also, I recommend some light synth touches (not full trance but some some electronic spin) just so it's not COMPLETELY asian/eastern sounding. It could sound a lot cooler if it had some Eastern Electronic feel to it.
  21. Drum Kits need reverb. Horns are too far away (try upping the volume and make them more upfront.) And I was hoping if you could just send the FL file with the bass included, I'll just replace the bass sound.
  22. The only thing you have to be intimidated by is intimidation itself. I WOULD say that but I'm not sure if that makes sense. So I'll just say: You don't have to use full drum kit... just throw at least a tambourine and a hi hate.
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