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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. d-(^.^)-b YOU GOT: A thumbs up from Mr. Carrot Eyes! Oh and I'll switch back to default on the Slayer plugin, it sounds like it's crying and shredding at the same time when it's only playing like 8 notes.
  2. Oh that would REALLY get me angry... enough to build a portal so that I can send Ridley to attack the school district.
  3. I'm just saying... I'm not saying you're an amateur, but from my point of view it sounds like an amateur mistake. It's very hard to hit notes as fast as that choir does.
  4. Uh... I'm not hearing the source. Can you post the source so I can tell which corneria song? It feels like you have to listen closely to find similarities.
  5. Wrappers are the intro and ending. Ya open the piece of chocolate, by ripping off the wrapper. (intro) And if you're like me, you throw away the wrapper when you're done with the chocolate (ending)
  6. No you completely misunderstood that. XD When you introduce the theme at 1:13, the THEME ITSELF is too fast! It makes the choir sound fake, in fact it sounds too fake. It may be deliberate, but the fact is that it doesn't go well with other parts, like that slow drum beat (nice touch BTW) So it doesn't sound like a choir, sounds like a synth, so you should either replace it with a synth or make it the same speed as the game. Not talking about the tempo, I'm talking about the MELODY itself. 2:28- 3:54 is the rich chocolate (I find it tasty. Not only because it's the best part but because it's a GREAT, catchy, dancy, trancy piece of sweet milky chocolate), now work on the stuff before and after it (mostly before) for that nice golden wrapper that children love tearing open like a pack of savage wolves. T_T 2:28 - 3:54 = TWO THUMBS UP d-(^.^)-b
  7. Posts aren't looked down upon. CRITIQUES are looked down upon. Unless it's something urgent and crucial that we seem to be ignoring. This collab isn't gonna move for a while No pressure on Scott but we can't move until he does. Anyways. Well I don't have to master it... just know enough so that if I had one at home, it would look like I knew what I was doing. At school they have electric guitars to let you practice with one for each student, but they didn't give me the class. First it was Building a PC elective in 8 th grade... now it's Electric Guitars 9th grade.
  8. Dude you need some reverb everything sounds all... dry. And this doesn't SOUND Latin at all. It sounds like some techno/dance song with Latin instruments. You could probably replace everything with synths and it would sound exactly the same... come to think of it, it would sound better with synths. My suggestion is you make this into an electronica song (replace percussion with electronic percussion, trumpets with lead synth, etc.) It would sound a lot better. If you don't want to do that, you have to do some intense hunting for some better samples, and you need to listen to Latin Jazz music. In fact I think it would work better as plain jazz instead of Latin Jazz, because Latin Jazz relies a lot on rhythm and your rhythm is... 1 2 3 4... 1 2 3 4... BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM... it's pretty basic and you probably should find a more jazzy rhythm.
  9. Really? 0_0 I have much to learn about being Epic Guitar Player. Come to think of it, I still have everything to learn about Guitar.
  10. Yeah but you still need time to practice the song, and who knows when you'll find time to practice.
  11. Collab's aren't usually finished in a week or so. They take a while. And when you're done, we'll have to wait another few months for Epitaph and Jabond to record the guitars. In other words: TAKE YOUR TIME.
  12. Post the source, please? It crackles in some places, try lowering the master volume a bit and up the bitrate to 192 kbps. Pretty good, arrangement-wise.
  13. Oh my bad I thought the number was 2:50. I never really gave this song a GOOD thorough listening, I just listened to bits and pieces to get the gist of what it was. It's pretty good.
  14. Just go with Cosmo Canyon. That's the name in the game. It's kinda short, pardner. Average mixes 'round these parts are 3:30.
  15. I'm not working on it until you finish it. That way we won't have to tediously export as MIDI's and send to each other to use with different instruments and programs on both ends. Finish the arrangement (a beginning a middle and ending). After that, your job will be to just let me, Jabond, and Epitaph handle it from there. I'll manage the live recording stuff from them and when all the guitar tracks are recorded I'll piece it together onto your arrangement and I'll handle all the mastering and other instrumentation.
  16. What's also different is that FL can't change time signatures every measure. And... I pretty much think it's unnecessary, to be honest. It's more like overdoing it and also "making my life harder". The time signature changes are really behind the scenes and you don't really much notice them, and I also think it's inconsistent to go from 5/4 to 4/4 to 5/4 to 4/4 to 9/8 to 5/4 to 4/4 all in twenty measures. So if you could please limit the time sig changes to two time sigs within the whole song (A great idea would be 5/4 for the intro 4/4 for the solos and 5/4 for rest of the song) What's more is the ends up hard on the listener, say he wants to tap to the rhtyhm, in twenty measures he finds himself continuously having to change his tapping rhythm. It seems you're thinking about more of a complicated composition and lacking thought about your audience, which could be a pretty fatal mistake which the judges. (if you really want to keep the time sig changes, don't mention to the judges about the time sig changes in the submission. Maybe they won't notice.)
  17. You're remixing a song and you don't even know what the source is called?! Shame... SHAAAAAME! :tomatoface: EDIT: And Tomatofacing you gave me the Red Mage (+400) forum status. w00t!!!
  18. Hmm I guess it does have a rock beat.
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