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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Well... uh... "Hallfprice", if you can use VST effects you can get Parametric EQ 2 (if you use FL you already have it) You have 7 bands, each representing a certain frequency level. 1 - Low Bass 2- Bass 3- Mid/Bass 4- Mid 5- Mid/High 6- High 7- Very High They're on seven sliders. Basically what you want to do is adjust each slider for the offending frequency (if you have too much low frequency on a high instrument, just roll off 1 and a bit of 2 it'll show you the strength of each frequency as a guide) However balancing your instruments velocities may be different altogether. For instance, if you have something that's upfront and has the most strength when it should be more background and supporting, just lower the velocities on that specific instrument. Ex. I have a melody I have a chord progression The melody is quiet and the chord progression is loud so I listen to the chord progression instead of the melody. However, chord progressions are usually background, so I adjust the volume of the chord progression more quietly and raise the volume of the melody, so that I can focus more on the melody.
  2. I actually like that the bassline is the same throughout. You might say it's repetitive I think that the way everything else is it doesn't really matter. But thanks though. There were some rendering problems, so give it another listen as soon as I upload this next one. It'll be called V2.
  3. I'm testing a new sound from my new sample collection. It's called Kore. The sounds from KORE are: The upright bass The synth pad It's called Night Of Escape. It's a mysterious but pulsing song. UPDATE: Slower tempo and more to enjoy. Uploading...
  4. To be honest, I had this problem in one of my WIP's long ago: They're off rhythm. You're also putting them in a part where there's a song behind them that people want to listen to. I'll use Beam Sabre Beat Zero by Darkesword as an example. Listen to the background music during the part where X and Zero are fighting. If you grabbed the soundeffects out, you wouldn't hear much; nothing that stands out. However, when he put the soundeffects in, it gave the listener something to, well, listen to. But he didn't just dump them in, he put them in rhythm with what was in the background. In your mix, you layered them over something already worth listening to, so there's a fork in the road: Should I listen to the soundeffects? Or should I listen to the song? As a listener I don't like coming to forks in the roads, because I can only enjoy half of one part of the song each time I listen to it. I want to enjoy the full song. Now I know the soundeffects aren't much but there's still a fork in the road. At the intro is where my concern is: It would be a nice and peaceful piano intro but then Megaman is shooting his buster and using some sort of construction equipment.
  5. But that's what I'm saying, they don't sound like a pickup at all. They sound randomly placed.
  6. What I mean by a beat too early is that the melody starts before the drum loop... uhm, loops. And it's not like the notes that happen before the next measure starts are supposed to be before the next measures (like on sheet music where you have a few notes after the time sig/treble clef And then it tells you the chords in the next measures like an intro) I'm just saying it would sound a lot better if on the first beat of the measure. not like 70% into a measure It catches you off guard and I kinda find it unpleasant.
  7. I don't think it sounds like circus music at all. How can it sound like circus music? It's the same exact thing as the source at a slower tempo. There's only one thing where I would understand it's circus music: the percussion. It has nothing to do with the piano at all. I use the same piano sound. EVERYWHERE. UPDATE: Percussion removed. The hosting service won't play my new version... it keeps playing the old one with the drums. Isn't that like impossible? I deleted the old mp3.
  8. Despite my challenge barrier to make this song a piano arrangement: I added percussion anyway. It just felt like the rhythm was... lacking. The drums are rock in the beginning as a little joke, they smooth out a bit later. XD Enjoy, guys. EDIT: Hold on a sec
  9. Uh... First of all, you shouldn't rely on the samples of your program. You should get some samples online. Next, what I'm referring to is 2:29. That part. I can tell you RIGHT THERE is where the problem is. 1. It's a beat too early. 2. I find the notes there unpleasant. You may not agree but my advice is put here whether it be taken or not: That change pretty much doesn't fit the rest of the song. If you left it the way the source had it, it would be nicer, even if you didn't change where it was placed in terms of beats. Actually, it's not the notes themselves, it's the chords behind them or whatever that low sound is in the background choir or strings; the background that supports that second melody come too late, so it becomes dissonant. Like I said, that is mainly due to the fact that it the melody comes a beat too early. Listen I'm not trying to be a jerk here... just voicing my opinion. And pardon my vocabulary, I'm not familiar with scales and such, I'm pretty much taught in bits and pieces about music. It's mostly just my brother showing me some cool techniques in his remixes and me remembering and applying them in my own music. "it has gone up a half step to C# minor? Yeah, cool stuff." "Yeah, cool stuff." " h, cool s" "cool" xD You might come off as a bit show-offy if you say stuff like that. However, I agree, that was one of the more pleasant changes.
  10. Hope bumping this isn't a problem. :/ C'mon guys say something! I need to finish this so I can work on Sailing The Stars- Galaxy Man ReMix!
  11. Oh actually that was actually intentional. It was supposed to sound like the human playing was emphasizing those notes. There's an easy way to drop the attack; drop the velocity. There, done. Geez I feel bad for Galaxy Man... I turned his fast paced peppy theme song into a slow go slow mo sad theme... I'm a terrible person. xD
  12. THANKS!!! Oh, and BIG UPDATE. I introduced a flute and more of the melody.
  13. Much better!!! However it clips a little a little so you might wanna fix the velocities. In the piano solo where it goes up and down in the source... I liked what you did, but when you brought it again in a minor key, I said "Blech!" I didn't really like that change... So what you might wanna focus on next is either fixing the velocities so your synths don't clip. Or I RECOMMEND changing your synths. They seem a little low quality to me.
  14. 0.0 Okay. 0.0 How's the rest of it? The arrangement? Any ideas on what I should do next? Something original or the next part of the source melody? All and any feedback is appreciated!
  15. Why wouldn't it be "conventional" (looked up definition just to be sure) It's not acceptable by the submission standards? Lots of remixes use delay...
  16. Nice, it sounds much better! I forgot to say something earlier, I was busy with something else. Is that a sample electric guitar? You might wanna get someone to play electric guitar for you (I'd recommend Sixto Sounds or Snappleman but the latter is banned so try asking Sixto Sounds... Or Sweendrix. Actually you should just start a thread to find someone, there are lots of good guitar players here.
  17. Hey man haven't talked to you in a while

  18. IPPITSU SOUJOU Or as Kamen Rider Ixa would say it: I-i-ppi-tsu So-u-Jo-u!!! That was pretty funny when she pretended to act like she was in it for the money... xD
  19. I told you. ONCE. To try upping the bitrate. I'm offering a suggestion, don't make me look like a bad guy. This next version sounds a lot better... way to GO! I would replace the cymbal at 1:32 and so on. Your gong is okay, but if you want a better one just PM me.
  20. Well thanks for reading, Hoboka. I already said that. And stop saying you're "Notoriously disliked" on this site. 1.) More than half of this site probably doesn't even know you. 2.) Even if that were true: Why complain about it? If you know why people don't like you, change yourself.
  21. No I meant it would make the mix sound better, bitrate wouldn't help clippin at all.
  22. The transition at 1:32 isn't so bad, weren't for the quality that made it unpleasant. If you up the bitrate to 192 KBS, it'll sound a lot better. The part between 0:00 and 1:32 is way too long for pretty much the same thing... nothing happens till around :55 or so.
  23. is the sourceAt only thirty seconds I still have a lot to think about in terms of where this is going: And if you like this find my Metroid Prime Remix thread, which will soon have finished! Well not really, but check it out anyway. I could use all the help I can get.
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