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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Here are my favorites: v vi vii ix Also, Annie, wat. VI is definitely darker and more depressing than FFV.
  2. yeah that sums it up perfectly. "I'm going to write a breakbeat electronic song. I can't use this loop but if I write the same rhythm with my own drum samples, that means I'm a composer with integrity LOLOLOL"
  3. When I like the timbre of a drum loop, I dump it in Slicex. I use the original rhythm, yeah, but then I also add my own variations.
  4. No, no, he's right, the only people who succeed are MAGIC
  5. This is a pretty good point. The sole purpose of my pursuing degree (Computer Science & Music Engineering) is that I'm studying to incorporate multiple different fields/jobs into my later career, kinda like zircon. Sound design tools, discography, game composing, etc.
  6. Most importantly, take advice FROM the people who succeeded. Don't let the people who failed give you advice. They have no clue what they're talking about. I have gotten absolutely no where from the words of people who tried to make it but couldn't. The only useful words I've gotten to live by are from other people who I look up to. If you surround yourself with successful people who have the resources/willingness to help you gain the right attitude and mindset, you will inevitably be able to succeed.
  7. I also feel like this when I think of things like Zircon's or Madeon's story and whatnot. The important thing is to give no damn. This is very accurate (I'm not going to explain myself, but take my word for it).
  8. Do people not understand what "selling out" actually means?
  9. If you don't want to get flamed, don't post a flaming OP. You would think this is a sensible rule to live by. Come to think of it, no dogpiling actually happened until somebody said "I wonder if this will end up like killer studio technomanga". Saying that is antagonistic and should be called out, because the OP wasn't nearly as stupid as what happened in those other threads, and comparing his post to that really is what started the negativity/super sarcasm/memeification. It was mostly actual refutation of the OP's complaints (OCR still doing free music, selling out is an exaggeration, etc.) up until that post.
  10. You're not being asked to contribute. IT'S RIGHT THERE ON SOUNDCLOUD. FOR FREE. THE WHOLE DAMN THING. OCR's about free fan music IT'S RIGHT THERE ON SOUNDCLOUD. FOR FREE. THE WHOLE DAMN THING. I don't see what part of ocr's mission statement or "principles" is being violated. I just don't. @Lyrai: I would kill to have a little Neblix LCD racing game McDonalds toy.
  11. Out of the hundreds of topics posted on OCR only like five have turned out that way in the last few years. You don't need to passive-aggressively insult the OCR community because it takes offense that someone is calling it a sell-out.
  12. Not to burst your holier than thou bubble or anything but the WHOLE THING is RIGHT FUCKING THERE ON SOUNDCLOUD kjrnhestbejmntihsrithdjortjdkyh
  13. You won't get any good games if you're in Challenger tier, all the games there are people messing around because they're done with life. Assuming that the appeal of the game is solo queue? No reason to. Of course, if you assume the appeal of the game is solo queue.
  14. My experience with Gold players is that they're still all really bad at the game. So are plats for that matter.
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