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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I don't think a recording engineer gets hired if he doesn't know how to do anything.
  2. I tried this tank Rengar thing and I got trashed. Don't know what all the commotion is about. Did better with glass Rengar, gonna keep going with that because it works better for me. I'm just waiting impatiently for the rework. If anyone here plays Rengar or wants to start, go: BORK IE SOTD LW Tri Ion Boots I've done a lot of Rengar builds and I've had the most success with this. Obviously, change the order based on how well you're doing, but I usually always get the BORK first, followed by IE. Those two items makes one shotting a breeze.
  3. There's no way to improve if you don't love doing it.
  4. I don't. Wait, why didn't anyone tell me this? D:
  5. iLoks are exactly as bad as people make them out to be. They're constructed terribly, too expensive, and the cost of misplacing or forgetting them (not being able to use the software you paid hundreds or thousands for) is unacceptable. Avoid PLAY Products like the PLAYGUE unless you want the whole Composer's Collection (which makes the iLok relatively insignificant in cost). Kontakt is a more powerful engine anyway, and as a result the scripting is much more gratifying.
  6. This. And like I said before, do check out Dubspot.
  7. Watch FL Studio Guru videos and also any free Dubspot offerings.
  8. Except that the only reliable way to examine lane victories is manually spectating games.
  9. Gonna be as good as the Comic Book Convention of the New York City
  10. Happy Birthday, OCR. You've opened a lot of doors in my life.
  11. No, the appeal of a true collector's item is that you don't know what it looks like
  12. 1. Get buff 2. Go to GDC 3. Write an album (keep failing this one)
  13. I also think Saturday is fairly decent compared to Friday, and is nowhere near obnoxious.
  14. First guess? Band pass a drum loop of your choice, high resonance with automated cutoffs and slap a delay on it to kill its rhythm (the echo will overlap unaccented steps with accented ones so it's just straight hits every, say 16th note, instead of it resembling a drum beat keeping a meter).
  15. @Avaris: I'm not understanding what exactly you mean by "positive" experience. How do you have "positive" experience with a dongle? I don't understand how DRM "helps the user" or gives them a "positive experience". "I thoroughly enjoy activating my license on iLok. I just feel so satisfied and inspired whenever I plug it in. 5/5" DRM serves only one purpose: to make using your software harder, and to kill flexibility and portability. I'm not sure what worst case scenario with NI you're talking about either. You log into service center on your computer. That is all you have to do. And if you forget your password? There's a "forgot password" button too. This is exactly how Steam works, and that's why it's incredibly popular (because it's convenient). Valve afraid of piracy past that point? No. Doesn't give a shit. There's no "forgot iLok button" though. Nope. You don't get to use what you paid for if you made a small mistake. Besides, I wouldn't really care that much if it was $10 or even $15. But no, it's $50. Half as much as the product you're buying in some cases.
  16. From my personal research on the matter, Yamahas have better "feel" but Casios have much better "sound", at least if you're talking in the $500-$1000. Casio pianos are multi-velocity sampled (different recorded note when you press harder/softer) while Yamahas are more "soundfont"ish in nature (a note is one sample, played at different volume depending on key press). What matters is if you want it to feel super real compared to how good you really want it to sound. To add to this, we have a lot of old uprights in the practice rooms here at Drexel, and coming from someone who's only recently started studying piano, they sound awful. Not in the detuned, keys don't work sense, but in the sense that the damn thing is worn to such an extent that it plays brightly at whatever strength you hit the keys with. Extremely hard to practice dynamics. If you want a used piano, don't get a piano that is too used.
  17. All I see is Fruity Edition for $90, $10 less than what it usually is. Also, keep in mind, this IS Fruity Edition, you get no audio recording or editing capabilities whatsoever.
  18. I am more upset that I have to pay $50 for non-negotiable DRM. If I was working on something like just this past weekend and it happened again, but for something more important than an OCR album, I could've been in deep trouble; there is no way to use your software without the dongle. As far as the insurance; I shouldn't have to pay a subscription to use software that I already paid a full license fee for. That's an incredibly sadistic business practice. Not even MMO's are that terrible, when you pay an MMO subscription, you pay for updates, you pay for patches. When you pay for iLok insurance, all you're paying for is the opportunity to use software you are already legally licensed to use when you don't have your dongle with you. You shouldn't need a hardware dongle. Ask for username and password. That's what NI does, and that's why NI products are far more popular than EW products. I'm not saying they don't have a right to enforce iLoks. I'm saying it's arguably a bad decision to do so, and does hurt business and encourages piracy. It's not a "different gripe", it's a main reason why iLoks are awful.
  19. Implying that musicians who contribute to the useful demographic are people who all sit in one room to make music, and that anyone who ISN'T like that and finds actual inconvenience doesn't count? I paid $50 for a basic piece of plastic tech (it's not even built well, mine is falling apart and the usb plug cap has cracks) that does nothing but hold a few strings of numbers. If I lose it, there's going to be problems. You might as well say that inconvenience in and of itself is a weak argument, then you're getting into arguing that user experience does not matter at all. You don't have to be 100% ripped off for something to be inconvenient. Inconvenience is frustration and negative impacts on usage.
  20. Yeah, iLok is a complete piece of crap. $50 for this little tiny thing that I can LOSE. I don't care about license/hardware/software morality. I do care that I had to pay $50 for this glorified usb drive with a few megabytes of memory in order to use my new software which I already paid $200 for. Went home for the weekend, accidentally left it at school. Couldn't use any of my samples, and if I wanted to, I'd have to pay another ridiculous heap of cash to subscribe to a service that gives me a temporary license if I justify that I lost the iLok. I have two computers and I take one wherever I go. "Leave it in your computer"; no thanks buddy. And yeah, pretty much every testimonial in support of iLok is "i left it in the same usb slot for the past x years and it didn't explode so it's pretty great." pretty much ignoring the actual inconvenience of using a tiny piece of removable hardware to have your studio function. NI doesn't have this problem. They realize expensive DRM hurts business way more than the invisible "hit" by piracy.
  21. I don't know why Glitch is mentioned here. It doesn't have anything to do with slicing. What you want is a program that cuts the audio file up by detecting transients and figuring those are the individual drum sounds. Then it maps each slice to a MIDI key so that you can play each drum sound in the loop separately, like a loaded drum kit. Glitch has absolutely 0% relevant functionality to loop slicing. All it can do is repeat, which repeats the the last 16th note or so of audio feed and shuffle, which I still have no idea to this day how it works, but it is not controllable, and not really a slicer. Glitch doesn't process the audio to detect sound transients, it simply plays with incoming audio feed in rhythmic intervals that are synced to the DAW's tempo.
  22. Short piano/harp/violin piece I wrote when I was bored last night. http://soundcloud.com/neblixmusic/falling-into-the-sky Enjoy.
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