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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Bloom and shadows really don't kill style.
  2. I think you guys are passing too much judgement on some low res screenshots.
  3. Your view is correct, ours is not. Your iPad is probably doing some soft correction.
  4. Video game music is not its own style. That is a ridiculous notion. Musical genres include things like rock, electronic, jazz, orchestral, etc. And video game music often consists of a lot of different genres. Video game music is no different than "plain music" except that it is written for the purpose for use in interactive media. The people who say commercial music is all crap in comparison to VGM have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and have an extremely parochial view of the musical world. They're extremely naive and are tied to feelings of nostalgia and self-righteousness. That, and they conveniently don't remember a lot of video game music is crap too. There are many fantastic artists nowadays that don't write their music for video games.
  5. Drexel's Music Tech Lab has a research project on Music-driven video games; I don't think it's at all a rare topic. Survey taken, hope it helps. Game music composition is a dream and goal for me.
  6. Actually, it's what it sounds like. It's a Stanford course aimed at learning how to program basic strategy game AI.
  7. And so the misadventures of Nab'Jaral continue
  8. What do you mean? It's not like other people have the same issue.
  9. CCleaner is one of the best pieces of freeware and is consistently included in "top/best/must-have freeware" lists on computer news/review websites. Don't get a bad opinion of it because of irresponsible users. I've used CCleaner for a few years now and I've never had a registry or temp file issue. It's a great away to save space on your computer and an easy way to manage start-up programs. It doesn't do anything demonic to your computer as long as you don't check all of the boxes that specifically pop up a warning (each one at a time) saying, more or less, "you probably shouldn't check this box". Only check those boxes if you know what you're doing. Also, Meteo, where the heck were you storing your files that they could get eaten by CCleaner?
  10. ...what? Who said anything about rapid tapping? >_> And why are you talking about Resident Evil? We're talking about Darksiders 2. Most of your post just doesn't really make sense in the context of the discussion.
  11. Here's all I'm taking: 2012 - Heterogeneous Parallel Programming (more than halfway through, it's been fun and I've been helping out other people on the forums) 2013 - Algorithms, Part I 2013 - Algorithms, Part II 2013 - Calculus: Single Variable (starts Monday) 2013 - Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps 2013 - Discrete Optimization 2013 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2013 - General Game Playing 2013 - Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 2013 - Programming Languages 2013 - The Hardware/Software Interface 2013 - Introduction to Digital Sound Design 2013 - Introduction to Music Production (easy peasy) 2013 - Songwriting 2013 - Survey of Music Technology
  12. Been years since I posted something here (ok maybe not years but you get the idea) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/The%20Oil%20Bazaar.mp3 It's a mash up of two of zircon's songs, one is track #4 "Neurobazaar" from his new album Identity Sequence. The other song is "Time to Oil Up" posted on this very site. Enjoy!
  13. I personally love quick-time events; it makes the scene more engaging. I hate just watching finishers; I don't feel like I actually did anything. When I mash something into a boss with my thumb, I break a sweat and get excited to see my micro-effort be worth something. That being said, Darksiders II is a game I love, and I played enough of it that I can confirm there are quick-time events.
  14. It literally takes less than an hour to update. If it doesn't, you have bigger problems with your computer than "FL/QL won't work". In that case, you may want to reformat your computer. That DOES take a lot longer, but it helps so much in the long run to annihilate all of the software problems you're having when you install everything fresh.
  15. Are you really asking for tech support AND refusing to update your stuff? Also, just saying, it's been too long for you to pull out the "don't want to leave pattern blocks" card. If you bothered to do some reading, you'd know you can re-enable pattern blocks by checking an option. FL 10 didn't "remove" anything.
  16. Yes, but remember, these are really old samples. There are modern sample libraries now. These sample libraries have better scripting and more options, and you can mix and match libraries conveniently inside of one instance of a sampler. When you go PLAY, everything's all pre-made for you, and if you don't like the way something is done, you're stuck with it. There aren't 3rd party PLAY libraries.
  17. If you're not careful about your money and don't pay attention to the world around you, yeah, Kontakt is $400. It's $200 every year during the Thanksgiving weekend. Or instead, go $100 more than $400 and get Komplete, at which point the value quickly overpowers that of EW CCC. And when you go EW, you get crappy DRM, bad customer support, a bad engine, ancient samples, and no expansion options... It's a great deal, if you like taking a risk. And yeah, Ministry of Rock is kind of terrible. You know it's bad if the company demos sound bad. The Shreddage family + Komplete is more than enough to cover you there.
  18. WAIT!!! I just realized, Da Capo is a modern full-featured Kontakt orchestral library and it's $400! It's the perfect fit for an all-in-one, however, it DOES require Kontakt.
  19. If money is a concern, get EWQL. Otherwise, get Kontakt then build you library out of 3rd party section libraries for Kontakt. For example, my plan is to eventually get Cinematic Strings 2.0 and CineBrass in a few years both Kontakt libraries, and I'll use the woodwinds and percussion of VSL (or Albion, depends how much $$$ I can throw at my studio at the time and how sufficient the VSL stuff is).
  20. Kontakt VSL is only good for slower passages, where sample attack times are not as harmful. If you try to do fast sections or high energy articulation, it'll sound like it's bleeding. It also does not have a big sound to it. EWQL has tons more articulations, but at the same time, you run on the PLAY Engine. So only do that if you have a decent computer.
  21. May I suggest that you not use such an odd and inconvenient system? Your sales numbers might go up if you didn't sell the download in such a roundabout way. There are tons of eCommerce services out there. Just google it up! This is ridiculous. People sell synth patches all the time, why don't you look at how they did it?
  22. People really need to do some research before spreading misinformation. The Composer's Collection is not a 75% off sale of its own price. It's 75% off of the whole sum of the products were you to buy them separately. Composer's Collection never ever goes on sale for more than 5%; its base price is pretty consistently, more or less, $900-$1000, and doesn't really change. Ever. So no, it's not $3,513 come Jan 1st. That's preposterous; there would be no point in buying the bundle instead of buying them separately (other than it comes in one box). The whole "OMG GET IT FOR 75% OFF" is just fancy marketing and a way to grab your attention, because it technically IS 75% off the total sum of its products; but the truth is, it's never NOT 75% (or a few % around there) off. It's like saying Komplete 8 is over 80% off. It technically is, since the sum of the products' prices is $3,633. But it never changes from its $500.
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