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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Hit Silver II this morning. Hoping to get Gold V before the end of the season. Dat Elise Skin!
  2. I was thinking more like "I have more fit in my ness than your entire house!"
  3. When I am 18, you guys better WATCH OUT ... this is gamified fitness, right? We can trash talk?
  4. Don't be silly. All EWQL products work in both VST and... whatever other standards the Mac DAW's use. RTAS and something else? OSX and Windows hard drives are written differently. You wouldn't be "losing" the products you bought, you'd just lose the ability to install them straight from the hard drive they gave you.
  5. He's complete trash. This actually isn't a bug, it's an intended mechanic of the game.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/Bqln4yy.png******** This one says otherwise, but it could be old. And needless to say, high ranking is more a measure of free time. The standard highest rank to be placed is Silver I (win all 10 placements) and to get a higher rank, you do have to jump through all the promotion and LP hoops bullshit, and that requires having to play about 6-7 games per division if you're a god.
  7. Gold V is pretty abysmal too. Gold III and up is where you starting have some sort of credibility. As far as rank distributon, Bronze and Silver encompass the bottom 85% of League players. The next 15% are Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Challenger. Your ability to do this will depend on your champion choice. What kind of champions (not roles, CHAMPIONS) do you play in Ranked? Inaccurate. Being in a duo by itself raises your matchmaking rating considerably. I have unfortunately had Bronze II people on my teams as the result of them duo queueing. It was pretty un-fun, considering it was in my S4 -> S3 promo.
  8. Runaan's is crap unless you're playing AP Varus. Spread the Blight and pop it all with your ult. 1000 damage + 60% of all targets' health. Beautiful. Or Kayle, that's actually legit.
  9. Okay so I just got out of a game against a 547 AD Fiora who healed 60% of her life in one auto attack WHAT THE FUCK
  10. A fed Wukong is about as scary as a fed Riven. Just send 3 guys to fight him... alone... and he'll be dealt with. You two can handle the rest of the team, right?
  11. When you went ham on Nasus and got that shutdown I was like "SHIT JUST GOT REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL"
  12. Why do video games have to follow a specific set of rules? If we can have a game that is considered intelligent and challenging with physical pieces, why can't we also have a game like that but on a screen?
  13. Bleck, look at chess. You can't be good at chess just by playing it. You have to learn strats. So chess is a bad game. Anyways having good mechanics like farming and multicasting is a good thing, but it won't win you games past Bronze I and you'll still be the bottom 40% of players who have no clue how the game is played (synonymous to some high school nerds casually playing chess in comparison to an actual legit chess tournament player). If you have terrible positioning and don't know how mid and late game pressure strats work, you're going to lose every game. Every one of the losses I have in Silver is because of a late game throw, not because the enemy team consistently rolled us over with better farming and skillshots. You can do amazing early game and still lose because you and your teammates don't know how to work an advantage (can't really count on people 100% for this until you get to about Gold IV). This is why you should never give up a game at Bronze or Silver. People are really bad at the transition to late game and throws are very frequent. This is because it is a strategy game with moves made by human beings. People do stupid stuff all the time and if you're warding enough it's easy to catch. Delaying the game also increases respawn timers, so if you catch their throw (har har) and cripple their team enough to actually kill them, it's a free push for win.
  14. Mechanics are not enough to even win Bronze games. Also, Brushfire, that is incorrect. The meta is not shaped through what happens in the games, it's shaped through study of the numbers. You can plausibly learn much about the meta if you devoted hours to reading the numbers and knew how to do things like DPS optimization and optimal team composition through lots of math. http://www.wowwiki.com/Theorycraft
  15. Who says get rid of it? I'm saying it's dumb but I'm not saying it's better off not being there... Also, Bleck, you can't learn a MOBA game through experience. It's all meta-game, the knowledge of which is acquired through watching pro matches, reading up on numbers and how stats affect each other, and knowing the abilities of all the champions or heroes. There is no possible way you can play this game and be even remotely decent without someone playing with you, teaching you, or showing you, or you do your own research. It's like any strategy game. That's why the vast majority of the LoL population is below Gold tier, even though there are 3 tiers above it and 2 below. I believe the last time I checked, Silver V (bottom of the trash pile we call silver) holds the most players of any tier division.
  16. League doesn't use elo... It uses MMR, and has since the start of Season 3. Elo as the actual system is gone. People just call it elo by habit. Bleck hit the nail on the head, solo queue in general having a ranking system is kinda pointless and dumb and means nothing. If you're actually interested in competitive LoL, make a team. You can't go into solo queue and expect your matchmade pubs to be on the same page as you. They're random people from all walks of life who you can't even voice chat with for reliable communication. Solo queue is a different game.
  17. Of course it's terrible in a team-based game. Even worse that Tier bottoms are elo walls, and no matter how bad you are, if you got boosted to Plat V you can never get demoted unless you stop playing, but your elo doesn't really drop below normal Plat V elo. As a result, even Diamond has some pretty garbage players. The only real problem with the system is elo boosting, it pretty much is the sole reason why people are not where they "should" be. I am directly contradicting you and you are saying "you're not reading what I'm saying" because you don't have enough substance for a counter argument. Perhaps your hand is blocking your vision and therefore your ability to read. All you've been saying is Bronze is harder than Silver and I'm saying that it isn't and have given plenty of reasons. LoL is a strategy game and if you're only good at one thing (winning your lane) you're obviously going to lose because you don't actually know anything about macro or mid and late game. If you get fed 18/3 and still lose the game it's because you have a garbage presence, you're not buying wards, and you're not catching people out of position (or you're playing a garbage champion). Fed people are supposed to be scary. But if you're bad, you're just a guy who soaked up gold and ensured that your team is going to have no chance. And get off the "this doesn't apply to me" train. I'm talking about players in Bronze. I don't care that you're Silver I and I don't care how you play.
  18. Your point is that it's harder to win at Bronze, which I am saying is not true at all. You just have to adjust your playstyle. Also, this IS an "I agree/disagree" issue. Your one experience doesn't dictate the way it is for everyone. Get over yourself. "Elo hell" is a phenomenon that pretty much only those who are in it believe in. Reason "elo hell" is "hell" is because everyone is bad, and if you fall down there, you're also bad. I complained about being Bronze III for a while, then I actually started playing against Golds and Plats in normals and upped my game, and got out of Bronze in a relatively short amount of time. Doesn't take a god to carry out, just takes some basic strategy knowhow. And no, it doesn't only apply to the highest of high. My Silver I and II friends played on Bronze accounts and carried out with win streaks (on SEVERAL accounts). Pretty much nullifies your entire argument ("only pros can do it").
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