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Everything posted by MrSneak

  1. Indeed, my pleasure. Yes, the OOT teleport songs are just... bursting with unrealized potential. I would be delighted if you wanted to pursue the others. And yes, do give it a listen, it's a good'un. ( http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01150/ ) EDIT: Heh, I realize I really love that mix because of the awesome piano at just after the first 3rd of the track. Go-go piano bias.
  2. This is marvelous. I thought I enjoyed the current Serenade of Water remix, but this just blows me away. Beautiful. I'm a whore for piano, but I'm drooling over this. I've always wanted to see each of the Zelda:OOT teleport songs made into fully realized, elaborate tunes. Thanks for doing this one, at the very least.
  3. I actually always really enjoyed the tune from the Goron City in OOT, and this remix is so chill and mellow, it makes me wonder what it would be like if somebody took it in the direction of raggae! Laul! Anwho, this is great instrumental and is even very danceable. It reminded me of salsa at times. Also throwing in the original Zelda theme here and there was a fun idea. Seriously, keep it up. I very much enjoyed this track! Hey, and if you decide on a whim that you never want to work on it again, let us know so I remember to add this to my collection.
  4. I like it! I've heard many Morrowind Theme mixes and ... this is the only one I would consider keeping in my personal collection. Very nice, good luck with the judges.
  5. You've made at least a couple of us happy with your work on a MegaRace track (see me begging for a MegaRace mix in my request thread: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=436948#post436948). I like where you've taken a lot of it. I don't think the initial high-pitched instrument that comes in at about 0:30 is even as interesting as the one from the original. I think it harmonizes with itself a little too much and I don't think it compliments the tune as well. Some of your samples have some quality issues. Like the heavy drum thing at 1:00 and about 5:05, you can hear the sample dropping off and it just sounds a little low-budget. Nice cowbell at 2:28. Followed by excellent rhythm riff at 2:40. I really love that segment. It feels well rounded and driving. When you transition at 3:45, again the high pitched instrument that carries the rhythm doesn't sound that great, and a the croaking frog sound in the background is just a little weird contrast to the rest of the mix. Also, while you follow (awesomely) how the original switches it up frequently and to great degrees, your mix tends to meander on certain elements without really expanding on them too much. I like the length, but I think to justify it you may need to work more progression into each little "episode" of this track's huge variation. Please believe me when I say how totally thrilled I am about the fact that a skilled mixer has even started a Megarace mix. Please do not stop. Do. Not. Stop. <3 <3 <3
  6. You may be glad to know that a mixer has begun work based your tune: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17446 Now if only I could get somebody to do Maeva. :-B
  7. Your new version sounds cleaner, but like other posters, I really miss a solid rhythm and progression. Thanks for checking out that MIDI I recommended, and you can probably guess I may be biased by its tender loving sounds. You've accomplished a truly unique sound with what you have so far, but I can't help but feel like you could take it further. What you have right now sounds like ground work for some unusual intensity that you could really drive the melody home through, and then after the dust settles, bring it back down to this plucky, mellow theme you have going on. I don't know if you feel that's a valid suggestion, but I really crave some richness from this tune.
  8. I wish you luck with this mix. So far, the best version I've heard has been a Midi: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/docks_guitar.mid Thanks to the progression and sublime yet awesome drums, this midi gets me excited. That said, your mix is very unique and interesting. However, what it lacks is palpable progression, in my opinion. Give it something to build up to. If you click through the various parts of the song, beginning, middle, end, the instrument choice and level of intensity is roughly identical.
  9. I love the music from Kirby's Adventure for the NES. There's a lot of it that's just really catchy. Green Greens is just so spunky... it takes control of my body.
  10. I'm actually impressed that this under-the-radar NES game actually already has a remix up on the site. And while "Remlia" is a fantastic tune, the track "Second Introduction" has a very bombastic, triumphant and unique tune to it. I would love to hear this majestic tune re-done in an orchestral style or could probably even go Guitar Rock with it. http://midi.thehylia.com/midifiles/nes/astyanax/second-introduction.mid Thanks for your time!
  11. I'm checking out some of the tunes ... Let me make a disclaimer. I'm a huge fan of Deus Ex and I still listen to the original soundtrack during my daily commute. I think the originals have some great merits on their own. With that said, I appreciate that other Deus Ex fans have been inspired and committed to tribute this game and its fantastic soundtrack. Not to make a broad, blanket statement about the tunes... but I'd rather not repeat myself as I feel pretty similarly about all the tracks. Overall, they don't seem as atmospheric / ambient as the originals. There's a general lack of... mood or suspense, which is odd, considering that a few of the tunes are very true to the original. They're just generally not as interesting. I feel like I can't fault them for failing to deliver the distinct cyberpunk vibe that the originals gave, but I feel like if that mood isn't there, the mood should be replaced with something equally as driving. Unfortunately, I don't believe this is the case. The samples used for the most part remind me of a more typical "dance" techno, but the quality of the samples isn't much better than those used in the originals. So we've traded funky old-school tech, for predictable dance tech, which isn't a step up. It's a step sideways at best, in my opinion. The closest tracks to success are probably the "Enemy From Within" and "The Rise and Fall of Tracer Tong" tracks. I think these are closer to sample updates than true remixes, but I honestly did enjoy listening to them, even if some of the sample usage felt awkward and out of place on occasion. In other cases, I feel like the composer(s) are grasping at straws to find ways to make the tunes as interesting as the originals. While I truly appreciate the dedication and effort, these tracks will not replace the originals in my CD booklet.
  12. I didn't think I'd get bump-smacked because each time it was at least 2 weeks or so apart, I just didn't want the dream to die! Thanks for the heads-up though. I didn't see your request. NewSan is a great tune and would love to hear it mixed.
  13. True enough. I'm an art lead for a game studio, but I'm also a nerd... so I guess my fight for games-as-art falls into that category. To respond to the original post: Yes, I totally believe games are art. There are a few ... double standards that it naturally has to overcome before this is the mainstream opinion. First off, I think it's important to define art. I'd suggest that anything which takes great skill and practice to create, yet serves no practical purpose (something that doesn't result in eat / sleep / sex / shelter), is technically art. It is creation for creation's sake. That's not to say that Art can't serve a purpose... it just isn't... a practical one! The OP addressed this somewhat. I firmly agree that a game should, first and foremost, be fun. Fun, long before it attempts to be beautiful, or to tell a story, or to send a message. If it's not fun... well, it might as well not be a game. Is it fair to hold "art" to this kind of standard? I think most people would knee-jerk, "No". However, as an artist, I'm a little picky and I would say "Yes". Allow me to explain. Movies. What's the purpose of Movies? Movies are often entertaining to watch. Paintings. Paintings are often visually appealing. Sculptures. What's the purpose of Scultpures, or Ballets, or ... or Music... A lot of Artists like to think that they're very important, and that their personal story, or struggle, or opinion is what is important about their art. And if people just "get it", then that means it's good art. I say "Pooh pooh" to that. YOU are not what's important to art. What you are able to create as a result of your personal struggle, etc, is what's important. I might suggest that Art is humanity's way of enjoying itself. To indulge in its own ability and freedom to create. People like art because it is indulgent. It proves that we have all of our basic needs met and we have the time to not only create, but create with great and determined skill. Thusly, I find that it's only natural that art emerges as forms of entertainment. Video games, not excluded. Also I must make a disclaimer. I believe a good painting is enjoyable to look upon, that a good movie is entertaining to watch and that a good video game is fun to play. While I think all art is (and should be) held to a standard by its audience, that doesn't mean it is NOT art if it fails by its audience. It's just BAD art. Gigli and Limbo of the Lost not excluded.
  14. I see a lot of popular titles on the 1st page of this forum, but I'm looking for something a little more obscure. Something a little more meaningful for the old school PC gamer! Please, think of the... children... from... 10 years ago!
  15. Just a friendly bump for my friend MegaRace that nobody else seems to be nostalgic for. I suppose others aren't as impressed with the music as I still am. Is it the nostalgia blinding me, or is the music really awesome?
  16. I always loved this track in the game and I'm enjoying your mix. I feel like your harmonica sample is good enough so that I feel like it's a real harmonica, but it doesn't play realistically, so it sounds really awkward. I really love this tune so I wish you luck in your mixing effort with it.
  17. This mix is very chill and somehow still very expressive. I love it and can't wait for your revision. This'll go in my personal collection when you're done.
  18. I would love to hear a remix of a Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos track. This game had a ton of great music. And hey, if you need more of a reason to remix tunes from this game; it had Patrick Stewart as a voice actor. Can't go wrong with that! You can get ALL of the game's MIDIs in a zip file here: http://home5.inet.tele.dk/schulz/files-lol1.html I would love to hear LANDS 11.mid remade, but there's a LOT of really great tracks in there and if one of those inspires you more, I'd say go for it.
  19. I bet a lot of PC gamers remember this classic game, and to be honest, I'm surprised that this cult favorite (with a killer soundtrack) hasn't been mixed yet! The track for the Maeva levels has my favorite music, but I also really love the NewSan, Suburb and the NewFac tracks if you're a mixer looking for something different. I love the techno style, so if any mixer is up to the challenge, I'd love to hear it like that with a modern non-midi edge. It could always use an industrial edge too to give it some of the punch that I feel the midi has. Maeva Suburb NewFac NewSan In the meantime, I love these songs so much, I've burned the soundtrack on a CD and I listen to the MID files as they are... because even though they're midi they still kick butt!
  20. I really like how you've played with the theme and turned it all pirate-y. Being a huge fan of the original and the game, I'd be lying if I said I didn't "miss" certain parts of the original. You've only taken the opening few notes of the source and played with them. It'd be interesting to hear what you could do with some of the Oblivion theme's "body" in this new genre. Regardless, an enjoyable listen.
  21. I really like what you did with this track. To be honest, in Secret of Mana, this was always one of my least favorite tracks because it didn't ever feel like it had a real rhythm or melody. You've taken that and thrown it out the window. The thing really feels like it has composition now. I salute you.
  22. I really like where this is going. After completion and clean-up, I would keep it in my personal collection.
  23. Much better than I expected. Keep it up!
  24. This track would be a great replacement for the game's original music, but maybe doesn't bring much to the table in terms of something you'd listen to in your CD player. I agree with others, it probably needs something more.
  25. I love this mix. The original game track is there for tension and background noise, but I feel like you've turned that into a great mix. Personally, I feel like this is a lot better than a bunch of the stuff on this site. However, if you clean it up more to get rid of certain repetitious parts, it would just be amazing. Good luck, and I want to hear more. Even if I don't hear more, though, I'm keeping this for my personal collection.
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