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    Secret Volcano Lair, Minnesota

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  1. there are several reasons why the HD display looks lousy. if the issue is big blocky artifacting and choppy video, that tends to indicate reception issues (a lot of big-box stores get their TV via satellite). if it is general fuzziness and smaller artifacting, it is more likely signal degredation during splitting (because big box stores don't run the signal digitally from end to end. if you look at the back of the TV, they are almost always using the component connectors) and, of course, if two almost identical TVs are playing the same thing side by side, and one looks awful while the other is gorgeous, then the store is trying to convince you that monster cables are worth the obscene markup (or that you need to get your HDTV calibrated)
  2. windows recently stopped working for me, and reinstalling resulted in exciting new issues (I did not know that two installs of windows could be made to the same drive... very strange). so my computer, as of about two weeks ago, runs Ubuntu as it's primary OS, with Windows XP for games that I can't get to work right under Linux (I managed to snag a free copy of Crossover Games during their 'Lame Duck Challenge'). linux is tricky, in my experience, but definitely worth it if you persevere.
  3. if you weren't planning on gutting it, I would point out that the Xbox's controller ports are just funny-shaped USB ports (with 1 extra contact fo V-sync, which you would not be using anyway). While the Xbox makes a great media center for SD content, and is also a fantastic emulator box, I wouldn't want to build a new HTPC from the ground up inside one. still, it's a matter of personal preference.
  4. that doesn't sound dirty AT ALL!!!
  5. painkiller had the Impaler, which was essentially a telephone-pole launcher. it's similar, if not comparable.
  6. my understanding of it is that to accept a particular credit card as payment, you have to sign a deal with the managing company, which also entails what sort of fees you have to pay them for the right to accept their card. from what I've been told, AmEx's fees are higher than those charged by other companies. anyone who knows more about it, please feel free to correct me.
  7. I never got very far in it, sadly. first because playing it on anything smaller than about a 30" TV is a nightmare, second because my games and Xbox got stolen (still have the controller, though). I actually liked bits like having to hit the eject button to avoid death. you get plenty of time to react, as I recall... I just wish, and some reviewers agreed, that some of the switches were for more than just startup. if you are dumb enough to shut off the oxygen recycler in your VT, you should asphyxiate, etc.
  8. I would also recommend Linux Mint
  9. I certainly am. "Dear friends: there is an unstoppable Swedish mercenary with a mohawk after your heads. good luck."
  10. I try to get on almost-nightly. doctordevice - Doctor Device (warning: if you are on the same team as me, every round we stand an 87% chance of failing our objectives spectacularly)
  11. I suspect they will be Valkyr-induced hallucinations... after all, one of the things Valkyr addicts are often heard saying is "...the flesh of fallen angels..."
  12. you can add me to the list.
  13. How did you first meet your spouse? through the magic of the intertubes, actually. she and I were both active in the sinfest webcomic community. What were your ambitions when you were getting to know them? I've never really been ambitious about much of anything, so I can't really say I had any real ambitions at the time. I was going to college because my family felt I should. Did you plan to get married? we had planned to get engaged, but then one day she asked 'do you just want to go ahead and get married?', and I couldn't think of any real reason not to, so we did. Do you have common interests? she and I are both music geeks, avid gamers, and we both relish our immaturity (she collects dolls and action figures and the like, I collect legos and the like) What are your differences? we like radically different styles of music, different styles of food, lots of things she and I don't agree on. what keeps the two of you together? we have our common interests to talk about, and our differences to snark at each other about. communication and a healthy sense of humor are what work for us When you were getting married, were you nervous? I actually can't remember a single thing I said during the ceremony... so yes, very. What did you sacrifice before getting married? was I supposed to get rid of something I liked before I started all this? Do you prefer your marriage life over your single life? sometimes I miss the single life, but never for very long, really. I love my wife, and I wouldn't go back to being single if I had any say in the matter. How much have you changed? since getting married involved moving out of my parent's house (and, indeed, out of my home state), and supporting myself, I'd say I've changed a lot. more responsible, a bit older, a bit wiser, and still an embarrassment to my family. How often do you have your "quality time"? not as often as I'd like, but I can live with that. Would you ever consider divorcing, or is that a stupid question? I cannot think of a reason to, honestly.
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