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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Voting is closed! First place votes gained 3 points. Second place votes gained 2 points. Third Place votes gained 1 point. Tallies are as follows: Brandon Strader - - 34 anterroir - - 15 Trism - - 10 CN - - 9 Amayirot Akago - - 6 Xarnax42 - - 3 Mindwanderer - - 1 I have updated the first post which will now show the full score tallies of everyone in the competition. Well done to everyone who has participated this round, you all did a fantastic job - I will be updating everyone with the 2nd round details shortly!
  2. I dunno if what I do would be what you're looking for but I'm happy to put myself forward for a track or two if you want. http://tindeck.com/listen/uwqp The style is probably a bit tamer than you want but let me know if you're interested.
  3. People who signed up are still ok with voting. I just don't want to cause a stir with "officially adding people" after the signing up period.
  4. If Chimpy says keep things on topic then please do so. Keep the thread on topic from here on out, go to the headphones thread if you want to talk about headphones. I've given it some careful consideration... feel free to still send entries for fun, I'll put them in the ZIP with the other tracks but they won't be voted on.
  5. I consider myself a bit of a reverb whore, and I'd say that the issue with reverb is that it sounds great but its shockingly easy to oversaturate because what sounds great on a solo instrument won't sound great in the mix. You mix every track at 50% wetness, your whole track sounds like its written in a massive church. As far as it goes, you should aim for room effects to not be too noticeable because you're trying to emulate a room sound, which is natural. Also, in regards to "bad headphones repping mixing properly" I believe that you should try and get a mix sounding as good as possible on every system you can. Hopefully goes without saying, but if you're only making it sound good on one system because you don't think the other is representing how most people will hear your music, you aren't doing it properly Anyways, BACK TO VOTING YOU MANGY CURS!
  6. Thanks for pointing that out, oversight on my part. Added in the first post.
  7. There will be that, as well as some VG based music. Don't worry, we got a bit of everything planned.
  8. VOTING! First of all - Join the Social Group here Each round consists of 1 week where the best submissions are decided by popular vote. There will be a thread in the Social Group for each round, where you can post your votes. DO NOT VOTE IN THIS THREAD. You must post your 3 favourite artists in order like so: 1: Mojo Jojo 2: Him 3: Fuzzy Lumpkins You may leave comments under your 3 votes but KEEP THEM SEPARATE. 1st place votes will get 3 points, 2nd place 2 points, and 3rd place 1 point. Whoever gets the most votes wins the round, and your scores will tally over to the next round. That way, the person who does the most consistantly good entries will win the compo and the fabulous prizes within.
  9. Compiling all the entries together. Submissions are now closed. Will update with voting shortly.
  10. March 31st, 5pm EST. It does say so in the first post, but I get that its a massive TL;DR post haha
  11. Yeah I think quite a few want an extension because you're all slow and terrible. I'm also slow and terrible tho, so I sympathise. Moving Deadline forward to Monday 31st March! (don't get used to it)
  12. This, basically. The bass is loud but the mix itself is lacking some bass and mid presence, which gives the track a slightly tinny sound. Arrangement feels a little liberal at points (where is azure lake? I remixed that source and I don't hear it here) Negatives aside, very groovy, its definitely an intricate piece of funk jam luvin' and its a lot of fun, and the ideas you've thrown on what I hear of the source are great. Its just fixing up the low end and making the source a little bit more prominent and you're good to go imo! Also, not getting "pseudo-mod" review either. Are you saying you should be a mod? Feels a bit attention seeking to me, I'd be careful not to annoy the ACTUAL mods if that was just a silly joke
  13. I am willing to wait for 1-2 days if people want a bit more time.
  14. I've got one mix approaching a 700 day wait. (693 days and counting) So yeah, prepare for a LONG wait
  15. Sure. Make sure to make clear which entry is the serious one (if it needs saying) and we'll mark it as a bonus entry in the ZIP file.
  16. They're covers. Not rearrangements or remixes. Also, if you're wondering why I didn't put in small changes etc, I feel in this case, keeping it as close to the original as possible was key to see what you all could do to set your performances apart from the original song.
  17. hmm... I'm not sure what to tell you man. It appears to work for everyone else
  18. Anyone reading this who has already downloaded the file, could you please re-download? Thanks guys
  19. Sorry, I missed your post - I put you as the last person, since you technically signed up before the deadline - also puts us at 20 entrants which is a good round number
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