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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. This is totally groovy. Percussion is completely BADASS Ok, so looking at this... I can see what larry means about those vocals, but I actually like how you can almost envision it being sung by one of the gorons I think this will attract vocal hate dewds tho. Original Vocal sections for me are also a bit of a no-no, but its pulled off fairly well here. Still, it lacks a bit of cohesiveness overall without the theme to bring it back to basics, and this throws the source usuage into question slightly. It checks out just about for me, but a little more source would have been preferable I think. Still, for what it is, its fantastic, and totally wins on all levels. ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN! YES
  2. I'm coming to mag. It had better be as good as all you guys make out
  3. Oh man this source is great. All castlevania sources are great. Ok, so first off, arrangement is pretty awesome. Some nice variations on the theme that keep things interesting while keeping the source prominent throughout the track. As for production... not so good. Things are very very cluttered all the way through, the strings don't cut through enough in the intro, when the lead guitar is playing, thats pretty clear but when you have that buried lead at 0:58, everything seems to lack clarity, and there are alot of other little parts that are all fighting for the same room. Nothing is particularly clear honestly imo. I'd say the production needs quite a bit of cleaning up, if not a complete overhaul for this to see the pass imo. Really nice arrangement, but fix up the production! NO (resub)
  4. Honest, polite feedback. It can be anything, constructive, or not. Just a simple why you liked it can really help make someone feel proud of their work for example.
  5. Battle Area Toshinden 2 deserves a special mention as an under remixed game full of insanely awesome gems. A better soundtrack than Street Fighter 2. Oh yah, I went there. Virtua Fighter 1 also has a BITCHIN soundtrack. Also, I want to do a remix of this song one day, its completely and utterly awesome -
  6. Depends on the style honestly. Assuming you're talking about acoustic drums, I find that OCR seems to prefer more variation on drums than you'd usually hear in a general song. Sure bands like led zeppelin/dream theater will have some complex drum patterns, but plenty of songs are very standard 4/4 bass snare stuff with few fills or differences throughout. Generally, you want to always have velocity change ups to keep the humanisation, but unless you want to, you can keep the variation to a minimum imo. Rhythm change ups are cool for the different sections and pretty much standard, but otherwise, variations are done very subtlety. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, particularly when you look into progressive rock/jazz/fusion shit, just check out songs like burn by deep purple, which have verses that are continuous drums fills. Its really up to you, there is no "rule" for it, but OCR itself likes to have drums that aren't on auto-pilot.
  7. I agree that this is a rather sad topic. BGC, much love and totally get where you're coming from with your posts. My thoughts are that we all have lives and I don't believe anyone should harbour grudges if someone doesn't actively contribute to the community in a BIG WAY if they did before. Some people change, some people move on to other things. As someone who wants to be a game composer, that is currently what i'm focusing my efforts on right now as well, and if that means I am less active on OCR as a result and will be more so in the future, then so be it. MUCH love to OCR if that ever happens, because they have been stepping stones on a career path that honestly, seemed impossible to me a few years back, and while still out of reach somewhat, I have a belief in myself and my abilities now that wasn't there before. I would stick around OCR more if I could in that situation but it probably wouldn't be as feasible. As for negativity on the forums, I try to avoid that sort of thing generally. Its quite easy to ignore things that aren't directed personally to you, but personal attacks do sometimes happen, I have had my fair share. However, I find being on the forums and a part of OCR isn't all cynical and negative, and I find there are plenty of great points to sticking around. Not to say I disrespect BGCs view or decision. What I'd say I have a problem with tho, is when people seem to just completely vanish and cut off from OCR completely and utterly, including everyone who's a part of it. This is only if they still seem to be around in some way, be it on facebook or something. Thats hurtful for the people who you leave behind if you don't have a good enough reason for cutting everyone off, or don't give one. I can name a few people there, not giving out any names, but I find it quite a sad thing when you cut off cold turkey from a community thats frankly, given you so much, not just music and experience wise, but socially as well. I have FRIENDS here, and I wouldn't want to just give them up for my career. Seeing as this is kinda his thread, I have to say that I don't believe BGC ever did that, I'm *not* singling him out here or holding him responsible for that in any way, shape or form. I want to make that clear. For the record, i'm not talking about a dictatorship, and I wouldn't publicly call out people who did this, but I would personally disapprove, thats just part of who I am right now.
  8. Hey this is pretty cool! Nice personalisations on the source. Variation throughout is more of a problem as Darkesword noted tho, as while this starts out very promising, when a section is repeated, its pretty much a copy paste job, even down to some of the harder to hear embellishments. I don't think this needs much, but some more variation, which I know you can do based on this, can go a LONG way to getting this the pass for me. NO (resub)
  9. Yeah, agree with the no's. The Drums sound rather thin, dry and exposed, and the arrangement isn't as daring as it could be - It progresses, but it doesn't reach its full potential due to a lack of attention to detail with the arrangement and dynamics. Guitars sound nice and beefy, the bass sounds cool, the rhythm does get a little buried under everything tho. That said, the problems mean I can't sign off on it. Sorry dude, fix this up and send it back, you got plenty of crits to work with NO (resub)
  10. Might as well put my details here: WillRock General information Real name: William Harby Location: UK Occupation: Composer Preferred method of contact: Skype (WillRock07), PM, Facebook Also reachable by: AIM, IRC Five OSTs I recommend: iunno About me: Dunno. You guys can look me up here. Also work as a composer for edgebee studios. Got a degree in music tech. Etc. Reason i'm posting here is because I don't frequent the boards, and i'm technically still a WS Mod. but I DO like to look and help out people with their tracks, particularly if they come to me in person. Its better to send me a direct message (AIM/IRC/Skype) rather than PM because otherwise I may think "i'll look later" and not get around to it, but contact me and i'll more than happily help out anyone who needs it. I wouldn't class myself as particularly great with a specific area of critique but i'm a good all rounder and can probably give a decent idea if something will pass the panel or not. Hit me up on Skype!
  11. Oh man. This is a tricky question! I really enjoy listening to music thats hard to play for some reason, virtuosic performances are a big thing for me. Its hard to say specifics. I like music with a good rhythm, music with emotive and challenging performances, music with alot of energy... I'm very big on harmonies and how they compliment each other in music. I'm very big on vocal harmonies as well, maybe because of the unique textural quality of the human voice. Um... I like music thats BIG which is where my love of reverb comes from... so many qualities to why I like specific music, but not music as a whole. Like I said, a tricky question
  12. Literally everything this man has said. Big fans of both people and I never expected in a million years to see a remix credit to Dweezil fucking ZAPPA. Mix is totally totally awesome, great groovy synthy guitar rock out. My only complaint is that its too short Also, where are the fucking comments? SHOW THIS REMIX MORE LOVE PEOPLE!
  13. Guys this is a WIP forum thread. No need for off-topic in-depth debates about feedback/arrogance/brilliant gfs etc Insanctuary, if you post a track here, to put it bluntly... expect feedback! People do it with ALL tracks posted in this forum, you're hardly being discriminated against here Try not to take feedback so personally as well, we are only advising you to make your track as good as it can be You are under no obligation to take advice given in these forums. Also, the people here will critique to you their knowledge of the OverClocked Remix Submission Standards. This is where the more subjective arrangement critiques come from. My advice - take all feedback into consideration at the least so you can improve your craft, (also I wouldn't bother explaining why you'd rather not change certain crits if you don't want to, that goes without saying ). Take what feedback you get, update the track however you like, and people will come back and give you more advice until you feel its finished. Advice is the keyword here - thats all anyone is doing here - advising.
  14. This. Its basically the same as reading a book at a shop, then putting it back on the shelf. To put it bluntly Its deceitful and could get you into more trouble than its worth, considering you've got perfectly good guitars to record your music with already.
  15. I started composing at 14. I'm 23 now, so yah... been at it a while.
  16. The second half of this remix is much better dynamically than the first half. Just sayin. So... the arrangement is cool. I do have an issue with the piano at its louder velocities because I feel it undermines the arrangement, and the piano performance. I do really like how it gets more delicate as the track goes on, whereas i'm more used to hearing the dynamics get louder before a climax, not softer. That actually made the track more interesting to listen to for me, but the louder sections do need more dynamic contrast. I do think its a rather sizeable problem that needs fixing, but otherwise this is good, so if you don't pass, fix up the velocities and send this one back! NO (resub)
  17. Been following this game for ages now. Just keeps on getting better and better.
  18. I've always found these songs interesting because of what that dude said in the top comment of Cola Bottle Baby. Daft Punk sample so many artists, Daft Punk can do no wrong blahblahblah, but anyone samples daft punk? no no no no, THIS CAN'T HAPPEN! Daft Punk seem to get away with it because they sample tracks that not as many people have heard, and we as a culture don't really seem to care if the sample wasn't famous in the first place. Ignorance is bliss so they say. Just look at by fatboy slim. That sample is a silly piano tinkering from some demo tape of an artist I can't even remember the name of - which honestly, if you want to sample something, do it with an idea that the original artist threw away and never offically released because lulz. I bet some people don't even realise its a sample because no one knows or really cares who came up with it.
  19. I use that song as an example of "not ok" sampling as well. However, I'd say their song Digital Love had a case of sampling done fantastically. However, I think that just makes Robot Rock all the worse, because we all know they could have put so much more into that track. Personally, I think its ok if you add some of your own musical merit to the piece. Taking a sample and adding a drum beat doesn't make good creative sampling (something that OCR also is very strongly against as a remix site - this whole site is about changing and in some cases "improving" the works of others). However, with a band like Daft Punk, the name sells, so by sampling Breakwater, they've given that band more exposure, which is a nice thing to do for less famous bands than yourself that you enjoy listening to. The means is a bit on the debatable side tho, even if the thought is nice.
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