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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Daym this pays respect to batman in such an awesome way while being entertaining and somewhat unique in OCRs vast catalogue. I can dig it man, I can dig.
  2. Really varies with me. Sometimes other music can inspire me. I can get ideas from tinkering on instruments and playing with sound design can get me ideas if I find the right sound. Sometimes tracks can just appear fully formed in my head. Whenever that happens I have a mad rush to put it down in some form in my daw because those ideas are always great ones that I end up forgetting 2 minutes later.
  3. This is a hard vote because I get what kristina is doing here, and any "updates" that could be made would defeat the point. Its suppose to sound exactly the way it is from what from I can tell, and I can appreciate that. Then AGAIN, making said updates could turn this into something thats still good for different reasons. For example, if you got someone like Brentalfloss to do a cover of this track, it would probably still be just as silly as this version, just with the added realism. So... mechanical sequencing is a problem here, the production could be a little cleaner, the arrangement is cool tho. However, I can't see it on the front page. It sounds like the sort of thing that would have passed the panel some time ago, but not anymore. Its a nice little novelty track, but not right for OCR in its current form. NO (resub)
  4. I believe the idea is that since Neblix forfeit, there is no voting in that round.
  5. Darke, whats happening with the singles compo? I'm confused. Are we doing a new track? Editing an old one? Carrying on with our mix of fight with all our might? Mixing our oppenents themes? I have no idea what we're doing
  6. So lets see... First commissioned work I did was for edgebee studios. They posted on OCR recruitment (thats a good place to go to try and find work, sometimes good people post there). Most other work has been through others finding me from my music on the internet. So a few suggestions - Market yourself as many ways as possible. Internet, non-internet, get yourself some flyers with links to your work to give out to people who might be interested in your work. You've got to market yourself as a brand/business to come off as professional. Going down the creating and selling albums route is a good source of self-employed income - but you need a marketing strategy. I have 3 albums on bandcamp - 2 were released without a 3rd party label backing it, and one was. Guess which one was the most successful? Teaching is another good source of income if you can find enough people since you can get a steady income on a weekly basis there. The problem with music is that its not a set pay profession - many end up going from job to job just trying to keep afloat. You really want a steady second job till you become well known enough to let your music become your main profession, rather than your "career goal"
  7. Source usuage seems ok to me Production is an issue tho. So... the track starts with the bass, and then the main melody hits. Then the melody seems to go down in volume, and things all get very muddled. The bass throughout is very much the centrepiece, and where my attention is forced to throughout, with the leads being somewhat buried under that strange distortion that nutritious mentioned, and the drums being buried under everything else. Its a shame because the leads and drums are well done, but the bass is a constant pattern. There is also a lack of variation throughout - which gets a bit fatiguing after a while. Its a nice track, and its got an abundance of energy, but there needs to be some mixing fix ups and some arrangement change ups considered for me to pass on this. NO (resub)
  8. I did this for a long time. However, OCR and my real life has blurred at points due to conventions I do in the UK, which 2 of my friends have attended. They've never really shown an actual interest in the community tho. There are a few friends from university who are interested in the Chiptune scene (Ubiktune/Chiptunes=Win etc), which has given me a reason to stay in regular contact with a few people I wouldn't have otherwise, so thats cool.
  9. Just had a word with Hakstock, and we've both got entries, but atm, they are hardly finished. Is it cool if we get a 2 day extension? It would royally suck for the singles compo to end on a forfeit and 2 rushed tracks. Plus, the extension might give enough time for neblix to enter something as well
  10. This arrangement idea i've got is far too progressive and complex for the time limit imposed. Its probably going to sound like half of a good track by tomorrow. Either that or rushed XD
  11. My best advice (without looking through the thread at everyones answers so this could have been already said) is to fight through the discouragement. Sometimes, a track might not be clicking right away for you, but by the end of it, it'll sound completely awesome. Then again it might not. But hey, you TRIED, and since music is all a matter of opinion, others will dig it. I've have remixes I absolutely hate being praised as my best work by some people. My point is that sometimes, it will work for you, sometimes it won't, and thats perfectly ok, because its all part of your learning process. Not even you are going to like everything you create, but just remember that doesn't mean no one else will either.
  12. So... you have knowledge of scales and you have good ideas apparently. Thats good. So... structuring is your problem? If so, I suggest you treat your solo like a story. It has a beginning middle and end. I find the best solos tend to tell a story and follow a structure. They might start out with a bang, they might start out small, but it needs to be dynamically in tune with what you want to create. Structure your ideas a certain way, for example start out with the small ideas first and build them up to a crescendo, either from a dynamic or writing perspective, make your writing more complex and intricate the further in the solo you go. One way you could do this is to base your solo from a melody (or even a rhythm) and build up and variate around it. It'll keep your solo in a familiar place while keeping people interested. I'd also focus on perfecting one section at a time - use it as inspiration for your next section once you've got it down. Detail is key - even if its just a placeholder, if it doesn't sound right to you, then you might not draw from it and create the best solo you can. Lastly, vary your ideas. No one likes a 1 trick pony. Yngwie Malmsteen is a technical master of the guitar but his guitar solos are boring because all he does is shred. Avoid that. Vito Bratta is a good example of a guitarist who writes all his solos, he doesn't improvise anything, and he's renouned for making some amazing guitar solos with very well thought out harmonies and note choices. Find what works best for part of your solo and you'll be fine
  13. And this will teach you to ALWAYS submit something, even if its 10 seconds! You'd have won by default XD
  14. Its a shame the matches started so soon, you could have swapped with jive and nuts. The irony would have been over 9000
  15. Nah bro you ain't swapping your spot. The match has already started - I'm taking you down
  16. I don't know, i've never played football as a career.
  17. Other than convention meet ups, nothing. I did hear McVaffes Tempest Mix in an indie game shop tho. They have one of the workers laptops running in their speakers, so its likely one of their guys is at least aware of OCR in some form.
  18. How would it work? Would it be like the WCRG where one remixer takes the "driving seat" for one week with assistance if you want/need it? Or do you both have to contribute evenly every week?
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