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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. Looks like I've stepped over my bounds with one of my comments... again.

    Sorry about my over exaggeration, a terrible habit of mine; I did indeed flip a coin, but my decision was made before that on whom I would vote for... just wanted to see what would come of the flip. I doubt you'll believe me, but that's all it really was.

    Sorry that comment's disheartening to you or anyone, I didn't mean it like that. :-|

    I know each vote is serious, and I make sure to listen plenty of times to each remix, regardless of "genre" or nitpicky things like that; since my primary choice is based on enjoyability, it makes my decision harder and I was like "Agh! Both remixes are so cool! Which one?". To tell the truth, I flipped coins plenty of times, but never did before I had already made a decision - curiosity, WillRock, nothing more. :(

    Fair enough I guess, altho I find it curious you said you had to flip a coin to decide if you actually didn't... "I finally just gave up and had to flip a freakin' coin" says to me you used that as a means to decide, so you understand my point. Didn't mean to make an example of you but i've seen it with various people in passed compos and I felt it needed saying. No hard feelings.

    @Main Finger - I always vote for myself as a rule because i'm confident in my abilities. You can cancel out my vote with yours like you did in the match up so its square. Besides, I'm very competitive, I won't resort to dirty tactics but I will vote for myself if it keeps me ahead - or gives me a chance ;)

  2. People have to vote. They can't say it's a draw. You'd be less upset if the coin landed the other way, now wouldn't you.

    Probably not, but If I won out of a coin toss, it would be pretty cheap. You've been moaning about technicalities in voting, this could basically come down to the same thing... imagine if you won or lost on a coin toss. Besides, people DON'T have to vote. If they can't decide at that point in time, then they should leave it for now. Now i'm not saying they can't do it, but I'm just saying being on the receiving end of something like that isn't very nice and I feel like people who decide to vote that way need to know how it might affect the remixers in question, particularly if they care about going far in the compo. They do have a week, and if they still can't decide then they shouldn't vote at all imo.

  3. So in the end, I just had to flip a coin to decide... :-?

    Something to mention here... I read every vote in the match ups I'm in and quite a few times people have apparently flipped coins and voted against me. On the receiving end of that, its extremely disheartening, particularly when a vote is close and can turn the tide, and I'd much rather people didn't resort to such petty methods of voting. If you can't decide then don't vote at all, please? To be frank, leaving a vote like that to chance just doesn't seem fair for either remixer in said match.

  4. I was disappointed in his entry, more disappointed in the general audience last year for complaining about his stylistic consistency, because he's not making his awesome high energy rocking stuff anymore (to "please the masses"). Round 2 was okay but even that pales in comparison stuff like Time Stopper (Flash Man vs. Cut Man).

    Just to clarify, I haven't stopped making my high energy rocking stuff. Like you said, Round 2 was high energy. Just because I choose to expand my style on a few tracks doesn't mean I give up on my other stuff. If you guys think i'm going to do mellow tracks for the final rounds should I get there, then you're wrong. I've got to try and keep things interesting tho, i've been in this compo 3 times in the past where I've never done less than 4 mixes for each. Making the same track 20 times over isn't exactly something people won't get bored of.

  5. I think this is pretty sad tbh. Regardless of if its the copyright holders right, settling for that amount out of court is really bullshit imo. Might be the way the law works, but when people can potentially ruin others lives over some fair use clause or technicality which the accused party missed, then something is really wrong with the way the law works in that aspect. Like BGC said, if the guy had just asked for X amount to license the artwork, then thats totally cool by me. However, all this says to me is that the photographer is just a greedy asshole that will take unreasonable measures to get as much money out of any sucker who is unfortunate enough to get on the wrong side of the decidedly questionable laws of fair use, simply because he can.

  6. i have a critique, why is your name written in zelda font?

    it might just be me, but i think it's a little unprofessional, that's all. it's the music that counts though, of course. and the music is good.

    Well, you see my signature right. I thought it would be most fitting to use that font as its a shout out to my video game remix persona. I figured it could be seen as an "easter egg" for people who know what it is because like gollgagh says, not everyone will make the connection. I think its rather sad you might find that unprofessional, but each to his own I guess :(

    That said, thanks for downloading the album, I hope you enjoyed it :)

  7. I'd just like to say thanks to everyone for the critiques and feedback, as well as the people who donated, you guys are AWESOME.

    On a small side note, i'm not going to be keeping this album free forever (probably going to bump a price on the album in a week or fortnight) so get it now while its free!

    One last thing... not trying to sound like a hard ass, but you could you guys try and keep the spelling/grammer comments to a minimum? I know i'm not the best speller in the world, but try to keep this on topic yeah ;)

    Cool beans, and thanks again guys, if you haven't downloaded it then DO IT NOW, and any feedback in this thread is greatly appreciated :)



  8. 1027287965-1.jpg


    As a few of you may know by now, I've been working on an original album of material for quite some time now. This has all finally come to fruition with this release, "Refractions of a Dream"

    Some of you will know this music from my Alice In Wonderland Narrative Soundtrack video on youtube, so if you liked the music, now is the chance to download it.

    The whole album was original envisioned as one long progressive track, which is how I'd like people to view the album, and listen to it (the album is gapless and all the tracks transition into each other) Because of this, I very strongly encourage that people download the whole album, rather than individual tracks.

    The album is pay what you want (i.e. FREE) but any donations are greatly appreciated should you wish to purchase the album :)

    Anyway, Check out the album, and I hope you all enjoy it.

    Thanks again,


    Very Special Thanks goes to the following people for buying the album, you guys are AMAZING and I <3 you:

    Tim Sleeper

    Drew Gourley

    Alex Reeves



    Steve Barry


    Steve Duncan

  9. LOL, funny story to tell you guys about this that i've just uncovered XD

    Ok, so where do I begin... When I made this track, it was inspired by pendulum, you guys know that much.

    However, it was inspired by hold your colour, i'm not a big pendulum fan, I don't know shit about most of their other stuff, I'm only familiar with a few select tracks. Anyway, I came up with the name showdown because this was suppose to be the final track against zircon in the GRMRB and I thought the name showdown was appropriate, altho I thought it was a bit crap.

    Anyway, someone mentioned that they thought it was a reference to a track pendulum did called "showdown". Intrigued by this bizzare coincidence, I looked it up, because i'd never heard of this track before. So upon looking it up, I find a track that not only sounds similar to this remix, but it has fucking FLASH MAN in it. I shit you not, go listen to it. I'm stumped. The coincidence is just monumental. I'm not sure if my brain is playing tricks on me or if some great god up in the sky is having a laugh with me or something but I swear i'd never heard of this track before. Life is bizzare.

  10. Just want to congratulate my opponent Willrock for an excellent remix and for advancing to the third round!

    I came in pretty fresh to producing music, and have learned a ton the last couple of weeks. Thanks a lot to Darkesword for making inspiring and entertaining contests such as these!

    I admire a lot of Willrock's work, and am proud that I was able to give him such a close fight this round ;)

    Good luck, and have fun, to the remaining Mega men and Proto men!


    Your track was incredible dude, make sure to join in the next GRMRB because I bet alot of people would love you see you compete again :)

  11. Votes getting thrown away is why I won't be taking a part in voting or GRMRB mixing in the future.

    No offense to people involved, I just don't like that.

    Guys, GUYS.

    I understand why some people are annoyed with the outcome of some of these matches (if I had lost like this, I'd have been very annoyed) but its much easier and logical to stick with established rules to decide the outcome of matches rather than break them and risk changing the potential outcome of the compo. Thats what rules are put in place for, a means of settling situations like this with pre-established solutions.

  12. What are you gonna do in the event of a tie? SectorZ forgot Demko, who voted in all four matchups. And unless my calculations are wrong, that ties up Willrock/fredrikd AND Jakesnke/neblix.

    Congratulations are in order too. Pixelwave, YOU HAVE SLAIN A DRAGON, CONGRATULATIONS. :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D

    Well Demko voted after the deadline hit, thats why it wasn't counted by SectorZ. You could either wait for a tie breaker vote, not count his votes, or wait for darke to decide what to do next.

    EDIT: Ninja'd by OCRE :P

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