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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. you can also just give trusted members admin rights, and ban the shit out of the losers who grief.

    Many public servers have that option. But griefers and bots tend to wait until everyone's gone before bombing a server, so you can't always rely on an admin being around. Password-protection or account-limitations seems to the safest bet, though I'm not sure if that capability's implemented yet...

  2. Quite honestly, the metagaming accounts for a lot of the game's addictiveness. Public servers become battlegrounds, where countermeasures and strikes are made against the griefers. Honestly, making construction/deconstruction a sort of game mode might actually make sense; the griefers have places to do their thing, and those who are building aren't doing it for keeps.

    I also want to see a survival based mode, either with pre-made maps or randomly generated ones. Basically, survive as long as you can, with records going up on high-score tables. The big difference from normal game mode is that you'd work in teams to accomplish things; you could have a miner, a crafter/woodsman, etc. It would make for some interesting competitions.

    Throw in some Left4Dead zombie-play-type gameplay, where a group of opponents could spawn as monsters... and you have a recipe for awesome. But that's just me.

  3. OCR Minecraft? I'd be in.

    Note, though: is the server efficient enough to place alongside two RF2 servers? I've heard that the code's pretty inefficient, compounded by the use of Java. Also not sure if this applies to the server or not.

  4. There's a couple other easter eggs; just watch the keyboard on the bottom, and the rest should be straightforward.

    It'll be interesting seeing if a soundtrack in this style appeals to Joe Q. Public as much as it does to your average computer nerd or gamer.

  5. I dunno. Speechcraft is good just because it's simple, and you don't have to spend hours learning to use it in order to accomplish what you need; your speechcraft level isn't even important, for the most part, as far as I can tell, as long as you can get their disposition high enough to get information out of them (except in the few cases where you have to bribe them higher).

    Although I do feel sorry if you decided to make that one of your primary skills.

  6. Much stronger intro, and the effects are much less washed-out. But without them, some new problems have been exposed.

    - That guitar is severely flat in several places, if not during the entire first two times it shows up (0:49 and 1:36).

    - The rhythm guitar you have during the slow spots isn't necessarily pitchy, but it is seriously out of rhythm. (1:00)

    At this point, just work on tightening the instruments, and make sure they all fit well together. You have a solid set of synth choices, I think, that mesh well together. Just make sure pitch and rhythm's worked out soon.

  7. Absolutely one of the better tracks in the series. This made that entire section of the game amazing. The best one they made, IMHO. But that's a discussion for another place and time.

    Alright, let's break this down:

    -Your beginning... sounds awful. You're trying to match the sound of the original orchestra hits, but it just doesn't mesh with the rest of the track. Try to get a better build-up at the beginning.

    -I really don't have much complaints about the arrangement of the song. Switching leads seems to lend enough variation to ignore complaints of repetition.

    -However, the entire song seems to be blown out; it clips everywhere, especially once the guitar comes in. Really, really drop your master volume, then make sure things are equalized. Then it'll be easier to judge the other parts of the mix.

    Direction's good. Just work on making it sound great, too.

  8. No, the best spies use the original watch because it has the longest cloak time and you can pick up ammo boxes to extend that time.

    While it may have the longest cloak, the ammo argument is invalid, since you *can* extend the time of other watches, though the Dead Ringer does have a lower benefit from picking up ammo, I believe.

  9. We practically force it anyway with the auto-balancing system; the spec-join is basically just a work-around. I'm in favor, since it wouldn't strongly change anything we're doing (as long as teams can be rebalanced if, say, half of one team QQs).

  10. The OP problem doesn't lie with the Frontier Justice, from what I've seen. The problem lies in the Wrangler (and the Gunslinger, to some extent). If one person is using the wrangler, with an allied sentry to watch his/his sentry's back, and another medic healing the 66% damage-shielded missile-fire-rate-boosted wrangled sentry... yeah. It's pretty much a horrific mess for anyone to clean up, whether they be Demo, Soldier, Spy, or Heavy. Not impossible, by any means, but certainly incredibly frustrating.

    Take Dustbowl a few nights ago. Normally, the last CP doesn't hold out for 20 minutes with a solid defense team. That night, two to three engineers held it EASILY for almost the full time, with a fair amount of help. No-one could take out all the buildings; I doubt it was even possible with the amount of shielding wrangled sentries get.

  11. I can be fairly certain when I say that no, they would not be considered solid remix material alone. Perhaps as part of a larger production, but alone, there is not enough flexibility (at least from what I've heard of Vocaloid). Even then, I only see it being applied to humorous effect, not any serious one.

    If you really want vocals, there are some talented singers on OCR you could always ask to give a hand. I don't really see Vocaloid as being the method to achieve this, though.

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