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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. A big part of why older people can have a harder time understanding the internet:

    1. They trivialize it in their mind, making it out to be a fairly insignificant part of society and business. (less likely)
    2. Computers take a very different form of logic than what they probably learned to use, and they can't simply change the way they think. At that age, you're usually pretty firmly set in the manner in which you reason, unless you've trained yourself to be flexible.

    Either way, though, DUE to the fact they don't understand how it works and what it is used for, they are bound to be misinformed by others on what its 'needs' are and what 'must' be done with it.

  2. The Sandvich nerf simply prevents a Heavy from dropping it for a quick 150 HP at a moment's notice for an effective 450 HP. Other players can still pick it up for health, but if you try to pick up your own it'll just get returned to you. You need to eat it properly with M1 if you want to heal yourself.

    Oh; from the description, it sounded like they were saying that anyone who picks it up receives ammunition instead of health.

  3. Ah, I was referring to the last bundle, actually. His "Return All Robots!" OST was featured on there. It did not disappoint.

    Cool first name, bro.

    Ooooh right, derp. Definitely agree with you on that one!

    I can already solidly recommend the Jamestown OST, and the Swords and Sworcery album is also solid (albeit a bit quirky). Machinarium's pretty laid-back. I'll keep checking to see what the last three optional albums are, cuz I might lay my hands on a few of those as well...

    And you got a pretty sweet first name yourself, bro.

  4. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

    Yeah man, the first one had some incredible work on it. I'm suddenly a massive yogurtbox fan. They finally made me appreciate FM chiptunes enough to give the SEGA credit where it's due AND to want to make some on my own now...

    And holy shit, zircon? You composed a bitchin' soundtrack for your game... man, I didn't know you had all those styles in you. Nice work :D

    zircon isn't represented in the bundle. At least not yet, still don't know what the other three 'premium' albums are.

  5. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they start selling apps and mobile games. :P

    But that said, Steam Mobile's been a bit buggy on my phone. It hasn't crashed (surprise!), but it's not displaying notifications and I'm fairly sure it changes my status to "offline" whenever I swap networks. It is still quite neat having access to Steam Chat on the go, though.

    Naw, they couldn't even if they wanted to. Having an app store inside of an app store isn't just redundant: it would also detract from sales the main marketplace could theoretically have, so they don't allow marketplace applications to appear.

  6. No-one on this site makes money from any of this music. That makes absolutely no sense.

    Please, Jack, you really either don't know what you're talking about or don't understand how to properly apply it discerningly. The reason your last topic was shut down was because you speak to everyone as if you are the end-all and be-all of all copyright law knowledge, when, in fact, you have acknowledged that you are in or just out of university (correct me if I'm wrong, it's been awhile). More than anything, your attitude will turn people off, and no-one will listen to an argument when given with that condescending tone. Change it, or I guarantee you will be shown the door.

  7. The overarching timeline is there for people for whom it would hold an attraction. It gives structure to the larger world-building process. And, quite honestly, does it hurt if you don't care? It's completely external to the games themselves, so you don't have to worry about it changing your experience if the timeline doesn't interest you. I personally find it neat, especially since it provides room for a lot of 'what if...?' branches and theories.

  8. Nice find with the 3DS soundtrack, I'm pretty content to just listen to the files for now since I'd never heard it before but getting it to work on the Steam version might be fun, not that I have any huge problem with the Nicalis version.

    Maybe it's just me, then. I feel like a lot of the tracks were 'happy-ified' or dampened. Gravity, for example, went from setting a beat for a boss-fight to a kind of meandering 'tense moment' theme that really doesn't suit boss battles like it was meant to. Oppression bounces around as an almost casual track, nowhere near serious enough for the intense battle that's set up at that point. A couple tracks do stick out as still being really good (See Jenka 2, Last Battle), but the tracks just doesn't mesh anywhere near as well as the originals.

    Listening to DannyB's, the arrangements and instrumentation fit really well, but the mastering feels really, REALLY off. Not sure if that was due to DS limitations or something, but it's almost more frustrating than Nicalis' because you can hear what it's trying to be, but falls short.

  9. Wow! This one came as a bit of a surprise to me, actually. I haven't really tried to look into the Ecco OSTs, but looks like I'll need to after hearing this!

    This is certainly DoD material, and the playing is solid on all sides: crisp drums and well-articulated guitar make this a pleasure to listen to. The fast-paced, anthemic nature of the song certainly makes me wonder what kind of heat that dolphin's packing...

  10. guys make sure you download the HIB version of Cave Story+

    it has Danny B's remastered version of the soundtrack

    I'm pretty sure it can be dropped right on top of the steam version as well

    Wait, why didn't I hear about this?

    One of my biggest issues with Nicalis' remake was that they took all the wind out of the music. Def. wanna see what the difference is, now...

    EDIT: OOOH if it's the same as the Cave Story 3D soundtrack then YES. That sounded soo much better.

    Also, it doesn't drop on top of the Steam version. I'm also pretty sure that the HIB version doesn't track Steam achievements. Music or achievements?

    It could also be possible to change out just the music, but I haven't tried it yet.

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