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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. The Tinfoil Hat Squad noted that the .ain files for bot navigation have been updated for the original six maps - 2Fort, Dustbowl, Gravelpit, Granary, Well, and Hydro. Thus the prevailing theory is that bots have something to do with whatever shenanigans Valve is pulling.

    Honestly, I'm expecting something big. Between pl_barnyardblitz, Meet the Medic, and rumors that Valve's had a major update ready to go for a while now before they went on a collective vacation, plus Portal 2 around the corner, it seems they want to hype something up. (Other than Portal 2 itself, they're doing a fine job of that already.)

    Medic: Portal Gun Get?

  2. Conservative as the arrangement is, that's a pretty impressive group. Can't wait to hear the final recording; I really don't hear anything that sounded bad (besides the missed notes, but hey, it was a sight read.)

    This'll probably end up in my music playlists, and might even make it with the judges. It'd definitely be worth asking their opinion on this case; it can be a bit tricky in situations like this.

  3. I found this guy a few months ago, and I keep coming back to it. It contains a few electronic elements, but for the most part, this is solid orchestral performance, with a lot of unique instruments to spice it up. The soundtrack flows beautifully, setting up its main motif, and juggling it throughout; it's catchy enough that it really doesn't get old. And the percussion is incredibly solid, too. Bear McReary did a fantastic job with it, and I hope he keeps coming back to the game industry; he's normally a TV composer.

  4. I didn't plug the update expecting it to be uploaded to the server, just that it now works with the new version of MC for those that like the piston mod.

    also I made a thing:

    Ladies and gentleman, in physics, this is what we call...

    A sanding wave.


  5. I thought a lot about what you guys said... but I just don't think the world is ready for this piece. I'm worried about how many lives would be destroyed when their minds are blown.

    Sorry to disappoint.

    This song was created when I first started tracking. Preeeetty shoddy.

  6. IIRC, they said it wouldn't tie into the Half Life plot. Co-op is supposed to be just as long as singleplayer, and both are supposed to be longer than Portal. No idea about an endgame song.

    Initial sketches showed Chell in another jumpsuit, but this image shows her being a lot more fanservicey. Not sure which one is going to be in the final product.

    Lara Croft? What's she doing here?

  7. It's true, though. As a general rule, OCR TF2 regs are incredibly courteous. Several steps above most online gamers, at minimum.

    I also wonder if Telltale's episodic games count as sequels. Would one season count as one sequel, or would each individual episode? Cuz I can think of some examples that would fit this category...

  8. ...But Final Fantasy's pillar games (I, II, III, etc.) aren't sequels to each other. Only games that are specifically sequels (FFX-2, XIII-2) are. There's also a lot of spin-offs, which I'm not sure we count as sequels here.

  9. Looks like a DotA-like game; if you've played League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Defense of the Ancients itself, or any similar games, can you give any differences or improvements on the formula? As it is, it looks fairly cookie-cutter (except perhaps bypassing the 'elite' player baseline).

  10. There's more than one contributor to the problem. ;)

    I'd actually bet, though, that in the case of an actual emergency, any critical repairs (such as making roadways viable) would occur rapidly; it would be the beautification and non-critical systems that would take a very long time to set back in place. I'm kind of curious, now, what happened after the '94 Cali. quake. Nowhere near as bad as this one, but I do remember there was a large amount of damage done; it'd be interesting to see comparisons.

  11. New pop is sensitive to such familiar topics as ADD and learning disabilities. This simple, touching song follows the day of a girl suffering from both of these maladies as she attempts to learn the days of the week. Why can't we all just congratulate her on overcoming these obstacles?

  12. There's only a certain level of failure you can account for in a system. You can only ask (and resolve) "What if that fails?..." so many times. Unfortunately, there's just not all that much you can do about tsunamis. Even waterproofing generators wouldn't stop any other debris is being swept along by the tsunami from smashing them up pretty bad, not to mention the risk of leaks or poor maintenance.

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