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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. Quite honestly, though, getting frustrated and not playing on a server because the players are good won't get you anywhere. If you're not challenged to play better, you simply won't get better. People who play in pub servers all the time may feel like they're good players, but only because they've learned how to beat minimal first-order tactics. As soon as they jump into a server with 'pro' players, they get their butt kicked.

    I've found pushing myself to play on the OCR server to really help my skill-level, limited though it may be. And, although I feel like punching my fist through the monitor on some nights, it's a total blast on others.

    Let playing with expert players be a motivating and learning factor, not a reason to quit. ;)

  2. Heh, thanks for the slot! I'll be sure to put it to good use. I'll try and send in a donation to pick up the slack.

    JGShogun's been out a computer for the last few weeks, but his new one's coming in soon, and he'll be back in action within a couple weeks. I'll be sure to let him know about it.

  3. Howdy, all!

    I'm currently trying to work on a chiptune suite, with the central theme being our humble set of local planets. I haven't exactly made it far through the list, but I'd like to at least get some opinions, suggestions and criticisms before I keep plunging forward. Specifically, it'd be helpful to know:

    • Thoughts on the sample sets: irritating? Not broad enough? Needs more bass? More mids? I have two in use so far, but I'm planning on writing at least one on emulated NES chip, and I'm hoping to play around with another chip as well; perhaps the Genesis, if I start learning about FM synthesis.
    • Mastering: does everything sound at least fairly balanced? Highs too piercing?
    • Structure: Does the pacing feel too rushed? This is a bit tricky right now, given I only have two songs I've considered 'completed', but getting feedback on those would be helpful.

    And here is the current tracklist (as of August 2011):

    Mercurial Commodore (Complete, unpolished)

    This uses a sample set somewhat akin to the Commodore 64. I've toyed around with this several times; the original was far too straightforward, and was basically the same line repeated twice. I've attempted to fix that by culling out multiple parts in the first half. I don't know where the swing-beat came from, though. :P

    Venusian Wrath (Complete, unpolished)

    This is the same sample set as used in Mercurial Commodore, but is more fast-paced and action-oriented. It's also been the more mutable of the two; I keep tweaking this one in odd ways, trying to make everything blend better, or lengthening it slightly.

    Terrestrial Bondage (Incomplete)

    This one diverges from the C64 sample set, instead using only lo-fi samples to create more of a late tracker-era chiptune. I've gotten only as far as heard here, and am currently completely stuck past that point. I've got a line in my head, buuut I'm having a rough time when it comes to transcribing it. Ahh, cruel muse. :(

    Martian Mischief (Incomplete)

    Back to the C64 samples; I really need to use these less. Anyway, this one came about more by fiddling around than anything; I was trying to aim for a song with only swung rhythm, but here, too, it feels like it's rambling, without any sense of direction. May scrap and start anew, may not. Sound like it could go somewhere?

    That's what I've got so far. Your critique's much appreciated, if you have any to spare!

  4. As always. Kind of mean to only hint at OWA in the FF7 battle medley though. :P

    Well, if Jonne Valtonen did the arrangement, that doesn't surprise me. He seems unwilling to use it fully, if only because 'it's been done before', and it's relatively tough to rearrange that song in orchestral form. Though he did a hilarious job of teasing the fans in the Symphonic Fantasies Final Fantasy arrangements.

  5. Picked this up during the sale. You were right on the money, DarkeSword; this was done just right. It also seems to have a bit of a smoother learning curve than their other games, which is a big help. Thanks for the recommendation! :D

  6. this this this this this this this fuckin this ^

    ...Except Chrono Cross was really a good game in terms of choice; generally, you're not crippled by character choice. And it didn't change much at all in terms of story impact -- unlike, say, a Bioware game. Though there is a bit of frustration, for sure.

    Can't say I've played any games from Obsidian, though. Sounds like I'm not necessarily missing out on much, but I'm with the 'let 'em try' crowd. If they can be pressured to take their time, they'll reap the benefits in the end. Somehow, though, this sounds rather far-fetched to me. I don't see that piece of IP being handed over that carelessly.

  7. Indeed! That would be fantastic to get an official release in the US, given they keep the spirit of the original in story and system.

    ...Good luck with that, though. They wouldn't turn enough profit from it; unless, perhaps, they decided to stick with polished 2-d graphics. But then they'd lose profit from all the graphics junkies that wouldn't even give it a second-glance... preeeetty much a lose-lose situation all around.

  8. It's tough to find many on this site that long, due to the filesize restriction. You may have a bit more luck looking at Dwelling of Duels entries and the like.

    My knowledge of all the ReMixes isn't thorough, though. There may very well be one that fits your qualifications.

  9. You know that one video that was posted on this thread a while back where the sniper foiled a demoman's sticky jump in Double Cross?

    That shit better win Most Inventive Kill.

    IIRC that was captured using the demo system long before the replay system was introduced and, therefore, is not even capable of entering the contest.

  10. Howdy everyone, and this week, assuming you weren’t bLiNded from last week’s awesomeness, we bring you three more OCR rides, all of them in the 200s range. Be warned though, they make the fast and the furious look pale in comparison. Looking forward to next week, difficult rides from difficult games.


    Mega Man X ‘Braincooler’ OC ReMix

    Remixers - Rozovian

    Songs - Chill Penguin Stage

    Traffic - 241

    Description - This track may look unintimidating, but while there may be many blocks to gather, you'll have to weave and slide throughout the tight-knit patterns surrounding them. G'luck passing through unscathed!

    Link - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01916/


    Donkey Kong Country 2 ‘Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings’ OC ReMix

    Remixers - Brandon Strader, Nekofrog

    Songs - Crocodile Cacophony, Gank-Plank Galleon, Stickerbrush Symphony

    Traffic - 255

    Description - Buckle up, cause you’ll be screaming “yum yum potassium” for your life as the relentless rock n’ screamo from Brandon Strader and Nekofrog cause you to plummet down a blood red hill to your death. That blood might be yours by the end.

    NOTE: Contains explicit lyrics. And yum yum potassium.

    Link - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02110/


    Touhou: Phantasmagoria of Flower View ‘Naito Obu’ OC ReMix

    Remixers - Kidd Cabbage

    Songs - Flowering Night

    Traffic - 287

    Description - This track is almost as frenetic a surf as the source game, not to mention the song itself. A face-first bullet hell!

    Link - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01982/


    For alternates this week, we have one more DKC2 mix designed specifically for rollercoaster rides.

    Donkey Kong Country 2 ‘RC Dance Mix’

    Remixers - Thomas

    Songs - Disco Train

    Traffic - 323

    Description - If you the first few didn't have enough speed to get you through the week, this one should fill your appetite to the brim. Short, fast and deadly: this track sets up road-blocks like few others can.

    Link - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/170718


  11. I think the big issue, BGC, is that people who are griefers in a game are also more likely to abuse a user-active reputation system by simply causing everyone else to have high prices as much as possible. Even systems that rely only on observed response to a user playing games can be skewed by teams of griefers, once it's learned what factors are used in calculating a player's popularity. The worry isn't that the griefers will be punished, but rather that the situation will end up polar opposite to what Valve intended: the griefers game the system, get cheap games, and everyone else ends up paying more because they tried playing honestly.

  12. Welcome to our first Event Week, bLiNd SNESthesia, featuring tracks only from OCReMix premium electronica artist bLiNd! WindStrike and I had to do a bit of haggling to get the song order set up: there's so many good tracks from bLiNd that we had to cut out some close runners for the final lineup! So, how 'bout it? Ready to run these tracks bLiNd?

    Wild Arms ‘A Ring and a Promise’

    Remixers - Ashleigh James, bLiNd

    Songs - Lamenting and a Promise (Prologue 2)

    Traffic - 244

    Description - We're kicking this event off with a collab work, Ashleigh James providing vocals to blow you away. The track may take awhile to build, but wait until the meaty backing starts up!


    Final Fantasy IV ‘Bridge to Eternity’

    Songs - Within the Giant

    Traffic - 289

    Description - This track certainly doesn't make things easy; a veritable flood of greys, with only a small Bridge to stand on.


    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ‘Go Ninja, Go’

    Songs - Title

    Traffic - 279

    Description - This is one high-energy romp that'll be tricky to ace. Think it's not that hard? Try going for a Match 21!


    Chrono Trigger ‘Pipe Dream Mystics’

    Songs - Yearning of the Wind

    Traffic - 230

    Description - Don't let the low traffic number fool you: this track gives you only a narrow pipe to surf through, and you can't trust whether any block is worth grabbing.


    Gradius III ‘Space Ace’

    Songs - Departure for Space

    Traffic - 252

    Description - Closing up the event, we have this bubbly, synesthetic piece. This is the kind of track that reminds us all why we love Audiosurf: the track fuses with the music, and the visuals back it up every step of the way.

  13. You have to be very careful in designing these systems. The major problem is that the same trouble-makers they're trying to deal with are the same ones that tend to throw wrenches in little things such as, say, popularity and rating systems. Go see any site with a public rating structure and it'll be quite obvious that it rarely works if the ratings are publicly available to vote on.

    If they have some tricks up their sleeve, I'm all for it. Maybe they can bring some machine learning mechanics to bear, which may help weight honest users over rabid trolls, but not sure how such a system would be implemented.

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