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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. Buut that ignores all the compelling characters that have made a positive impact in gaming. The thing that makes us so frustrated with games like Other M (speaking as someone who hasn't played it, so may be off) is that we've seen it done right before. We know what it looks like and that wasn't it. Abstracting all character and story away from games would lead to a total Dark Ages for the industry, returning to roots of only simple mechanics and casual games. And I'm fairly certain no-one wants that.

    I would agree, though, that it's all too frequent that those given the task of writing story end up falling flat on their face. It's sad, really. The best storytellers write books, because for centuries, that has been considered the primary medium for the weaving of tales. Television and cinema made an attempt at one point to focus on storytelling, but this is falling away fast, with modern fare giving us little more than simple entertainment. And games? They may very well follow the same path if the industry doesn't make a conscious decision with the understanding that games can - and should - be used primarily as the most powerful means of storytelling the world has yet seen.

    There are other unfortunate cultural limitations, etc, but I'll stop ranting now.

  2. combat sucked

    well in comparison with SD3 anyway

    I guess it was an improvement from Final Fantasy Adventure though

    yes, I am facetiously having a serious conversation; bite me

    while we're in this vein though, serious entry: Legend of Mana

    I never could get into Secret of Mana. Controls were kluuutzy, and the collision system didn't quite work. SD3 was marvelous, though, and more people need to play.

    And then Legend of Mana. That game had two fantastic storylines, one minorly what-in-the-world-is-happening one, a bunch of smaller yet still beautifully intertwined ones, and then the main one... which is all of ten minutes of the game's plot. But still a fantastic game. It'd help, I guess, if people pushed back the opening quests, since those are all there to introduce the characters and get you kick-started on the various systems in the game. But then you start seeing the Geo plot unfold... and it's all downhill from there. :3

  3. Madoka Magica is good, but the ending is a little bit ridic. Lain is okay if you're into pretentiously meaningless drivel(so basically, for Eva fans amirite?), but you need to do so much plot analysing before it becomes even remotely comprehensible and to 99% of the people(AKA non-aspies) this is totally not worth it.

    EDIT: I prefer subs for everything except Gurren Lagann, Suzimiya Haruhi, Cowboy Bebop, and Samurai Pizza Cats.

    Well, from what it appears, the ending is par for the course in terms of anime plotlines. They can be good right up to the end before driving into a ditch for the big finale. Ahh, well.

  4. Week 04 brings another full set, complete with not one, but TWO oldies! You'll be seeing red with this week's selections, guaranteed. Coming up next week will be an “event” week, something we’ll hold every five weeks, with remixes all in accordance to a particular category.

    Zelda: Link's Awakening ‘Clash at the Mountains’ OC ReMix

    Traffic - 303

    Description - Zircon holds nothing back, and this ride is no exception. Be prepared, this one nails you with tons of tight spots at high speeds! Good luck making it through unscathed.


    Bomberman ‘Chip Trip’ OC ReMix

    Traffic - 319

    Description - This bubbly Bomberman mix fills your path with obstacles, then throws in clever clumps of colored blocks to collect. How cruel can you get?


    Breath of Fire 2 ‘YouMustDance’ OC ReMix

    Traffic - 281

    Description - This middle-aged mix picks up the pace and lets the drum-track lead the way. You WILL dance to it.


    For the alternates this week, we’ve got Mario, Zelda and a DoD entry.

    You suck at Super Mario Bros 4!

    Remixers – mv

    Game – Super Mario World

    Songs – Title, Overworld, Level Themes

    Traffic - 289

    Description – Chip Trip wasn’t enough for you? mv brings you a chiptune medley of SMW’s themes that race against the clock, as Mario tries to finish the levels in time. The end result? Depends on if you finish the ride yourself.


    Hot for Rock Shuffles

    Remixers – Prince of Darkness

    Game – Sonic Adventure, Twisted Metal, Uniracers

    Songs – (if you figure ‘em out, tell us)

    Traffic - 243

    Description – Prince of Darkness makes yet another 1st place entry to Dwelling of Duels. It’s not particularly difficult, but it brings a good pace as Sonic gets murdered halfway through. Literally.

    Link - http://www.dwellingofduels.net/duel.php?dir=10-12-MAGfree_Month&month=M9&img=MAGfree (first place)


    Hero's Torn Heart

    Remixers – Setu-Firestorm

    Game - Legend of Zelda

    Songs - Title

    Traffic - 313

    Description - Such a gentle, melancholy song, isn't it? Such a shame you can't relax to it as you tumble down this corkscrew of death.

  5. (This week's writeup done by WindStrike! Sorry we're late in posting.)

    Normally, Kenogu writes all the descriptions, but this week, I took the liberty of letting my insanity loose and letting you all feel the pain of my puns. Fear not, we’ve got a great lineup this week consisting of some of our favorite classics, including two alternates. Next week, we’ll be continuing with the oldies.

    Secret of Mana ‘Fear of the Flava’ OC ReMix

    Traffic – 278

    Description – ‘Fear of the traffic’ may catch you ‘into the thick of it’ if you want to make it through this crowded forest grown in McVaffe’s garden.

    Star Fox ‘Barrel Roll’ OC ReMix

    Traffic – 300

    Description – Unfortunately, there isn’t an actual ‘barrel roll’ (twist) in the song, but it may cause you to involuntarily ‘barrel roll’ out of your chair, because you didn’t ‘use the boost to get through’.

    Dr. Mario 'Burning Up' OC ReMix

    Traffic - 193

    Description - The beginning of this Dr. Mario mix might go down smoother than medicine, but don't count on it to last for long!

    Depthless Ocean

    Remixers – Tonindo, Jewbei

    Game – Donkey Kong Country

    Songs – Aquatic Ambience

    Traffic – 294

    Description – There will never be enough Aquatic Ambience because it can’t happen. It’s simply too good. Tonindo and Jewbei combine their efforts to bring you an unparalleled, trance-tastic mix that will drown you endless traffic.

    Cave Story: Welcome to Hell R:TS Mix

    Remixers - Divine Wrath

    Songs - Last Battle

    Traffic - 244

    Description - It may not seem tricky, but try blazing past it at the top of the board: we dare you.

  6. Nice. :)

    The game feels polished, and does a good job at getting progressively more difficult; level design could use a bit more work, and it's fairly short, but a fun spin just the same!

    Music was appropriate for the kind of game; not in-your-face so you don't get irritated with it quickly, but also not so laid-back it makes no difference.

    Nicely done to the both of you!

    (~4,999,999,997 to go, assuming you and the dev played it)

  7. Are you going to put anything on your youtube channel or is that for decoration at the moment?

    Once I get my computer back up to speed (nasty virus I couldn't get rid of), the YouTube page will hold runs of one of the songs for each week. This rate will depend on my schedule and skill level, since no-one wants to watch a video full of fail! This is also something other OCR members could pitch in on, if they wanted to.

    I like the songs where it makes the track stop suddenly then it speeds into a beat... Dunno what causes that (slow tempo probably) but it's pretty awesome

    Usually it's caused by a drop or cut in volume; the pause just before a breakdown in many techno songs always makes for an awesome rush. Also getting a corkscrew at the climax of a song. :D

  8. It's week two of Surfing OCR, and with it comes a new set of tracks!

    We're also going to start mixing things up a bit: along with the weekly OCReMixes, we'll also be posting good surfing tracks from other sources alongside. Twice the fun for the same price!

    Mega Man X Light in the Fortress OC ReMix

    Traffic - 262

    Description - housethegrate shreds up a nice midline track: fast-paced, with quite a few tight spots, if you dare to try and sneak through.

    Super Dodge Ball All-Star Doskpop OC ReMix

    Traffic - 300

    Description - Mazedude brings us this Super Dodge Ball mix in the form of a homage to the demoscene-originated Doskpop genre. As usual, Mazedude's work is energetic, and the difficulty ratchets higher as the song goes on. Can you get through without taking a dodge ball to the face?

    Final Fantasy IV 'Four Friends of the Elements' OC ReMix

    Traffic - 289

    Description - This zany piece was posted recently, courtesy of Hyadain, a Japanese artist also known for his covers. Tap your foot to it if you want, but don't let that distract you: this one races downhill at breakneck speed, with barely a breath between verses!



    Remixers – CarboHydroM

    Game – A Link to the Past

    Songs – Every single one

    Traffic – 210

    Description – Clocking in at just over 19 minutes is an epic rock medley of every song from a classic Zelda game with only two breaks from its relentless rockin’ onslaught. Good luck beating the top scores!

    --The .ogg has a traffic count of 208 but has a slightly better sound.

  9. Think outside the box, though. While you may not want these games, many other people do, and are more than willing to participate in this - I daresay - brilliant marketing scheme. The entire metagame was put together wonderfully, and coordinating that many developers to modify their games just for this release had to have been a tough challenge (especially given Valve Time). The end result was promotion for both Portal 2 and these games, neither of which is required to enjoy the other. Mutual benefit for Valve, the indie devs, and the consumers, no?

  10. Didn't realize we couldn't be friends within a community. Garian was trying to cool things down, not stir them up. ;)

    I half-hope that thunderstorms spawn monsters on the higher difficulty levels. Simply because it would make for some pretty awesome gameplay. Chilling in your house, you hear the thunder... it's time to suit up and grab you sword, and set up the creeper-proof walls: things are gonna get messy.

    That's how I see it, anyway. Could be a lot of fun, unless there's no way to avoid it (AKA ruining early-game construction with lots of storms).

  11. Welcome to our starting lineup for Surfing OCR! This week, we have two of OCR's hardest Audiosurf rides alongside a modified Earthbound remix. Next week, we'll start stepping through the OCR archives as well, so stay tuned for some good ol' oldies!

    Note - Traffic counts are listed with the assumption you’re playing an Elite character with Ironmode on.

    Scenes From a Memory OC ReMix

    Traffic - 283

    Description - Sixto, Suzu and zircon bring us this 'Voices of the Lifestream' track, and it's quite a ride. The blazing guitar-work blasts you down the slope at dangerously high velocities, so bring your helmet and goggles if you're on Ironmode!

    Red Blue Sanctuary OC ReMix [as-steep]

    Traffic - 219 [as-steep]

    Description - This two-sided track comes from the equally bizarre Earthbound. Flow with the rhythm on this one: it lives by it! Remember to add [as-steep] to the end of the track title.

    Dance of the Zinger OC ReMix

    Traffic - 280

    Description - Don't let the beginning of this track fool you; when this 'Serious Monkey Business' track gets moving, you better be quick on your feet, 'cuz this trance piece isn't going to take it easy.

    Happy surfing!


    Steam Group

    YouTube Channel

    WindStrike and I have started a group on Steam named Surfing OCR. The goal of the group is to present OCReMixes (and potentially other arrangements on the side) that surf well in the synesthesia-arcade game Audiosurf.

    Each week, we will share songs that we found to be a blast to surf. We will also be making our way through the ReMix archives, from bottom to top, finding some hidden gems, and maybe uncovering some songs that haven't been heard by many here. Come on in and join us! We'll be posting updates here, as well as on the Steam group page.

    Some of the tracks we list may have Audiosurf tags to improve the gameplay; specifically, the 'steep' option forces a track to be more aggressive, which can make some tracks that Audiosurf has a tough time with much more fun. The options are toggled by changing the name of the song you're going to surf in its ID3 tags. Follow the guidelines on this page if you want to compete, as this will ensure the track names line up.

  13. I worry this may hurt the breadth of your audience. While I think this is an awesome idea, many others won't want to wrap their head around ASCII and try to memorize which symbols mean what. Using simple graphics would likely help broaden your base quite a bit.

    I do see the allure in ASCII, though. Incredibly high content-to-size ratio lets you provide massive amounts of content at a whim. Just look at Dwarf Fortress!

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