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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. most mmo's have promised this but almost none of them deliver on it, and for good reason. let's think about this for a second.

    let's say you have a user base of 2 million people, not that unusual. at the starting hub, there's probably 500,000 people if this is the first weekend the game is live. if this is the case, only one or two groups can do a quest at a time, because their result will change what can and can't be done for the groups behind them.

    what does this mean? the game must have thousands and thousands of quests lined up, along with variations. unless it changes something that is truly unimportant (like whether the trees have leaves on them or not) it's pretty much impossible to implement.

    Yeah, there's only so much parameterization you can code into a game efficiently and effectively. Although this does make me curious if you could change a zone linear-algebra-style, as a kind of 'eigen-zone', wherein each zone has various parameters that can be tweaked independently (and speedily). It could be as much as the type of mobs you expect to find there. I'm kind of thinking about FF XII, where the plains early on would periodically be covered in rain, blocking off some quests, and allowing certain enemies to spawn. Something similar, but with more factors involved, could be used with little cost in an MMO, perhaps.

  2. According to their own qualifications:

    You own or have express permission to use and monetize all audio and video content that you upload—no exceptions.

    I believe OCReMix has implicit permission to use the audio, but not necessarily to monetize it. Other than that, I suspect they'd be in the clear.

    Ethically (and legally), it would likely be okay if, as DJP said, they reroute the money back into the site.

  3. I think we've found a common median here.

    Also, as a further point, don't invest too much of your time and money expecting to get a return on it. It would be horrible to destroy potential for the rest of your life by investing everything into this project. Even the work of your dreams must be supported properly; have a foundation under your feet before starting to build it. Even if it's just part-time jobs, and setting a little aside each month towards funding the project. Take time to make sure you can move on if you need to. 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket.'

  4. But there's a line between a friendly lie and a bitter truth. One will only hurt later, when it's too late to make a difference. The other may seem harsh, but it can make a world of difference.

    TD has it right: the most serious problem, here, is that of having no previously-published authors in on the project. Even then, companies are incredibly touchy about their own intellectual property. They'd be far more likely to contact someone themselves if they wanted to have books written about their IP; someone they've already considered and would trust with the franchise.

    This isn't hate, or picking on people. While it's not a bad idea to hope this can happen, give it some time, and practice. Let the idea mature while you work on your own projects. Build a portfolio. Then, perhaps, you might have a shot at this.

    Best of luck!

  5. I heard about the SpaceChem demo before and I was like meh

    Now I have SpaceChem and I am like meh

    I think it turns me off cause it sounds like an education Chemistry game. Is that true? Not that i'm against educational games... if it's good I'll play it for sure, it's installed and all. Just too busy trying to make 6.5million dollars making pies to save Albion from the coming war. :x

    Educational? Not really. It's primarily a puzzler; chemistry is only borrowed from to provide a context. When it gets into bonding molecules, true chemists would weep at hydrogen atoms being triple-bonded. It's no more a chemistry game than their earlier 'Codex of Alchemical Engineering' was an alchemy game. It's all about mechanical, spatial and temporal thinking.

  6. Did I chime in on this thread yet? I don't think I did, and shame on me for not doing so until now.

    Very solid stuff! Go buy this album, it's worth whatever you pay! (Unless you just DL it for free, and then it's certainly worth more!) :)

    Yes! I actually shared this on FB awhile back; one of my professors re-posted it, so hopefully you got some exposure (and paying customers) there. :)

  7. Oftentimes, strong soundtracks tie musical motifs to in-game themes. This is what gives the music its memorability and strength. Modern soundtracks do sometimes eschew the use of motifs for a more grandiose feel, or simply for a set of standalone songs; while these techniques may be simpler, they don't always lead the relative emotional hooks gained through the solid use of motifs.

    Not saying modern soundtracks are worse or better, but it's worth noting that, as everyone's saying, nostalgia will act as inherent sample bias; your thesis is already pretty skewed towards a specific conclusion. Try to find sources among professional composers, if you can, as well as within other game communities, especially ones that aren't focused on music. Also try to tweak the thesis, and approach the paper from a neutral direction. Let your findings direct the paper's tone, not the other way around!

  8. No worse than SM64; in DarkeSword's words, the romance was 'caaaaaaaake'.

    And honestly, if 'Up' pulled that off and was called a runaway success, I don't see it being a huge issue here. Most Zelda games have set up some small hook for the story at the beginning, especially the low-fi ones: LttP, LA, the Oracles, WW... this really doesn't seem all that different.

    (Sooo gonna get slammed for the 'Up' comparison...)

  9. I'd argue that the reason indie games have gained in popularity is not solely due to the fact that they are indie, nor because of the common lo-fi aesthetic that is associated with them (even though that's not always the case, either).

    I find indie games to be enjoyable much of the time because they are often more creative in their mechanics and story-telling techniques than big companies are willing to risk. They put their own personal time into the project, and are able to push the boundaries or think outside the box, a luxury big companies cannot (or are not willing to) afford in terms of sales loss.

    This documentary doesn't look like it'll be doing any favors, though. This just makes indie creators look like they're doing it for solely selfish reasons, or to go 'against the grain', when I'd again argue that that's not always the case.

  10. Okay, this has been driving me crazy for a couple days. I heard this song on my friend's iPod and there's a section of it that I totally recognized and I'm sure it was straight out of one of the FF soundtracks, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Maybe someone more knowledgeable could help me figure it out.

    I wasn't able to find the original Daft Punk song on YouTube, but this cover version is good enough to demonstrate the part I'm talking about: http://youtu.be/DgGZgVf8zpQ?t=2m14s

    Any ideas? Am I just crazy? I tried doing some Googling to no effect, the best I could come up with was a link back to a remix here on OCR, which DOES have a part similar to that section, but I'm sure it's not what I was thinking of.

    Sounds more like a tie back to baroque or classical composition, rather than Final Fantasy. Nobuo did sometimes mimic or pattern some pieces directly after that era, but I don't hear any FF-specific leanings in that line.

    Any ideas on which song or game the line resembles? It'll help narrow the search quite a bit.

    EDIT: Drat. Double in-befor'd.

    Double EDIT:

    Wait, are you talking about the soft-synth section at around the 3-minute mark? Cuz I can hear a vague reminiscence to the line of one of the Final Fantasy V tracks, 'Pirates Ahoy!'

  11. You'd probably need to modify the launcher if it's setting its own parameters internally. Not sure if this is true or not, but I'm pretty sure the launcher is overriding the default Java settings with its own 'expanded' memory, which Notch and co. have determined to be 'sufficient' on most systems.

    Just a personal guess, could be completely off-base though.

  12. Seconding the MMBN games. Story may be a weakpoint, but boy are they fun. The combat system is basically all about fast-paced action and thinking on your feet, along with classic Megaman know-your-enemy tactics. The random encounters might be a bit of a turn-off thanks to their frequency, but that's the worst I can think of.

    Each new installment also changes up how various aspects are managed. MMBN 3 and 6, iirc, both have 'mod systems' that boost stats or give special perks by fitting shapes onto a grid. You can spend hours trying to arrange the grid to get the perks you need; surprisingly addictive, in its own way. MMBN 5 is also notable in that it plays out various missions as a sort of metagame, in which you control a set of units to take out the opponent within a minimal number of turns. It adds another fascinating layer that I thought worked out pretty well.

    Anyway, enough ranting from me. Lots of good memories from that series.

  13. A useful skill you'll need to learn is the separation of the abstractions of the game from the programming language. In other words, it shouldn't matter here whether you're using Python, C#, Ruby, or any other language. The language is a vehicle to accomplish your goal (from a broad perspective, anyway. If you choose to program it in Scheme, that's a different issue altogether, hahah).

    From what I've seen of Python, you should be able to represent the camera as an object-type (or class). The camera would store, for example, the coordinates of the top-left view corner that would be presented to the player. In your game's logic loop, when drawing the graphics, you would then ask the current camera object where the corner is, and based on that, you would know where to draw the other entities in the level.

    If you're having a hard time understanding how an object-oriented system would work, I'd strongly advise picking up some books or, if possible, taking a course or two in basic programming. Even online tutorials can help you with those concepts. Trying to make any program - let alone a game - without understanding how to use the program structures available to you would just be fruitless and frustrating to you very quickly. Also make sure you know what Pygame does and doesn't do for you; you might need to build other supplementary structure that interfaces with Pygame to suit your game's system.

    Aaaaand sorry for the heavy jargon. D:

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