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Kenogu Labz

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Posts posted by Kenogu Labz

  1. I love how the modding community is whipping up codes to remove the extraneous bullshit from SS. Like the item notifications, Fi's blabbering, and the stamina bar, as well as mapping the controls to the Gamecube controller (they're still working on that apparently).

    Kind of sad when a bunch of people on the internet have to hack your game to polish it further.

    Fix'd that for you. While I haven't played the game, I'm willing to bet it's still enjoyable without those changes, just marginally less so. In a way, it's continuing the developers' work after-the-fact, in a way that's unrestricted by development time limitation or poor planning.

  2. Well, first of all (to Clefairy) I wouldn't call myself 'fortunate'... I just have standard cable internet service. Something like 95% of Americans have access to broadband internet. I think a very, very small portion of the 5% that doesn't have access would actually be interested in a game like Diablo III. Just hazarding a guess on that last one though. And, I dunno, even though I've used Comcast for years (supposedly the worst ISP / worst company in America) I've had virtually no problems with outages, dropped connections, etc. Maybe a few hours out of every year. Is that really such a problem? Penny-Arcade put it best:


    I guess I just think the response is a bit overblown. If it were some other company, like EA with their crappy Origin service, I'd be concerned. But I've had nothing but good experiences with Blizzard and I don't mind being online and using their servers when I play.

    I just see it as being an issue if you want to play at a location where there is no internet connectivity, such as on a plane, commuter train, etc. Then it's not so much about how much you're on the internet as when you're able to access it. Steam has an offline mode, for example, that allows you to access games, as long as you let it know _before_ you go offline, which is a logical solution to the problem: you have access to all games until you have internet access again, since you already authenticated them before you went offline.

    And to tackle the Comcast tangent, believe me, I've seen far worse ISPs, many of them local to an area. Comcast has its hiccups, glitches, and intentional oversights, but that's because they're a business, and they have to weigh decisions like any other business. They're not perfect, but we can't really expect any business to be perfect, and Comcast usually provides a better option by far than the alternatives, in my (limited) experience. (How they handle the customer-facing side of the business is another matter, for sure...)

    This is purely based off of personal experience, so there's probably a dozen counter-examples I haven't heard of.

    EDIT: I guess zircon already sorta touched on the loss of portability earlier.

  3. avatar_6feb8634e3d0_128.png

    Apples to oranges. Though I would be interested in seeing different settings, I'm not sure it would work well if they simply leveraged pure Steampunk or pure Science Fiction. That was one of the major draws of Wind Waker and Skyward Sword: the mechanics were familiar, but the settings were very different. Given how strong the Oracle games were, something like that might provide a strong initial lead-in to such a setting.

  4. Thing is, it's entirely unfeasible to investigate each individual claim. This is the reason they have the suspension system in place: the automated system suspends the channel, after which real people can step in and evaluate claims, etc. My guess is this is an automated procedure, triggered after the channel hit some critical mass of flags or reports. Could be very wrong, though.

  5. This is unfiltered information, so some of it (if not all) is bound to be entirely wrong, but here's the impression I get:

    Midi files, by themselves, only describe properties of a sound: pitch, velocity and patch number (perhaps also note length). Some variations of midi files will allow you to store other types of information, but core Midi is based on a very small set of parameters, thus limiting the medium. For example, you can't detune directly in standard Midi; the only frequencies available are those corresponding to standard notes.

    Despite this, Midi's strength lies in its universal notation. If nothing else, it is able to describe the structure of most songs, which is helpful for those attempting to arrange those songs, as they can more easily analyze the songs visually than they would be able to by ear.

    Basically, while Midi was frustratingly poor in its design, it's still useful enough for many practical purposes.

  6. Oh god I just nostalgia'd.

    I see Gundam 00 on there. If you liked that, you may like Gundam Wing (another show in that Toonami commercial). Similar feel to Gundam 00 in that it's got more emphasis on action than most other Gundam series (still recommend those, as well), and the plots a quite similar, too. I personally feel that Wing and 00 weren't as strong as those other Gundam series, but I tend to focus less on action and more on the characters, so you can somewhat base your decisions regarding the various Gundam series on that.

    EDIT: If you're liking Bleach and One Piece, then shows like Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star and Rurouni Kenshin are probably right up your alley.

    One Piece is kind an oddball of fun. It bounces between kinda immature humour and all-out awesome; the bizarre abilities are presented creatively enough, and the arcs are solid enough (at least as far as I've gotten) to keep it interesting and fun. But you're already watching it, so guess it doesn't need much of a recommendation. (Here's hoping Funi clinches the next batch of dubbing rights soon...)

    Trigun's also a bunch of fun. The characters in that one are really great, and are what makes it stick out from the rest. Give it a couple episodes to kick in (I suspect this is the case for most shows, really).

    I've watched YYH. I'm not sure it'd make it to the top of my list by a long shot, but it's certainly not bad. It's great if you're trying to watch and do something else at the same time, since the amount of attention required to follow it isn't that high.

  7. Glancing at the pic reminded me that I do have a recommendation: Monster. It's not flashy, sticking more with realism than blow-your-mind art. Yet it pulls off a stunning story, and you'll be at the edge of your seat for every episode. You could think of it as initially based on the older series 'The Fugitive', at least in the basic premise. Definitely worth a shot; do note that it takes a bit for the real story to kick in, so it's not a hospital drama as it may initially seem to be.

  8. Well I found the monsters to be boring because of how easy it is to escape them. I somehow managed to play through the game without running into the monster in the storage. I have no idea how I managed this as everyone else always talks about him.

    Usually you go around a corner and you can see the monster coming down the hall, so ya run, go around a couple turns and crouch down into the dark and wait for the music to stop. Then the monster seemingly vanishes for good. I never ran into the same one twice. It's hard to be afraid of something that you can escape so easily.

    If you played the game without running into the monsters at all, you're doin' it wrong. The prison was probably the worst, in that it was really easy to get trapped, and each door potentially has a monster behind it, so it's really easy to spook yourself. Between the potential of imminent mauling and the background you find in journals, your imagination runs all too wild trying to fill in the blanks on what exactly you're up against, and that itself is terrifying.

    But yeah, given the poster isn't looking to pee his pants, this probably isn't the best choice if you're just looking for story.

  9. Yeah; I grabbed the first one, since I recognized and was interested in a couple of the games it had, but this one didn't really catch my eye. I think they have a notification list you can subscribe to that'll ping you when the next bundle's up, so we don't forget to remind you. :3

  10. As much as I want to try BioShock, I'm too scared to play it. I wish I were kidding but I don't do so well with scary stuff, lol. I actually sold my copy of Dead Space once before I completed it for that exact reason.

    Hmm, I wouldn't really call it scary. It might catch you by surprise once in a while, but it's generally more of a spectacle than anything. What's blood-curdling isn't fear of some boogie-man or monster, it's the fact that the Splicers have twisted themselves to the point that they have no moral compass whatsoever. Not scary so much as creepy. Anyway, up to you. Might want to check some gameplay videos to see if it lines up with what you find scary or not.

  11. I'm gonna jump on a totally different bandwagon and recommend Bioshock, if you haven't checked it out yet. I was hesitant for awhile, but I can say this: while it's not immediately apparent that the story is all that impressive, it all takes an incredible series of turns partway through. If nothing else, the game leaves you thinking, and did an incredible job of weaving in storytelling with gameplay.

  12. But the whole game is so grey and dark and bland, there's no real sense of art or majesty...

    It's not what I would expect a fantasy game to look like.


    So you're saying fantasy is sunshine and rainbows?

    One of the fascinating things about fantasy in the first place is that you can plumb new depths of darkness, both in human nature and in otherworldly environments. How can you say fantasy shouldn't be dark with the token example of Lord of the Rings showing very clearly how dark a situation can become? The beauty in fantasy does not always come from the setting; it can also come from the people who stand against this darkness.

  13. Could I trouble you for the Hair of the Dog, Lyrai? Account-name 'midanya', if you're up to it. Anything in return, perchance?

    Coordinated malicious internet behaviour is just getting more prevalent lately. If only the web's design had been planned more thoroughly, and with a little more security in mind, maybe we wouldn't have pigeon-holed ourselves into such an insecure platform. But I digress.

  14. i am so bad at this game sometimes.

    i actually think its from when i have cold hands, i have pretty poor circulation so if my hands are cold i'm a split second behind

    Ditto, heh. Doesn't help that I'm 11 stories up in a dorm, and tend to eat ice cream on Friday nights. XD

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