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Cottus and Gyes

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Everything posted by Cottus and Gyes

  1. FFX is by far the best in the series in my opinion. It was a nice needed change. FFXII was basically the dullest FF out there. Oh hey, I know how to macro shit so... I'll let the game play itself! That got dull when I was, what, level 9/10?
  2. I disagree, I thought Terminator: Salvation was a really well done movie (especially compared to District 9)... it was the looping factor between T1 and T2. If you exclude T3, Salvation had little to no plot holes. District 9 felt like the story was incomplete in my eyes. They picked the lesser of the plethora of plot choices, and it shows. It is a very linear movie and makes me wonder (because Peter Jackson had his name on the movie) if they really had to cut down the movie to fit in theaters or they plan on making a sequel to it.
  3. I've got nothing... p.s. bee ewe em pee!
  4. Saw it, don't recommend paying to see this. Animation was well done, cinematography was well done, protagonist was well acted, plot took too long to start and was mediocre, and was okay at best. My brief two cents.
  5. F-Zero GX, put it on Master difficulty and play through every cup (even the lolAX cup). That is always a blast for me. Super Metroid, speed runs make the game far much better than full clears. Resident Evil 2 and 4. For RE2 you have to play w/o saves and the dodging game. For RE4 you have to play with guns you find and no upgrades, on hard as well too. Kingdom Hearts, probably doesn't fall under the day category like the others but I'm fairly certain its close to it.
  6. I need to do more artwork so feel free to throw me a PM with your description of what you need: -Title -Genre -Art Style -Cover size (i.e. CD case <probably means you want a back cover art as well>, a slim CD case, a DVD case, ect.) -Possibly a booklet if you request it -Anything personal Anything like that and I can probably whip up a concept design in 1hour to 3hours and get your opinion on it. I'll then fix it and/or finish it up for you.
  7. This da'game wif drag0ns?! This will be hard to get motivated for, damn.
  8. Oh snap! Lots of stuff going on with my art work. Here is exactly what I did to create it. . . I found pictures of actors from Capcom and Marvel related movies (obviously) and made them into a collage via cut and paste instead of creating new poses. Knowing I was short on time, I decided to scan my collage in and "vector". M.Bison (Raul Julia), Guile (Jean Claude Van Damme), Ironman (Robert Downy Jr.), and Cyclops (James Marsden) along with the yellow background all have their own layers (each character has 3 seperate layers one for white, red, and black) and I eye-balled the Cyclops laser beam. Hopefully this clears the obfuscation on what exactly I did. So where the uncertainty comes in is with the pictures themselves I would assume and for that I would greatly appreciate it if Bonzai could chime in on a ruling. I do appreciate the compliments even if it is decided as non-legitimate. Edit: Wall of text. . . eww
  9. BALLLSSSSS!!!!!!!! And I litterally finished mine 3min ago Wish I knew this was up and going... Here's mine: http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh74/LowSkore/FAC26MarvelvsCapcomIcopy.jpg I'll def hit up next month's comp... unless the theme blows chunks!
  10. Give me an extra hour or so!!! Didn't realize this was even running still! Edit I: Damnit... I'll post it when its done later, I can't finish this and be happy with it in 20min Edit II: Yeah this is far too messy for what was intended. Sup relyanCe, hopefully I'll increase the art count for next month by +1.
  11. Pacman < Hydro. That is my .02 USD. Pipeline is a fun map!
  12. 300 esque style would seem to fit better than a Star Wars styled background imo. I think they would just have to cast a smaller person so a normal horse would look larger (even though horses are fricken huge to begin with).
  13. Go online (like a Boss) Look up news (like a Boss) Notice media (like a Boss) Colussus movie (like a Boss) Get excited (like a Boss) Wait a year (like a Boss) See commercial (like a Boss) No Micheal Bay (like a Boss) Thank god (like a Boss) Drive to theater (like a Boss) Stand in line (like a Boss) No line (like a Boss) Buy a ticket (like a Boss) Get judged (like a Boss) Steal popcorn (like a Boss) Add some butter (like a Boss) Find a seat (like a Boss) Watch the movie (like a Boss) Go to bathroom (like a Boss) Swallow sadness (like a Boss) Cry deeply (like a Boss) Finish movie (like a Boss) Ask for management (like a Boss) Demand refund (like a Boss) Get rejected (like a Boss) Pussy out (like a Boss) Go home (like a Boss) Play Colussus (like a Boss) Fall off horse (like a Boss) Now I'm dead (like a Boss) I'm sure this movie will be another notch in the "why games != movies" belt.
  14. I own all 4 of the dotHack games, only beat the first 2. Farming mats to be able to go to places != fun.
  15. Add-ons are a crutch, haven't had a single one even when I was raiding MC back in vanilla. . . I miss vanilla
  16. Not sure how I feel about the movie, definitely not what I expected at all. PS Ozymandias was by far the best character in my opinion, wish he had a larger roll in the movie.
  17. Isn't that the dog's job?
  18. Heres another point to add... If you think it has become too easy, try out the end content yourself. You might enjoy it even more! I have done Naxx preTBC and quit the PvE scene after I killed Kael (that was when he was hard, of course). I personally don't think I am going to fly through any of the content. I was not in the beta, and that was on purpose, and plan to wipe many times on the new bosses
  19. You also have to keep in mind: a)The guild is a combination of the top two guilds in the world (Both of them were neck and neck for world first for TBC) b)The guild's members probably were here for PreTBC Naxx, so those fights were already engraved in their memories. c)Add in their total time they played in beta you would get about normal progression. d)The itemization differences are not as vast as they were for preTBC to TBC.
  20. My opinion of this statement could not be better expressed by this: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=153
  21. Bleck I'm still confused, could you specify a tinsy bit more?
  22. Hey Bleck, just wanted to say I really like the style where you don't name the person till after the competition. Keep it up man!
  23. Thats terribad Does anyone find this game as fun as it was for GHIII (guitar part only)?
  24. And I missed another competition. Great entries everyone!
  25. 5 days to do something quick... hmm. Maybe I'll deviate from my original plan.
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