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Everything posted by Soul Splint
Top 100 Greatest N64 Songs of All Time!
Soul Splint replied to GreatGonzales's topic in General Discussion
Disagreed, yeah, but in a good way It honestly wouldn't have been fun to watch if it had been scored exactly the way I would have done it. I hope my first post didn't seem critical, I was just pointing out my thoughts and reactions. My overall reaction to the video was one of pure enjoyment. You guys deserve a lot of thanks for doing something so time-consuming for free so that others can enjoy it. I realized today though that there actually was one song I was surprised wasn't included: Goldeneye's . This was my favorite Goldeneye track, though the ones that made the list were definitely runners-up. Was Severnaya number 101 by any chance ? -
Top 100 Greatest N64 Songs of All Time!
Soul Splint replied to GreatGonzales's topic in General Discussion
Get your head checked, my man. Fast. -
Top 100 Greatest N64 Songs of All Time!
Soul Splint replied to GreatGonzales's topic in General Discussion
Hey, just finished the video. First off, a big, big THANK YOU for putting something so awesome together. I very much enjoyed listening through this for many reasons, not the least of which were nostalgia and discovering a few new tunes. I think every song that I expected to be on here was, but there were some that I was a bit surprised at. So, some feedback (spoilers below for those who have not yet watched the video - go watch it!) In no particular order: #72 - Frantic Factory - Donkey Kong 64. I was pretty floored that you guys ranked this so low! I was expecting top 25. It was such a different feel for a DK song, and at the same time was absolutely captivating. But, at least it was included A couple of games that I was not only surprised to see on the list, but they even had multiple entries: Blast Corps and the Goeman games. They were decent, but definitely never leaped out at me. Your reasonings in the list made sense, but these just didn't do anything for me... Diddy Kong racing definitely had at least one or two that deserved to be on the list (albeit in a low placing), but it got way more attention than I expected. Nostalgia playing a factor, perhaps? (And who could blame you. Difficult to be objective with these). #16 - Slider - Super Mario 64. Uhhhhh...okay. I would have loved to have seen my face when this popped up. Let's just say I wasn't expecting to see this at all on the list. Memorable, sure...but not in a good way, at least to me. And finally...so, SO glad to see you guys giving Jet Force Gemini the attention it so richly deserves. I am still impatiently awaiting the day that JFG gets its own album on OCR. So, for some JFG-specific feedback... Tawfret? Really? Certainly atmospheric, but as you said in your video, barely (if at all) qualifies as a song. Surprised at this one. Sekhmet at #19? I was expecting a bit higher... I really do have a major beef with Water Ruins at #12. This probably would have been my number 1. So memorable, lush soundscape, great effects, epic strings... SS Anubis at #3 was pretty dead-on, and I would have agreed wholeheartedly if not for...Eschebone at #1. Don't get me wrong, Eschebone definitely needed to be included, but I would have put Sekhmet, SS Anubis and Water Ruins all above it, as well as several other N64 tracks. It just doesn't have the 'stick with you' factor that the others do, and is more about the feel of the level rather than an epic track, to me. But, that's what makes this enjoyable - really being throw into someone else's opinion on something we love so much. You provided a great medium for us to enjoy your opinion, and provided fairly good arguments on why you placed which songs where. Thanks again for doing this! I'm really looking forward to your next videos. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
Awesome news. I didn't have quite the struggle that you have, but I still remember the week when I realized mine was pretty much healed. Big smiles. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
So, basically, you at 9-10% bf and me at 7.5% percent bf look almost exactly the same, definition-wise. In other words, bite me. -
Really, really enjoyed this, but I have to echo what others are saying about the clap. It felt like it pounded on my right ear the whole song with no variation. The rest was very chill and great to listen to.
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
The question is, what are you going to do about it? -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
Nice work. Keep this mind, though: there will ALWAYS be another wedding or similar event. Keep going as much as you can, because you're very close to turning training from a goal into a lifestyle. Branch out, try new stuff, and continue to make new PRs. Do whatever it takes to stay motivated, even if it's becoming a Wedding Crasher That's awesome, man! Fat loss done right is a definite roller-coaster, but congrats on hitting a nice big drop! To me, pure fat loss is one of the hardest things to do. Those downward fluctuations are such a nice boost to keep going. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
If that's true, then I really, really dislike you. My last test "determined" I was only about five pounds away from hitting mine. I've been hoping it was way off, but still a bit discouraging. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
Considering how emaciated I used to look, I think I've already made it But I'm still going. Going to find my "genetic max" and bust through that bastard like a dog through a screen door when he sees a squirrel on the other side. Congrats TC! -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
Push up bars are fantastic, and bands are even better. There's almost no body part you can't train with a band. Have fun! -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
True. If you mix a shake too well, your body doesn't have to work as hard to digest it, so you're not getting in optimal muscle work. Just barely stir it so you have to chew the chunks, making your digestive system and muscles work harder to extract the protein from the particle matrix. More gains. Fact. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
??? My shake is one of the best food-related parts of my day. What are you using, and how are you prepping it (out of curiosity)? -
finished Yoshi's Island + Song of Storms (oot) Remix
Soul Splint replied to dnbnostalgia's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I feel like I need a shot after that filth Sounded great, you blended the two themes together really well. The sections where you dropped the beat felt a little long and repetitive to me, but this was otherwise outstanding. I'm sure some more musically-inclined people will be along to give you more technical feedback. Welcome to OCR! -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
I completely understand. That was one of my biggest hurdles in getting to where I am now. I hated the looks of amusement I got from bigger guys when I would load up for bench presses or something similar. Though they would never admit it, lots of those territorial roid ragers enjoy having less experienced lifters around them because it makes them feel more jacked (unless you're incorrectly using equipment or taking up space for no reason). You'll eventually get to a point where you don't give a damn what those guys think/do, because you'll start to realize how much of their progress is due to a needle instead of determination. Example in my own gym today: massive guy doing super-heavy concentration curls, who is pretty obviously juicing. Tall skinny guy about 20 feet away, doing barbell front squats. Guess which one had my respect and admiration? It also helps a lot to get to know the people who work there. A LOT. Most of them are there to help people like us. Also, if possible, experiment with different times of day to workout. Gyms can have entirely different atmospheres at different times of day due to the variance in people who are there. Can you get a workout buddy? Take your favorite music along with you. The more you can make the gym 'your own' environment, the easier it gets. Hopefully this doesn't come across as a mindless ramble, but I have SO walked this trail. It sucks and it's lonely, but it's walkable. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
No need to be shy, brah! Why exactly do you hate going to the gym? Is it the lifting you hate, or the gym atmosphere, being bothered to travel to the gym...? -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
That...is a buttload of dancing. I would need to eat an entire cow to keep my gainz after all that. Right in the feels, considering the squat is easily my weakest exercise. Two plates for an easy 8 reps when you're not even used to the free weight motion is just...NOT FAIR. I struggle to get three clean reps on two plates. The rest of my body is fairly consistent with strength, but the squat just eludes me. And it ain't for lack of trying. How much work did you do on the free squat? I'd be interested to know if you felt any different than normal afterward and the following day, considering your stablization muscles probably took a pounding that they aren't used to. Glad to hear you'll be working the barbells in more! Ah, the gains. Nothing like the gains during the first six months or so of training. Bittersweet. It's super-awesome at first, then it slows down and you're all like, "What the hell! It's not working anymore!" And that's the day that you become forever small and weak, because you just can't seem to ever make much more visual progress (it happens, but it's like comparing an avalanche to a trickle of maple syrup). -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT It definitely took a toll on the remainder of that exercise, but I was stoked so I didn't care. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
Nice progress guys! I'm back from the beach and ready to ROCK. A little darker, a little heavier, and hopefully a little stronger after a solid nine days of rest. My goal for the next few weeks is to hit 8 reps for a one-plate OHP (140 pounds; I use one of our gym's 50 lb. bars whenever possible, as I prefer a thicker grip). I've hit 7 reps fairly consistently the last few cycles, and gotten half of an 8th rep several times. You can't hide from me, 8th rep. I WILL COME FOR YOU. I WILL FIND YOU. AND I WILL LIFT YOU. /Neeson -
OCR Tracks you knew before you found OCR
Soul Splint replied to WillRock's topic in General Discussion
Got ahold of several of Protricity's Donkey Kong Country 2 remixes through P2P program called WinMX. Some of them had "Overclocked ReMix" in the tag, so after a quick Google search I found one of my most favorite sites ever! -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
There is nothing like that first time (or first time since you've returned to lifting) that you all of a sudden visually realize that it's working. -
What, no Megalit? Just kidding. If any of you are actually familiar with that game I will die of shock. It did have a rather catchy level tune, though.
GameChops presents Club Kong ~ a DKC1 & 2 remix EP by halc
Soul Splint replied to halc's topic in General Discussion
No problem, I did get it to work . It does not work with Explorer, fyi. It kept redirecting me to the Loudr homepage. -
Fit Club ahoy! Where men are bros and women are also bros!
Soul Splint replied to OceansAndrew's topic in General Discussion
TC, you're really doing yourself a disservice by only doing exercises that target your abs and nothing else. Ecto posted those exercises because although they use multiple muscle groups, they will hit your core like no crunch or situp ever could. You will see far greater results in your core by doing those exercises instead of ones that only target the abdomen. If you don't want your legs to get bigger/stronger, you can always bump up your reps to 15 or more; this will build your endurance more than size and strength, and will also get you a great cardio workout in the process. I understand that you want to focus on your abs, but we are truly trying to help you in our recommendations. So far, the way you are going about it is far from maximum efficiency. I'm sure your core is getting a bit stronger with what you're doing, but I doubt you're seeing much change so far. Also, your note that the leg raises are hurting your back concerns me. This is your body telling you that you need to strengthen some other muscles. Please give it some thought. We are all guys who have done trial and error and learned from our mistakes; we're trying to spare you some wasted effort. -
Well, that was the last thing keeping me from getting this. Microsoft announces they will soon begin selling the Xbox One without Kinect. Now I know I will eventually purchase one. https://bgr.com/2014/05/13/microsoft-xbox-one-price-cut/