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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. This. I hear it frequently on OCR radio, and it's great. Nice and chill.
  2. Your clothes must be in a constant state of confusion. I'm holding steady at 190, which is about where I wanted to be. Next winter I'll shoot for about 200. Come January it'll be time to take off the winter coat and really see the progress I made
  3. I think I might have outdone Ecto at his own game. Dinner Saturday night = one pound of ground, grass-fed, organic bison, and most of a bundle of kale sauteed in butter and uncured bacon grease with uncured bacon crumbles in it. Take that, dentist-man.
  4. Thanks guys. Added both of you as well. If you happen to visit my safari, I'd be interested to know what my 3 pokes are...
  5. Thanks for the well-wishes man:). And don't worry, I was definitely in the "one more rep" frame of mind today.
  6. Sorry for the double post, but I saw something pretty damn awesome in the gym today. For more context in this story, today is my birthday (27). I'm working out, it's shoulder day (favorite day!), and I glance in the mirror as I'm walking by to pick up my dumbbells for some shrugs. I notice my arm and think to myself, "Man, I've got so much more work to do. I can see changes, but I need to do more." I wouldn't say I got disheartened here, if anything I got a little more motivated. Then I see this guy go walking by I've never seen in our gym before. He had some pretty serious birth defects, to where it looked like both of his hands were turned around 180 degrees from what they should have been. Very skinny, almost emaciated. And his shirt was wet with sweat. He was killing it on the machines, especially plate-loaded rows. I don't know how he was gripping the handles, but he was definitely giving it all he was worth. I wanted to tell him how awesome he was for working his ass off like that, but I didn't want to embarrass him or have him think I was patronizing him. Definite "shame on me" moment. I may not be exactly where I want fitness-wise, but I am very blessed with the body and ability to change myself. Sometimes I forget that others aren't so fortunate. Rock on, guy who is in many ways bigger than me. Rock on.
  7. I know, I know, shame on me. I kind of got burned out on fighters several years ago; I was big into Mortal Kombat 3, then took a hiatus until Tekken Tag Tourny when it came out, but after that, meh.
  8. A game I have never touched. I think my chances of winning fell off the Earth with that little memo.
  9. Awesome possum. Thanks! I will add you later today.

  10. Anyone who can gain, lose, gain, lose, and gain that much muscle is definitely scrappy. I dunno who the team captains are in this upcoming bloodbath, but I'd want you on my side.
  11. Pretty sure I've got the reach advantage...
  12. Guise. C'mon guise, add me plz. Need friend safaris. I'll totally let you in my safari in return. 4184-1304-8565 (Thanks Vilecat for already adding me). On a separate note, I was kind of blown away by my Mewtwo. Mega Mewtwo X has a ridiculous attack stat, so I thought a high attack Mewtwo would be nice to complement that. I got an adamant Mewtwo (+attack -special attack) with perfect IVs in special attack, defense, and speed on the first try.
  13. IMO: Must have: Pokemon X/Y, Legend of Zelda OoT (have not played LBW yet) Great: Kid Icarus Uprising, Etrian Odyssey IV Good: Mario and Luigi Dream Team, Mario Kart 7 Meh: Luigi's Mansion 2 (did not have the magic of the original, and the mission format SUCKS), Tales of the Abyss (okay, but drags on), Super Mario 3D Land (felt like more of the same "new Mario" stuff) As for DS games, I would highly recommend Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Dragon Quest IX (my favorite DS game), and Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (I liked this better than Dream Team).
  14. Echoing Ecto and Argle. Situps work okay, but I get way more benefit from keeping rigid form on things like squats (ESPECIALLY front squats/goblet squats) and pullups/chinups.
  15. Finally added everyone (I think) that has X/Y. No idea what my safari type is yet. I assume you guys have to add me as well before I check yours out and vice versa. My code is 4184-1304-8565. Plz/tks
  16. SMH moment today. Some guy's poor spotter got way more than he bargained for. Maybe it was because there was a girl in their group, but the guy on the bench loaded up 230 and tapped his friend to spot him. Not only did he not get the first rep on his own, he proceeded to try for a second, third, and fourth rep. I was wondering if I needed to go help when he finally racked it. His spotter was a wee bit flushed after having to teabag the guy to help him get the weight back up.
  17. Yup. You can either have pants that fit in the thighs, or fit in the waist, but not both. I'm getting back to that ratio too. Just discovered a rip in the ass of my favorite jeans a couple days ago, and they really aren't even that worn. Probably just squatting down to look at something and my glutes wreaked havoc on the poor threads...
  18. The best method for me has been to loosely define what I want to do, then set strict goals on the way to that definition. So for example, my loose definition was "I want to lose a bit of fat and gain some more muscle." The strict goals can then go like: gain ten pounds by XX. Once I've accomplished that, then set another goal to gain more by a certain date. Once I get up to the weight I'm looking for (2.4 more pounds, WOOT!), I'll then set a goal to lose a certain bodyfat percentage by XX date, and keep going on that. The end result will be me at about 5 to 10 pounds heavier than I started out but with a bodyfat percentage at least 3 or 4 points lower than when I started. May not sound like much, but it makes a pretty big difference. Once you set those specific goals, then you can look at how to achieve them (diet, lifting regimen, etc.), and those regimens will keep you busy in sticking with it. But the approach needs to be what's best suited for you, otherwise you'll have a greater chance of burning out. If my description sounds like a boring hell to you, then don't do it! Approach it in a way that makes it appealing to you. I've even heard of a lot of gamers taking an RPG-style approach to their regimens.
  19. Not necessarily. Overuse with good form can cause tendonitis, according to a PT friend of mine. Ice, ibuprofen, rest, repeat. Man, injuries suck. I have the feels for you.
  20. Welcome, diotrans! We hope you are the first of many girlbros to be a permanent fixture here. Sounds like you are taking some good steps. Something I gotta ask all of you who work out in public gyms: do you or do you not correct someone who is about to hurt himself? One guy in my gym (I've seen him twice now doing this) is curling his back so bad on deadlifts it is painful to watch. He looks like a horseshoe. The last time this happened with a different guy I mentioned it to the staff in hopes that one of them would help the guy out, but they didn't really seem to care. I would want someone to correct me, but that's not always sound logic when considering whether or not you should do something. Anybody have any thoughts? This guy looks like a very new beginner, so I'd hate for him to hurt himself and give up on the whole concept of weightlifting (or worse, do permanent damage). This may seem like a dumb question, but I did correct someone once before (nicely!) only to get a dirty look.
  21. I hope you get to keep your monitors, but it looks like that was due to a glitch and Walmart may not be honoring those sales. http://gma.yahoo.com/walmart-website-error-allowed-customers-buy-600-electronics-173014873--abc-news-deals.html
  22. Wow! Wicked good. So glad they shared this with the community.
  23. If any of you happen to be a fan of both the Rocky saga and DBZ, do yourself a favor and watch this before you go to the gym: My hair may have turned blonde during chest dips today...
  24. Just realized I never added my code, and I need to get busy adding everyone else. My code is: 4184-1304-8565
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