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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. Hell yes. The latest link to this mix is not working... Got another one?
  2. Can't wait to hear this finished. Big fan of your first Delay, this sounds like it could be even better. Really like the violin-esque riffs that kick in around 0:17. How about bringing more variety to those later in the song? The mix of techno and piano in the middle is a big strong point for me as well; would love to hear more of the same. Great stuff so far!
  3. You know Carn, Out of all the guys in Battle School I'd have figured Dink for a piano player...but you have proved me wrong here. Excellent style and emotion, keep bringin the goods.
  4. I don't think I could possibly pick one from any game ever, but in response to the Mega Man posts I've seen... Does anyone remember Sigma from X4? Yeah, it was kind of his trademark to have to kill him at least twice, but holy $#!% he was a whole new reason to cry in this one. The first stage you could do without getting hit if you were good. The second stage I don't care if you played this game eight hours every day, you would get hit and probably have to use one of your sub-tanks. Then on the third stage you have to fight two even harder forms of him simultaneously. I swear the guys at Capcom were laughing their asses off when they programmed this one... BTW, I'm talking about playing as Zero, not X.
  5. Hell's yeah. This has always been one of my favorite tracks of any video game, as far as mellow vibes go. Glad to see it getting the respect it deserves with remixes, and finally getting some fresh ideas. Very interesting choice to mix the synth with the piano in that fashion; had I been told about that before listening I would have been doubtful, but the result is top notch. A little curious as to the choices in the last minute or so, but the prior minutes are just too damn good to make me care. Keep it up, can't wait to hear more.
  6. So many adjectives, so little time... Definitely one of the best remixes I've ever heard. IMO, these guys could rule with a MMX remix concentrated around Dr. Light's theme and possibly the theme of Zero's death. Those two together in a similar rock arrangement could be just as epic as this one was. Maybe they'll read this and take me up on that... Stellar work guys; you just gave us all something to rock out to for months to come.
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