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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. I enjoyed them, but something really sad happened. I asked one of the trainers who the "hack squat expert" is in the house, to see if they could check my form. She checks around, and one of the guys said, "Oh yeah, the machine's in the back by the plate row machine." (Misunderstanding the question). I said, "No, I'm using a barbell, I just want someone to check my form and make sure I've got it down." "I have no idea about that," he said. I died a little on the inside. But pretty sure I did them well, everything felt clean and I'm tight where I'm supposed to be tight.
  2. Hey, so where did you get this track from? Or do you own the OST? I likes it, and wantz to lift to it.

    Megatona Furioso - Guilty Gear XX #Reload Original Soundtrack

  3. Hack squat virgin about to go raze the quads. It's gonna be a good day
  4. 'Preciate it! Random vanity question for everybody: at what BF% do you start seeing your abs? Mine typically start showing up at a little over 11, but that's according to my scale, which I think is a little overzealous in it's fat measurement. I'm trying to calculate when to start my cut, and I'm leaning toward the beginning of January, because common knowledge says that is the most important time of year to exercise...
  5. Oh yeah...I need to pick this up. I know many sites will have this listed by now (I hope), but where is the best, definitive list of what's different between the versions? I haven't had a chance to look through the usual sites yet.
  6. When I found that (by accident), I pulled it up and told my wife she had to hear this. So I started playing it, and you know at first it sounds just like the original. So she was like, "So what, I've heard this before (electric guitar hits) and OHHHHMAGERD." One of many reasons why she's awesome.
  7. Thanks Halt! I'm only familiar with three of those, so I'll be sure to check the other ones out. OA. Dude. Go to Amazon's mp3 search and type in the Rocky Remix exactly as I have it typed out in my earlier list post. It's the workout theme from Rocky IV remixed as rock. And it is every bit as badass as you think it might be. Let me know what you think. Also, Devour barely missed making it into my list, love that song too. I'll check out the others as well. Thanks bros!
  8. Somebody? Anybody? People on this website do like music, right?
  9. Would anyone be awesome enough to post your top ten songs for going all beastly in the gym? OCR or non-OCR, either way. Not a favorites list, just the songs you want to have on when you're trying for that deadlift record. I'll post mine as a show of good faith; my list is getting a little stale, even a handful of new ones would be super appreciated. So here we go, in no particular order: 1) Kraddy – Android Porn 2) OCR – Yoshi's Island – Bowzilla 3) OCR – Maverick Rising Album – X-Hunted 4) The Very Best Movie Soundtracks – Rocky Training Montage (Rock Version) 5) Breaking Benjamin – Blow Me Away 6) Metallica – Frantic 7) Daft Punk – Tron Soundtrack – Derezzed The Glitch Mob – Bad Wings 9) OCR – Sonic 3 – Breaking the Ice 10) Disturbed – Stupify Bonus: Puff Daddy – Come with Me (Godzilla Soundtrack) Rob Zombie – Superbeast Drowning Pool – The Man Without Fear (Daredevil Soundtrack) GO!
  10. If you haven't checked out the new Bowzilla ReMix, go do it now. PRs all over the place.
  11. And leg day in the gym just found new inspiration. Man, that intro makes my hair rise and skin prickle.
  12. From my experience, I'd say your position while seated is the culprit; the onset of the pain and the timing of when it occurs really doesn't match up to the injury being from exercise. The exercise might exacerbate it (especially things like calf raises, as you are doing a similar motion to tucking your feet under), but it doesn't sound like the problem to me. So then comes the question of how to fix it. Because you're spending large amounts of time with those particular ligaments stretched while seated, I would think a break from leg exercise, a conscious effort to not tuck your feet under, and an ibuprofen regimen to treat inflammation would get you back on track. Something like one week to two weeks of rest, depending on the severity of the pain. Talk to your doc or a physical therapist about the details for an ibuprofen regimen.
  13. How often do you do exercises involving your ankles, and for how long have you been steadily doing them? Was there a particular motion or exercise that initiated the first pain you felt, or was it gradual?
  14. Dude. This is the place to brag. Do it more often. And on the 25 lbs., that's awesome.
  15. Yeah, that was my inherent question, can you put the plates to the bar. Well, here's to you being lean and mean while everyone else starts looking a little puffy
  16. Aw man, I hate to hear that. From one skinny bro to another, you have my sympathies. Will you be able to do any leg work?
  17. This is what I expected the last part of your statement to say
  18. I'm gonna chalk this one up to having only three and a half hours of sleep the night before. But still...wow. I don't use monohydrate at all either, though I do take regular, small doses of hydrochloride. It's more useful for endurance and recovery rather than gains, but I'll let you know if my hair starts falling out.
  19. ^ I'm really, really surprised that study didn't list what kind of creatine was being used. Based on the amounts they were using and the cycle they followed, it's pretty clear they were using monohydrate, which is much harder on the body than other forms. To me, that's like doing a study about meat consumption but not clarifying what kind of meat was used. Maybe not a great analogy, but still, the type of creatine is VERY significant. For example, creatine pyruvate does not even get filtered by the liver, whereas monohydrate will really do a number on the liver if you take it for too long or don't drink enough water. The pyruvic acid bonded to the creatine in the pyruvate form causes uptake from the digestive system directly to the bloodstream. More efficient and less harmful, though pyruvate isn't as potent for bulking.
  20. Also very important is the type of creatine you are taking. Monohydrate (the most common creatine by far) requires a lot of dedicated water consumption, and also requires cycling on and off to avoid liver damage. Forms like pyruvate and hydrochloride don't require nearly as much water or maintenance, though it's still a good idea to drink a little extra on those.
  21. Dark Cloud plus Kate the Great? Yes, please. This is fantastic.
  22. Buffness is hard. I've gotten to the point where I have to eat angry. I have to pretend that salmon jumped out of the water and slapped me across the face before I cooked it, otherwise I can't make myself chew. On the bright side, I gained two pounds last week. Nine more and I'll be at my previous max weight, but with a body fat percentage at least four points lower than the last mark
  23. Please Mommy, no more meat and sweet potatoes.
  24. You must eat pull-ups for lunch. It's absolutely something. Go ahead and make your own before picture to give you resolve for the after picture. I have a before picture from before I started hitting the gym hard last winter, and it's fun to look at now. Makes you want to go even further.
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