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Everything posted by Sir_Downunder

  1. It's one in the morning over here, just got off work 'bout an hour ago, so I thought I'd check the site for anything new. , I think I won't be getting to sleep anytime soon now. I absolutely love, love, LOVE the guitar/chiptune action when it kicks to high gear. Congrats on your first remix ToN. Hoping your future here will be a bright one... Now if you'll excuse me... (goes to sleep)
  2. Oh God, this track just oozes sex out of every orifice. AnSo, your a bloody genius, mate. Love the mood that everything sets in this. The skitter sounds completely wicked, piano's nice and light... but the bass, man, the bass. I don't know where you pulled that from and I don't care, that's seriously one of most mean and badass I've heard in a long time. I just really, really dig this.
  3. Beefy bass? Check... Killer guitar? Check... Plenty'o attitude...? ... Definately in check
  4. Drums are absolutely diabolical , fits the tone and source tune really well. My hat goes off to you, good sir. (Tips hat)
  5. Even though SSF2T HD Remix isn't out here in Australia (Yet... . Soon hopefully ) , I (thankfully) got some of the tracks so I could to sample the album for myself. The fact this album totally rocks makes up for not having access to this awesomely sextacular game.
  6. Duuuuude... this track is awesome! A great piece of solid production with a kickass solo and ending to boot! Viva Sixto! May his age of remixing never end!
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