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Prince uf Darkness

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Everything posted by Prince uf Darkness

  1. There's a poll open to vote for your favorite track: http://www.capcom-unity.com/snow_infernus/blog/2010/08/30/bcr_2_make_something_radd_remix_poll Come show support for your fellow OCR musicians!
  2. By the way guys, the one posted as "Tony" is me
  3. I would also like to announce that I submitted a track earlier today!
  4. Oh my bad, I guess I overlooked that in the search. Take this as a reminder then
  5. I figured I might as well just post this since I know a few of you have noticed that the VGMix server is down. Paragon and I have setup a temporary backup for DoD at http://dod.bossies.org until virt gets a chance to check out what's up with the VGMix server. And y'all should really check out Last Month's DoD battle (RAR Archive of Tracks, Bossies.org Results page), because it was totally freaking awesome and had a collection of some of the highest quality tracks ever seen in DoD. And please let everyone you know who follows DoD about this, DoD is still here, but I know there are a lot of listeners who don't go on The Shizz and wouldn't know about the new website location. Plus it doesn't show up yet in Google. Thanks guys. PoD
  6. You should really do yourself a favor and not come into this thread until you've finished the entire series. Spoilers GALORE.
  7. Wow damn, I'm surprised SnappleMan hasn't updated the first post yet! The album is finished, printed, and shipping!!!! People have already received their copies. If you haven't bought a copy yet, then what the hell is wrong with you!? So yeah, go get your copy at www.rockednloaded.com
  8. On all the EWQL stuff I've used thus far, it doesn't copy the library over (would take too much effin' time!) and they have you manually move the library files to the location you want. When you go through the installation, you choose where the library is located. If the sounds aren't in your chosen folder then it won't work. Also, this might be different in the PLAY engine, but there's a menu in each EWQL plugin where you can select the location of the library. Poke around and I bet you'll find it.
  9. Because it uses the PLAY engine, and I want to try it [the engine] out, since I'm looking at buying Stormdrum 2.0. A couple OCR types told me that the PLAY engine is a disaster (but bLiNd mentioned that it's a lot better now). So I just want to see what's up. However, if there's some sneaky thing that the driver does since it's apparently some "anti-piracy" thing, then I want to know just so it doesn't screw up any of my current stuff.
  10. So I tried to install this, and a message from Windows 7 popped up asking me if I wanted to install "Pace Anti-Piracy". Not gonna lie, I definitely have some pirated EWQL stuff and I don't want it to be disabled or anything. Apparently this is also the emulated iLok driver that EWQLSO Free uses to run. Anyone know anything about this?
  11. Do you guys know if this uses the PLAY Engine? I already have Symphonic Orchestra in Gold and Platinum editions, but I've been looking at checking out Stormdrum 2.0, which uses the PLAY engine. However, I've heard some bad things about it and it would be nice if I can demo PLAY before I buy anything.
  12. I'm going to say yes. Don't forget that the soundtrack's original composer is on the album, even if he is one of us. That shit doesn't happen every day!
  13. I hope you're being sarcastic. It's FoxxDragon, resident TheShizz/DoD artist legend!
  14. If anyone's interested, I made a video of myself playing a 2-guitar arrangement on this song: I decided I needed a better way to push the song than having an mp3 to a synchronized MAMplayer visual.
  15. Not sure what's so wrong about this... I've been using this host for a few years now and not ONCE have I ever run into a problem such described. The brunt of my bandwidth is mp3 files while page visits are not nearly as much. I've read over the terms and I have not seen one suspicious thing they've tried to sneak in. The only thing they demand is no personal data storage, and no illegal activities, which I would expect most hosts to ask for.
  16. How much is he paying for the hosting? If it's more than $5.95/mo. then he should check out Hostmonster.com. It's what I use, it's cheap, it has unlimited server space and bandwidth, and was really the only host that did this at the time I registered. It seems to me that many hosts are gearing towards this anyway, so I'd recommend he just looks for a different host. If he doesn't want to change hosts I might be able to help with hosting files. I can't do it for free but I wont gouge his wallet.
  17. I guess, save for this comment: "Awful. The orchestra did not fit the main melody really well, and generally sounded like a cheap knock-off cover (Which it was). Reminds me of SnM by Metallica, except that SnM worked, but this did not at all" (which, by the way, is a very, very funny comment) The comments I guess are mostly split 50/50 between "Hey, cool!" and "Ho-hum"/"This sucks" I'm tempted to register and ask them to elaborate on their opinions but I figure that there's probably no use in arguing with fanboys.
  18. Christ man. I love you. Can you read tabs? I can send you tabs of the parts for you to make the song more accurate. I would send you separated tracks but my laptop is out of commission right now. EDIT: Turns out I already have separated tracks on an external Hard Drive.
  19. Just checked out this page. The response is wildly negative. No one seems to like it there. But that's ok, at least actual musicians seem to like it And at least Frank, the original composer, liked it.
  20. Hey thanks guy. I appreciate the words. Are you...serious? We're like....psychically connected or something. Also, Mechanical Man rules.
  21. Haha, blame that on virt. He does everything with his keyboard, which means pitchbend whole step rape.
  22. Haha yeah, well nothing can possibly top that. Still, considering I actually stumbled onto the show by accident and seeing this guy on, especially having been at MAGfest a month ago, it was like "y hullo thar djpretzel"
  23. I'm surprised that no one's caught onto this yet. Searched the forum and nothing. So there's that new TV show Fringe on Fox during Tuesday nights. Pretty sweet show, it's like my X-Files fix after it ended. However, the lead male actor, who's name is Joshua Jackson, bares a STRIKING resemblance to djpretzel. Example: For reference, djpretzel: If you still don't believe me: EDIT: Gaaah, the "i" key on my keyboard keeps screwing with me. DAVID Lloyd, not DAVD Lloyd.
  24. Why yes...yes there is!
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