I've been pretty good Jade! It's funny, I was thinking about you yesterday, was wondering where you vanished off to, and then you post on on my profile, hah.
Yeah, it is. The TF2 group kicked us off the box for good reasons.
It's like our parents are on unemployment and all we can afford is a small server for the time being.
I only play on the community server no single player.
As much as i would love to pay for a space to host. I'm dead broke, and the money i do get has to go to other things.
I am a total sucker for obscure items you would never find. Just damn cool shit, doesn't matter what it is.
Buttons, pins, little figurines, whatever.
I'm open to things like that, but anything related to consoles is a no go for me. Because I don't own one. Just getting that out there.
if we're not losing all our inventory, can you mine the obsidian walls for me? and drop them in my chests in the bottom floor on the left from the stairs.
You're not the only one, he came into my house last night and dug a hole in the wall claiming it was his apartment. Then I check my house and he dug all the way to my unfinished basement, and to the canal in a huge cavern.
I hate him. My house might have sucked but I was working on getting things for it. Now I just don't care anymore. My glass castle will be my humble abode when its finished. :\
I won't be home, going out with some friends. I'll show you where it is this weekend.
Also, if any of you see brandon in my house, tell him to get the fuck out. He just randomly dug a room in my wall for no god damn reason. Said he was "paying rent" and whatnot. RAAAAAAGGEE.