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Everything posted by Halt

  1. RMA that bitch and purchase a new one. There should be a 30-day return policy.
  2. Wat u sayd u wud save me some!

  3. i whant ur cheezeborgers. can i haz some?

  4. Rawrrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. Best post. :3 Include those OC ReMixes in the routines still man! Don't forget your roots. We love you.
  6. I didn't get to talk to you much at MAGFest, but I had the pleasure of at least saying hi and introducing myself. Good luck with your promotion and all you achieve in life. Good luck Taucer.
  7. Mother fucking best movie ever. I'm totally buying it. Fuck yes.
  8. Jack Johnson - Better Together
  9. Its alright. I haven't had the ambition to figure it out yet.
  10. Happy Birthday! You need a photobomb "Happy Birthday" picture stevo.
  11. Halt


    I love you. I really do. You are a mac user that KNOWS you need that shit. Not one of the arrogant "MACS NEVER GET VIRUSES!!11!!1" Although you waited a year. Better late then never I suppose. Cool beans Avast has a mac version! http://download.cnet.com/Avast-Antivirus/3000-2239_4-187576.html
  12. I sent you on a mission to tell Amy and Vinnie Hi for me.
  13. Welcome to OverClocked ReMix! Don't be sorry for leeching I'm sure plenty of people around here do
  14. Happy birthday dood!
  15. Farwell, you may not be around as much come December. Let be known, you will NEVAR BE FORGOTTEN. Good luck on all the obstacles that you will surely overcome.
  16. I think I might go with that Sat Combo, I've heard good things, maybe I'll get those Seymores for my Cort. Thanks guys. I'll probably make a project thread and update it as I go along with restoring This Washburn BT-2. Just in case anyone is interested. and learning to install my own pickups will save me a lot of money.
  17. Naw, its absolutely necessary. I do the same for people when they wish to build PCs I did find some Seymore Duncans: http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/product/Seymour-Duncan-Hot-Rodded-Humbucker-Set-?sku=300030 But iunno, no more then $150 tops. a little less if possible.
  18. All-purpose, since I like a lot of different styles. Its an old guitar so I don't really plan to use it for much then just whatever.
  19. Hey. I have acquired a Washburn BT-2 Maverick Series. Just about everything is wrong with it. I just found a replacement neck for it, so now I need a couple pickups. all the little shit can wait. What's good? Like, not TOO pricey, but not cheap either.
  20. He didn't click the 'Format' button under more options when it shows your drives.. Otherwise it will do that.
  21. I can only imagine. The kids will have plenty to keep them busy. No?
  22. Holy shit.I've never seen so many games and consoles in one place, (Other then MAGFest of course)
  23. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/compare That's all you need.
  24. This. mwhaha
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