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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Looks pretty interesting. We don't need like all the boxsets and stuff right? You just want to use the basic setting of Planescape? I suppose you'll have to suggest it to whoever will be DMing and such. We'd be working around the DM's schedules I believe too. So if anyone knows 3.5e and would like to DM, let us know.
  2. I've seen some bots like that before. There is a channel on espernet I setup for communication purposes that I'm lazily setting up. #D&D I figured it'd be much easier to come together and decided what's going on, or whatever, schedules, time, dates, whatever. MaxFrost showed me this: http://tabletopforge.com/ Looks pretty cool. Also, I'm still going to recommend D&D 3.5 as some people said it's more roleplaying compared to 4e and I happen to agree with that as well.
  3. I like this idea. 4e was very easy for me to pick up as well. i'm assuming you've DM'd before? I picked up 4e in just a couple sessions. Much easier then 3.5 imo. This is pretty rad.
  4. Although I agree with 4e's simplicity combat with so many people is far from streamlined. I know 4e, and with so many people it's hectic in combat. Combat takes AGES with so many people. Unless K-wix is the magic man to remedy that. But I have to agree, it is easier.
  5. Currently that works for me, but I'll be switching my work schedule up now that classes are over, so depending if they have me opening or closing is dependent if i can play on week days. Gonna try to get weekends off though.
  6. Depending on what edition we play, read the boooooks. I have not seen rex around the past couple days to discuss this with him yet. The best way to learn is just playing.
  7. Man, if I had the funds, I'd drive out the the cities and say hi. I'm about 2.5 hours from the twin cities.
  8. Yeah... :/ I just like rolling dice. I have a crap ton of them.
  9. I agree not 4th edition. (Even though it's the only edition i know, haha!) Thing is, such a large group is very hard to manage. The idea is great. But take into consideration of combat. It could take ages! I don't really see a work-around for it unless this is going to be very RP based, you know? Unless in this "organization" It would really have to be split into two groups either way. Unless some magic man can speed combat up? Also: I'd really like to roll my own dice. Dice servers are for chumps. I'd assume we can all be trustworthy with our rolls?
  10. Yeah, I'm totally game. I love D&D :3
  11. This album is so rad. If you haven't bought this, or at least checked it out I'm not sure how you can live with yourself. Best. Album. Ever. Vote ToN for President.
  12. I'm looking to make a visit back to MAG, but It'd be rad if I could catch a ride with someone. Maybe Baridic/OA/Flik if any of you guys are coming or driving, I could most likely pay you to pick me up. I live in Central Wisconsin if that helps. And then of course a room.
  13. I stopped playing this game, I got to scared.
  14. me too!
  15. Alright. thanks!
  16. I was just about to make a post about this. Could I get my reserved slot on the new servers? I did pay for it back when you had to, and I have been playing on the server recently.
  17. I'm running through the first one right now, and I've went around on the steam forums, and many people say the combat is horrible. But then there are a large number of people who absolutely love it. I'll be picking this up with my first paycheck probably. I'm in the second chapter of The Witcher, and The Witcher 2 looks amazing. From what I've read about the combat I'm excited that its more in-depth.
  18. hahahaha. I lol'd. Mine is after a character out of a book series i read.
  19. If they did that, I don't know if I would use FL Studio anymore, since I use the piano roll a lot.
  20. So uh, last time I looked at this, it was coming along nice. I look at it tonight, and I'm surprised. Close to, or over half of the tracks are finished. I'm excited. I love you guys.
  21. I'm sorry guys, cross me off. I'm sorry to bail but i have absolutely no money
  22. Bolded because I fucking agree.
  23. Donated $5 yay!
  24. My AIM is Haltmusic


  25. I'll have to catch you on face book or aim or something like that to do some catching up! :) It's been a while. :P

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