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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Dude, the info is on steam, delete EVERYTHING in your steam folder, except that blobfile name it like oldblob2 . (backup your games and appdata folder) and then reboot steam. it should work then. It team to update. its not on the latest updated shit so it thinks its busy, when its really not. I've had this problem before, 3 times. Sorry I wasn't on the server tonight guys. Friend was over and shit and futurama takes presence over video games. I'm sure Fireslash didn't mean to have the two coincide along with OHC being tonight as well.
  2. I'm assuming you can change the game mode in server, no? But if its a different game mode, Well then yeah, i can see how its suitable.
  3. Can't respawn? the server I used to play on, you could respawn. And then I see what you're saying, But I'm still not a fan of camping.
  4. Halt doesn't like campers. I think camping is silly. The only exception I have to it. Lets say your being chased, you run behind a wall go prone and when then come at you, boom. dead. But purposely camping and waiting for people is stupid.
  5. I'm in i'll start downloading it, and I'm a noob at it too. So don't be alarmed if I suck it up.
  6. I'm back into the p90x again, I'm making time for it in the mornings now. Today I had one hell of a workout, but i only lasted 30 mins of the full hour. Being the fact I was extremely tired going into the workout today, woke up at 5:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. is it bad if I cut a workout short? Or just can't finish it? other p90x workouts I can finish, plyometrics kicks my ass though.
  7. Trigun FLCL Monster the only ones I watch :3 Plus they're the only good ones imo
  8. Ladysmith wisconsin, kind of on the northwestern side of wisconsin, look it up on google maps.
  9. If ANYONE has to come through Northern Wisconsin, or would be willing to pick me up, I will help pay for gas with little money I have. Or arrange a half way point, possibly. the pick me up would work so much better. cause I'd have no one to drive me to meet up. I'm in as long as I can find a ride.
  10. I had brain surgery when I was 8 and grew up a gamer, 3D movies never make me feel amiss. :S
  11. He's right. Dio did die aswell.
  12. The whole thumb in the middle doesn't work for me. The reason being, is it puts an immense amount of tension on my wrist. The last time I used that technique, not saying it doesn't work, but for some things, like lower frets, cause me to bend my wrist, and with out bending it, I couldn't make ceartain formations. and I then ended up on a wrist splint for 3 weeks.
  13. Bent Wrists are usually bad aren't they? I mean, when I play from the first fret, I have to bend my wrist, or the palm of my index finger rests on the high e string. Now that I think of it, the palm of my index finger always rests on the high e string, unless I bend my wrist some. I don't want to fuck up my wrist playing again. Any help? Pics would be nice to as to direct a fix.
  14. I hope you remember this.. ;]

  15. You DO! Cause I want some moar remixes from j00. So get done with classes and hurry the fuck up

  16. lolol. Well dooder, git er done! Sooner its done, sooner classes are over. :3

  17. Hahah. Essay's are easy. Whats the topic?

  18. Happy birthdayyyyyy
  19. You probably didn't know she has a penis either. LAWL.
  20. This made me lol.
  21. Who will be our Slut then?
  22. Congrats AreoZ! This is great news man . Hopefully you can make it to MAGFest again [:
  23. You do know, that meme is used for nothing but sarcasm? I'd kinda steer away from using that if you're being serious.
  24. I found OCR looking for video game music or some kind of music in a google search. and it led me here obviously. OCR has been my humble abode on the interwebs since 2008
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