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Everything posted by Halt

  1. The last forum I frequented, the name not important. Was full of nothing but asshats and trolls. I came to OCR sometime in 2008, found the FF7 album and after that, I hung around here for a while, met some cool people. Heard about MAGFest. I can honestly say, when I came to these forums I never thought I would be seeing some of you in-person. It never crossed my mind. I mean, not only do some of us come from all across the nation to hangout and have fun. Theres some that come across the sea to do the very same. But it kinda is like a family, if you think of all the cons, and meetups as reunions. Hah.
  2. Halt - Character Code: 287
  3. We need a list of IDs is there one somewhere?
  4. Yeah, i thought that was cool the notepad.
  5. I has it! Went to the midnight release. Complete waste of my time, since I had to spend all day in another town fucking around for 8 hours. totally not worth it. Never doing a midnight release again. I'll just pre-order it, and pick it up the next day when i wake up.
  6. I'm kinda in the same boat, college soon, and I'm sick as a dog. I don't really play games when I'm sick. Can't concentrate.
  7. I'd have to buy the FL soundfont player the Producers Edt doesn't come with it, only a demo Thanks this is helpful :]
  8. Thats why I wont use sfz I will run more then 2 instance most likely. Any others off hand?
  9. I'm not looking to copy his every instrument. But just to get the feel of the quiet, rhythmic side. Could you reccomend me a good soundfont player as well? I'll check these out. Thanks
  10. I KNOW I shouldn't post this, but I've scoured the web not being able to find any decent samples that I need. I'm into the light melodic style of Yasunori Mitsuda. The quaint feeling of his music is something I'd love to get into. But I just can't find any good samples of things that would fit that catagory. Maybe someone knows of a cheap sample pack from somewhere I could pick up. It'd be great if anyone can direct me to some things that I could use for this specific genre.
  11. Moonlight Bowling, Friday night. like 11pm they were playing the ending song of Portal. before it was stuff off the jukebox. This song just randomly came on. O_o CAKE!
  12. Chrono Cross bitches. Yasunori Mitsuda FTW
  13. Usually Wind and myself get the server going at nights. We've have some pretty big matches. 8v8 at one point. So check at nights, and add my gamertag magnumrage if you want to play just hit me up and We'll get the server going. It's a lot tougher to get it going by sitting in there by my self so It would be great if some of you guys could add myself and Wind both of us have been getting the server going on a regular basis. I haven't played in a while due to the fact I've been busy with social things lately and taking care of my dog will be in effect all next week to. What we need are people WILLING to say "Hey lets play some CS:S" once you get 1v1 going, people start joining and it gets going. I had some guy the other night asking me where zircon and djp were. lmao. So just hit us up. If anything I'd go home at night and play some CSS next week. I don't want to sit around my moms all day.
  14. I has pre-ordered my copy :3
  16. I vote me. lawls. But yeah we should. It would help out a lot.
  17. Yeah, I figured since its OCR it would just be for fun and such.
  18. Can we get alltalk turned on? I like all talk, and Darke turned it on for us on a map once. otherwise we need to vote for it :[
  19. You guys better have an awesome birthday! WOOOOO
  20. Usually when Windstrike and I are on, we get it going late at night.
  21. Man I suck at this game, but its still fun.
  22. I'd have to agree, I was playing on a server, and pretty much everyone was using the AWP. I'd ban it. I don't mind flashes. Not sure why anyone would. They're pretty standard.
  23. When do you people play? I don't think the server was touched last night. I'm looking to play as much as I can.
  24. it is a HL mod, my friend Tyler got a bumper sticker from some big NS server for the top player of the month, note he used to play 8 hours a day and completely raped at that game, Also, I agree with rambo, I like the way the server is right now.
  25. Personally, I like Deathmatch, but I'm up for whatever.
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