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Jenz Drake

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Everything posted by Jenz Drake

  1. Not bad... I dig it. Have you ever played this game, Palpable? Just by listening to it, I can tell you have played this game before. If you haven't played it, then it's pretty brilliant because you really got the feel for this game in the remix. I really love it and you should submit more. Still though, my favorite by you is your FFX mix. I see it already has been mentioned and I meant to give a review for this remix the day it was posted, but I'm always so busy. But yeah, Big Giant Circles also remixed the same track for the gameboy version. Another great song too. This track in the game is my favorite one. I wish more people would remix it. Thanks for submitting your version, Palpable.
  2. Question for Mazedude, Hey man... what's up? That song "Maze of Death" is sick and amazing. Do you know what style it's going to be yet?
  3. Thanks for that submission, Nutritious! It's a wonderful piece. For the time you had, making a combination of 5 tracks is epic. Amazing job and work! Congrats! I hope some other tracks on that get well album are submitted as well.
  5. LMAO dude... I been wanting one of those... They sell 'em in Walgreens now for $15!! Anyway...hahaha... I had a question for OA and/or Audio Fidelity... Who's all gonna be apart of this choir officially? Just curious. I haven't had time to be on AIM lately so I was hoping to hear from Jay about somewhat of a deadline? Jordan and I would like to know what the deadline is for "The Final Battle" so we get started after the DKC2 song Jordan's gonna do. And I like capes.. but I don't know if you've ever seen the Pixar movie The Incredibles? They explain why capes suck.. haha buuut I still like capes.
  6. I knew that... that's why I'm begging him to be on it regardless...
  7. Aw man... I can't wait for this one. Megaman music has got to be one of my top favorites. I've always been shocked every time I looked at the project list because there's no Megaman around. God bless k-wix for this idea! Good luck to everyone that's apart of it now and in the future! You def got tons of people looking forward to this one... I appreciate all the rock OC remixers on this project for far. It's going to be awesome...but I hope more electronic OC remixers get involved. Yay to my very close friend Jewbei and bLiNd! (hint hint... come on Beatdrop...please?)
  8. You got support from me too. Sorry to hear about your hard drive (I know how it feels.. lost 250 gigs of 10 years worth of stuff....) \: but I still have your WIP and still waiting on this one.
  9. OMG, FINALLY female version shirts!! haha We def. need to get girls more involved in the community and this is the perfect way to start! I'd be interested in buying some like that!
  10. Yes, Alter Code F. WONDERFUL remake.. The soundtrack was replaced with new music, though. Yeah, Jordan and I have talked about the difficulty of a project. But this is just to test and see if anyone is interested first. Nothing is going to be done quite yet. I am willing to be more involved in the community and to learn what I need to.
  11. Aw man.... thanks for the support! haha I'm glad to see Wild Arms fans do exist. I am going to be submitting a couple of remixes on this project for the first time. I'm excited!
  12. Wild Arms: ARMed and DANGerous releases on Dec. 20, 2011, which is the 15th Anniversary. Get Hype! Track list artwork by Vilecat & Emunator - Signatures by Global-Trance: PREVIEW of August 1st, 2011 - http://www.sendspace.com/file/pynjii
  13. Larry shared this in the "Jade Catacombs" review. Thanks to Amber Ahlborn for the plug! nerve.com is pretty kool too. Check it out guys!
  14. ....... ...... I'm confused... I don't know what to say.. I think Keanu Reeves is awesome... but I dunno... sorry you all feel that way.. I know Hollywood messes up movies... but you may just never know.. Have faith! I hope it turns out at least decent. I've watched the entire series plus the movie... all brilliant.. I've been a fan for a while... I'm actually pretty excited.
  15. It's all good, Bahamut. She was having PC problems, but she's back on board! Can't wait until her's is done. I'm glad she's apart of this community.
  16. You're insane... That's like the best part! ... It's my favorite part.... I agree this tops White Skies, though... hehehe That's the track that made me contact him.
  17. That Monkey Business album rocks btw... Jordan and I love it. hahaha
  18. I gotta say I really enjoy the tracks of bustatunez, Mazedude.... and OMG ZOOLA'S DISCO TRAIN SONG... I LooooooooVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it!!! :D :D I hope the screams were left on there... hint hint... There are tracks by Nicole Adams that aren't sampled here... which are friggin' amazing too... Keep up the great work guys!!!
  19. lmaooooooo Larry, I miss you man.... btw... You need to submit a good review too, ya know... =P
  20. Welcome to OCR! What type of genre you lookin' for? I'm pretty knowledgable about most tracks here. Which video game music you lookin' for anyway? I really recommend to spend quite a few weeks in here and just browse through everything... You'd be surprised how many amazing tracks you can find... even with games you wouldn't figure that has potential at all could have awesome music. I promise you will enjoy it here.
  21. YAAAAAAAAY I'M THE FIRST TO POST!!!! :D Out of everything I've heard from bLiNd, I MUST say it's the best one by him up-to-date. I can't wait until the other ones are posted. I so happy! THANKS EVERYONE!!!
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