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Jenz Drake

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Everything posted by Jenz Drake

  1. Finally, someone comments on this one. I LOVED this one. hy bound needs more attention!!
  2. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!!!! ROCK ON!!! The album had some electronic "elements", but not much of the electronic genre. 4 just isn't enough. Nevertheless, OA and his team did work extremely hard on this project and they get thumbs up no matter what.
  3. ROFL 70% ELECTRONIC? Just 'cos you have a couple of synths in a track, doesn't quite make it electronic...
  4. Wow, go Lar! haha I would've probably flipped out. XD Also, thanks for the kind offer! We are highly interested in going to next year's Magfest...but we're so poor. It's almost $400 for one plane ticket. We're not sure if we'll go.
  5. Hey guys.. Love the Lufia series and Lufia II is def one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Can I request something in this project, if you don't mind of course? Can we have a bit more of electronic? haha I appreciate all genres and the past 14 project albums are great and all... but it always lacks a lot of electronic music. That makes me sad.
  6. Wow Level 99...that's quite the story. LOL I wish I still lived in the east coast... Your parties sound like a lot of fun! Poor Liontamer, though... :\
  7. Home page video is great. Very well done! I def have a lot of favorites on this album and it's great audio fidelity will soon be an official OC ReMixer. He's earned it. Superb job everyone. You'll also find 3 of bLiNd's superior tracks on the project album. It's his best work up to date. Thanks to OA for this project.
  8. YAY, this finally gets posted! :D :D Last night at the listening party, people kept saying the voice sounded like Chun Li and I couldn't help it.. I laughed so much. lol I never thought of it before, but it really does. hehe Overall great mix, my favorite track he's done for the project. Go bLiNd! Keep going!
  9. I hart Sixto and Snappleman. hahaha The party was SO MUCH FUN! Man, I loved it!! It was my first time on the OCR chat and I was so happy when I went to bed. Thanks so much guys!! And I didn't know Otaku was a girl so sorry... But other then that, (lol) THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
  10. Congrats to Nutritious, OA & Fabul Men's Choir... This is def one of my favorite tracks on the album. So glad this posted! I can't get enough of this song. I'm very impressed.
  11. that would be perfect to go knowing that august 14th is jordan's birthday, but there ain't no way we can go. haha... but i had a question for you djp... would Megacon interest you or ocr at all? you guys go to so many cons and Megacon is a very good one. any chance in considering it or maybe in the near future? here's the site: www.megaconvention.com It's VERY famous in orlando, fl; aka the place i grew up. anyway, that's all. haven't posted in a while... hope you and anna are doing very well along with liontamer. hope you guys come back to vegas in the near future. you're always welcome in our new home.
  12. I saw these last night... HILARIOUS! Great job.
  13. Hey k-wix! Just wondering if you got bLiNd's WIP of "Suspense." We haven't heard from you so we were worried you didn't get it. Thanks pal. Take care!

  14. I don't care what anyone says. Like I told him at dinner when he visited Jordan & I in Vegas... I love this song.
  15. Wow, only 2 posts? Happy Valentine's day anyway! Yay to the new track that got posted today! Finaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyy.
  16. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! IT FINALLY GOT POSTED!!! I LOVE THIS SONG!!! Congrats to Nicole Adams for doing an amazing job with this track and injury's return... I love her work too. Happy V-Day to all! Kinda weird this got posted today.. Jordan and I have been playing DKC today.
  17. Crisis Core is a must... Seriously. The game changed my life.
  18. Sorry I haven't been on lately. Happy birthday q-pa from me and bLiNd!
  19. VERY GOOD SONG! I LOVE IT! And I agree with Finn as well. This sort of genre takes time to get to the 'meat and potatoes'. Welcome back abg! I hope you submit more like this in the future!
  20. I downloaded your RO project a while back and I liked this song the best out of all the tracks. I'm happy this is an official OC ReMix. Congrats! I'm a huge fan of the game and soundtrack. It's my favorite MMO ever. Wish more people would contribute.
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